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  • 网络A Developmental History of Chinese Literature
  1. 正确估计和认识少数民族文学在整个中国文学发展史上的作用和地位

    Evaluate Correctly the Minority Literature 's Effect and Position in Whole Chinese Literature Developing

  2. 在中国文学发展史上,南朝梁代是一个重要阶段。

    In the history of Chinese literature , Liang dynasty is an important stage .

  3. 东晋是中国文学发展史上不可或缺的阶段。

    The Eastern Jin Dynasty was also a critical period in the development of Chinese literature .

  4. 文学史的写作类型与文本性质&论刘大杰《中国文学发展史》的三次修订

    Writing types of literature history and character of text & on three revisions of Liu da-jie 's

  5. 在百年中国文学发展史中,大众文学走了一条吊诡的路线。

    In the hundred-year history of Chinese literature development , popular literature has followed a paradoxical course .

  6. 乡土小说在世界文学发展史和中国文学发展史上都占有重要的一席。

    Local novel in world literature and the developing history of Chinese literature plays an important position .

  7. 平话是文学史上一道独特而亮丽的风景线,在中国文学发展史中具有里程碑式的意义。

    Ping Hua is a unique and beautiful scenic in phytogeny of Chinese literature which has landmark significance .

  8. 在中国文学发展史上,宋话本一直未能引起研究者足够的重视。

    In chinese literature on development , the book file of song has been unable to attract little attention .

  9. 唐传奇是中国文学发展史上一颗璀璨的明珠,尤其是它的叙事艺术历来为世人所称道。

    The legends of Tang Dynasty are the radiant pearls in Chinese literature history , whose narrative art is praised in particular .

  10. 尺牍是中国文学发展史上一种独特的文体,是古人日常交往之用的工具,具有很强的实用功能。

    Chidu is a particular style in the Chinese literature phylogeny , which is one kind of tool for the intention of daily contact , and has the very strong practical function .

  11. 从历史角度来看,绍兴文人群体的活动,在中国文学发展史和文化发展史上都具有重要意义。

    From a historical point of view , the activities which made by the group of literati in Shaoxing area had a great significance in the history of development in Chinese literature and cultural .

  12. 对《中国现代文学发展史》中几个问题的商榷

    Discussion on Several Questions of China Contemporary Literature Phylogeny

  13. 在20世纪中国传记文学发展史上,胡适是一位现代传记文学的开风气者。

    Hu Shih , a Pioneer of biography in contemporary China , is the first person to advance the term Biography ;

  14. 苏轼的书信卷帙浩繁,质量也非常的高,在中国书信文学发展史上也是具有里程碑的意义。

    Sushi voluminous correspondence , and the quality is very high , the history of literature in China is also correspondence milestone .

  15. 1926年至1930年,在中国现代文学发展史上具有着极为特殊的时间意义。

    The period from 1926 to 1930 was a period of great temporal significance in the history of development of contemporary chinese literature .

  16. 在中国古代文学发展史上,文人的文学家身份经历了一个由文人的崛起到文人文学家色彩的彰显、加浓,再到文人文学家身份的确立的长期发展过程。

    In the historical development of Chinese ancient literature , the literati 's literary identity experienced a change from emergence to manifestation before the literary men established their status .

  17. 文学期刊作为文学生产、流通和消费的重要载体,在中国当代文学发展史中占有重要的地位。

    Literary journals as a literary production , circulation and consumption , an important carrier occupies an important position in the history of the development of Chinese contemporary literature .

  18. 个人叙事方式在中国女性文学发展史中起着非常重要的作用,它为女性自我话语权威的建立奠定了坚实的基础。

    Personal narrative style plays an important role in the development of the female literature of China . It lays a solid foundation for constructing the authority of female discourse .

  19. 文章的创新点在于:系统概括了十九首所具备的对立统一特征,考察了它在中国古代文学发展史上的功能意义,也在此基础上对文学自觉概念进行一个新的理解和界定。

    The article ' innovation is : To investigate the functional significance in the history of the development of Chinese ancient literature , and make a new understanding and definition of the concept of " literary consciousness " .

  20. 从中国游记文学发展史的视角,就唐代游记文学的演化历程与内在精神展开探讨,由此看出,唐代是中国游记文学的成熟期。

    In the historical perspective , this paper deals with the evolution and intrinsic spirit of the literary travel notes of the Tang dynasty , and puts forward that in the Tang dynasty appeared the maturity of Chinese literary travel notes .

  21. 考察百年来中国新文学发展史,新时期文学对人与自然关系的反思,接受了新的思想文化资源和审美资源,在审美意识、审美原则上都发生了新的变化。

    Reviewing the one-hundred-year long history of Chinese literature of new age we find that when it reflects on the relationship between human and nature it exploits the resources of new culture and aesthetics , which results in its conversion regarding aesthetic consciousness and aesthetic principle .

  22. 从而达到初步整体上掌握,曹丕在中国历史及文学发展史中所处的地位和所起到的作用问题。

    In order to master the preliminary overall , the role of Cao Pi in the history of the development of Chinese history and the status of literature and the .

  23. 改革开放前中国现代文学课程的发展史述略

    A Brief History of the Modern Chinese Literature Course before Reforming and Opening to the Outside World

  24. 中国古代文学漫长的发展史是奇正文学融合的历史。

    The long history of development of the ancient Chinese literature is the fusion process literature of the romance and the nomos .

  25. 中国现代文学在中国文学发展史上占有重要的地位,它是沟通中国古代文学于当代文学的桥梁。

    In the history of modern Chinese literature , Europeanized Chinese played a role of promoting the development of modern Chinese literature .

  26. 《狐媚丛谈》是中国古代文学史上唯&部以狐为主题的文言小说总集,它在中国文学发展史上的地位、意义重大,对后世狐文学的创作亦产生了深远的影响。

    The book of Hu Mei Cong Tan is the only Chinese literature classical stories collection putting fox as the theme , which played an important role in Chinese literature development , and had a profound impact on the creation of fox literature later .

  27. 从上述的中国现代文学大家与日本文学的关系研究入手,论述出两者之间的影响关系,则足以概括出中国现代文学的发展史,甚至能概括出中日近现代文化发展史。

    Starting with the relationships between the above-mentioned modern writers and Japanese literature , this essay tries to discuss the effects between them . Thus it can summarize not only the phylogeny of modern Chinese literature but also the phylogeny of Sino-Japanese modern cultures .