
  • 网络blon-chen-po;facies group
  1. 驴却大相庭径,他有很多的事情要做;到磨坊去推磨,到树林去背回木材,或到农庄去驮运货物。

    The ass , on the contrary , had much work to do , in grinding the corn-mill and in carrying wood from the forest or burdens from the farm , .

  2. 由于动量不守恒,电子声子在更大相空间内相互作用,从而导致了2αF(ω)低频端的上升。

    As a result of momentum nonconservation , electronic phonon in bigger phase space interaction , thus caused to rises of α ~ 2F (ω) at the extremity of low frequency .

  3. 目的了解四川省大相岭地区有瓣蝇类的种类及其他相关情况。

    Objective To explore the species and other information of Calyptratae in Daxiangling .

  4. 以英译汉为例,英汉两种语言属于不同的语系,在很多方面大相庭径。

    Take English-Chinese translation for example , English and Chinese belong to different language families and are different in many aspects .

  5. 结果表明:在合金中的两大相&硬质相和钢基体相,热疲劳裂纹优先在硬质相区中扩展;

    The results show that thermal fatigue crack propagates preferentially in hard phase region of the alloy that consists of hard phase and steel matrix .

  6. 就男人泛泛而言,即使那些吸引我的,类型也大相其异,我想对每个人都是如此吧。

    For guys in general , the ones that I 'm attracted to are far too between , and that 's probably the case for everyone .

  7. 饲料中的磷是养殖鱼类最主要的磷源,饲料中常用的几种磷源受鱼的种类、大小、饲料效率等作用对鱼生长性能的影响大相迥异。

    The phosphorus in feed is the main phosphorus source . Effect of various phosphorus sources on growth performance is quite different because of fish species , size and feed efficiency .

  8. 结果表明,在精原细胞增生期,支持细胞间存在镶嵌连接,与精原细胞增生以及生精小囊的体积变大相适应;

    The results showed that there were membrane interdigitation between sertoli cells in the spermatogenesis proliferation , which coincided with the proliferation of spermatogonium and the increasing size of spermatogenetic cysts .

  9. 实践证明利用大相幅多光谱航片,调查海岸带土地利用现状,为开发利用提供快速而有用的资料,具有推广应用的价值。

    Practice shows that the large format multiband aerial photograph is of wide use in the investigation of coastal zone land use which can provide the necessary data for the coastal zone exploitation quickly .

  10. 通过合并方式我国可以出现规模与四大相抗衡的大型会计师事务所,但是合并能否也带来国内所审计质量的提高,则是一个学术界和实务界都在探讨的问题。

    By combining we can have the same scale accounting firms compared with the big four , but whether the merge can bring the audit quality improvement is the problem which academia and practice are explored together .

  11. 在这种国外事务所强有力的冲击下,中国很有必要建立一批具备国际竞争力、能够和国际四大相抗衡的大型事务所,并带动整个本土会计师行业的发展和壮大。

    In this foreign firm strong impact , It is necessary to establish a group of internationally competitive large firms can compete the " Big Four " and drive the development of the local accounting industry and grow .

  12. 以湖平面升降为基础,结合各种相标志,对须家河组沉积相进行划分,将其分为辫状河、三角洲、湖沼三大相及相应的亚相和微相。

    In the basis of fluctuation of lake level and through combining the different kinds of phase label , the sedimentary facies of Xujiahe Formation is divided into anastomosed stream , delta , lake-morass facies and the homologous subfacies and microfacies .

  13. 由于思维逻辑和价值模式的差异而在对利益和秩序的追求下派生出大相迥异的政治控制实现方式,演化为两种发展取向相反的社会结构。

    AS the chasing of interests and order derive the Political Control , but because the two reverse of thinking and value method exist , so develop a two different implement method of political control , form a two typical social structure .

  14. 自乔布斯令人遗憾地英年早逝以来,从人们缅怀他的千言万语中找不到当初让苹果立足的经营之道——与如今成立三四年就估值超过10亿美元的次优级“独角兽”公司的经理人使用的手法大相径庭。

    Lost in the millions of words devoted to Jobs since his sad and untimely death is what established Apple in the first place - an approach to business far removed from the techniques employed by the managers of the three - or four-year-old subprime " unicorns " that command billion-dollar valuations today .

