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  • 网络Chinese Collection;China Collections
  1. 中国收藏与俄罗斯油画

    Chinese Collection and Russia Oil Painting

  2. 这次拍卖的总价可以告诉我们很多关于中国收藏界现今与未来的事情。

    The sale totals may tell us a lot about the present and future of China collecting .

  3. 虽然北京奥运会已经过去,但奥林匹克收藏却已经成为中国收藏市场的生力军。

    Beijing Olympics is over , but Olympic collection has become a new force in China 's collection market .

  4. 里面收集了米芾部分的书画原作,论著等,是中国收藏较丰富的纪念性馆藏。

    Mi Fu collected inside part of the original painting , on the other , is more extensive collection of commemorative collection .

  5. 与马未都一起走红的还有各种形式的鉴宝收藏类节目,收视率居高不下。他们是中国收藏持续升温的最好例证。

    Also constantly ahead in the ratings were other programs on antique appreciation , giving testament to the increasing fad for antique collection .

  6. 潘家园旧货市场2004年在“首届中国收藏界年度排行榜颁奖大会”上,通过社会公众投票,被评为“全国十大古玩市场”。

    In2004 , on the First China Antique Ranking List of the Year Award Ceremony , through public opinion , Beijing Panjiayuan Flea Market was rated as one of the top ten antique markets in China .

  7. 珍贵的单一私人之中国油画收藏。

    The private single collection of Chinese oil paintings in the world .

  8. 怀满铿锵&中国乐器收藏与李元庆的学科意识

    Chinese Instrument Collection and Discipline Consciousness of Li Yuan-qing

  9. 受伦敦富商之讬设计以展示中国瓷器收藏的用餐间。

    Commissioned by a wealthy Londoner to create a dining room suitable to display a strong Chinese porcelain collection .

  10. 大都会博物馆的中国瓷器收藏中,给人深刻印象的精品还有许多许多,真的是不胜枚举。

    Metropolitan Museum of Art 's collection of Chinese porcelain , impressive boutique there are many many , really too numerous to mention .

  11. 当下中国艺术品收藏队伍成几何状态正在扩大,说明热爱或关注艺术品的人群越来越多。

    Team of contemporary Chinese art collection is being expanded into a geometric condition , that love , and more and more people concerned about the work of art .

  12. 在中英文互相翻译后,整个世界中国刀剑收藏和研究的帷幕将会拉开。

    I look forward to more participation from China collectors into the international Chinese sword collections and I will invite more international collectors to come and join in this dynamic forum .

  13. 在中国古代瓷器收藏圈里,鲜有藏品能够像明成化“鸡缸杯”(chickencup)那样引得一众富豪收藏家趋之若鹜。

    Among the deep-pocketed collectors of Chinese antique ceramics , few pieces arouse as much excitement as the small Ming dynasty-era bowls commonly known as the ' chicken cups . '

  14. 他还是中国古代艺术品收藏领域内的先驱,那些精美的青铜器后来被捐献给了巴黎的吉美博物馆(MuséeGuimet)。

    He also amassed a pioneering collection of early Chinese art , whose finest bronzes were eventually bequeathed to the Mus é e Guimet in Paris .

  15. 多元化的二十世纪中国画及其收藏

    Diversified Traditional Chinese Painting and Collection of the 20 th Century

  16. 法国文化部举办近年中国摄影家作品收藏展

    French Ministry of Culture Shows Recent Collections of Works of Chinese Photographers

  17. 扬州中国玩具博物馆收藏云和精品木质玩具

    China Toy Museum collects fine wooden toys made in Yunhe

  18. 出版著作被中国国家图书馆收藏。

    Publishing works by the Chinese national library collection .

  19. 这一系列作品被非洲大使馆和中国博物馆买下收藏。

    This series of work was sold to African embassies and Chinese museums .

  20. 中国古代文献收藏活动与文化价值观的关系分析

    Analysis of the Relation between Literature Collection Activities and Cultural Values in Ancient China

  21. 浅谈中国书画的收藏与前景

    Collection and Prospects of Chinese Calligraphy and Paintings

  22. 中国企业家的收藏时尚浅谈机床用齿轮

    Arts Collection Gear for machine tool

  23. 2000年瓷雕《龙娃》、《靓莲》中国历史博物馆收藏。

    In2000 , ceramic sculpture Dragon Baby and Beautiful Lotus were collected by China History Museum .

  24. 故宫博物院中国文物的收藏量之多,是世界上数一数二的。

    NO01, 2.The National Palace Museum has one of the world 's largest collections of Chinese art .

  25. 麻将:希克的中国当代艺术收藏展,汉堡美术馆,汉堡,德国。

    Mahjong : Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection , Hamburger Kunsthalle , Hamburg , Germany .

  26. 自问世以来,珍品艺术品五粮液价格一路飙升,作为五粮液专卖店的镇店之宝,珍品艺术品五粮液堪称中国最具收藏价值的白酒珍品。

    Since its inception , the price soared Wuliangye art treasures , as stores Zhendian Wuliangye treasure , called China 's most precious art collections worth Wuliangye liquor treasures .

  27. 二月,艺术馆将在香港一处展览空间内举办第一次展览,展品是从博物馆目前丰富的中国当代艺术收藏中选出的展品,此前,这个展览先在瑞典于默奥与英国曼彻斯特举行。

    In February , the first show of works from the museum 's already extensive collection of Chinese contemporary art will open at a Hong Kong exhibition space after previous runs in Umea , Sweden , and Manchester , England .

  28. 许多中国人现在还收藏有这些黑白画面的丁丁书籍。

    Many Chinese still keep collections of these black-and-white Tintin books .

  29. 中国古代象棋具收藏与欣赏

    Collection and appreciation of ancient Chinese chess gear

  30. 故宫博物院的中国艺术品及工艺品收藏是世界上数一数二。

    NO02 , The National Palace Museum has one of the world 's finest collections of Chinese art and artifacts .