  15. 大非线性相移下光学非线性Z扫描特性的研究

    Study on Z-scan characteristics for large optical nonlinear phase shift

  16. 我们的分析结果对大非线性相移下Z扫描测量有一定的指导性意义,避免在大非线性相移下对Z扫描结果产生错误的分析。

    Our results have some significance to the measurement of Z-scan with large nonlinear phase shift induced by a pulsed laser .

  17. 这种理论不仅在小非线性相移的情况下与传统Z扫描理论的结果完全一致,而且还适用于大非线性相移的情况。

    This theory is not only well consistent with the conventional Z-scan theory in the case of smaller nonlinear phase shift , but also can fit for the larger nonlinear phase shift .

  18. 结果与WKY大鼠相比较,SHR有较高的血压,左室胶原含量及心脏局部醛固酮含量升高(P<0.05)。

    Results Compared with WKY rats , SHR had higher SBP , left ventricular collagen volume fraction , and aldosterone concentration ( P < 0 05 ) .

  19. 通过扫描电镜观察了晶粒涌出及2号铝锂合金中大Al3Zr相在变形时的转动情况。

    Grain emergence and rotation of large Al , Zr phase in Al-Li-Zr alloy deformed were observed With SEM .

  20. HS-1型规整填料具有压降小、处理能力大、相夹带量小、传质效率高的特点。

    The HS-1 regular packing had the characteristics of less pressure drop , greater treatment capacity , less phase entrainment and high mass transfer efficiency .

  21. 对不同条件下大非线性相移Z扫描曲线峰谷结构的比较,发现在大非线性相移的情况下,Z扫描曲线的峰和谷随透过光阑或入射光强变化表现出某些新的特性。

    By comparing the peak-valley configuration of the Z-scan curves for large nonlinear phase shift induced by pulsed and CW laser , we found that some new peak-valley features of the Z-scan curves appear as the aperture size or light intensity increases in the case of large nonlinear phase shift .

  22. 采用高斯分解法(GD)对大非线性相移下的Z扫描特性进行了分析,通过对数值算法的优化,将GD推广到对脉冲入射激光下大非线性相移下的Z扫描理论分析。

    Using Gaussian decomposition ( GD ) method , we studied the theory of Z-scan with large nonlinear phase shift induced by a pulsed laser . It has been verified that the GD method is still valid to deal with analysis of Z-scan measurements with large nonlinear phase shift .

  23. 结果:与对照组大鼠相比较,口服免疫耐受组大鼠抗原特异性脾淋巴细胞的增殖明显受到抑制,其脾淋巴细胞培养上清中IL10的水平明显升高(P0.01)。

    RESULTS : As compared with control group , the proliferation reaction of splenic lymphocytes from oral immune tolerance rats was inhibited obviously , and IL-10 level in splenic lymphocyte culture supernatants from the tolerance rats rose markedly ( P0.01 ) .

  24. 微波大系统相移精测的交叉换位法

    An Exchange Places Method for Precise Phase Shift Measurement of Large Microwave Systems

  25. 大跨度相贯面焊接空间管桁架结构组焊质量监控的体会

    Experience in quality control of large-span space pipe truss with intersecting section weld

  26. 亦彼十方诸佛大瑞光相现前。

    And the Buddhas from ten directions are appearing with such a brightness .

  27. 用于微表面形貌检测的大视场相移显微干涉仪的研制

    Realization of a large field phase shifting interference microscope used to surface topography measurement

  28. 我因过分激动而跳跃的心可与唐山大地震相媲美;

    I too excited and jumping from the heart with the Tangshan earthquake comparable ;

  29. 语言学习心理的四大逻辑相域

    Four Logic Domains in Language Learning Psychology

  30. 成功地将实现经济持续增长和控制温室气体排放两大目标相结合。

    Is successfully combining the goals of sustaining economic growth and controlling greenhouse gas emissions .