
  • 网络Chinese Tradition;Chinese Heritage
  1. 本港市民日趋富裕,教育水准不断提高,对中国的传统感到自豪,对自己的前景充满信心,也具备广的国际视野。

    I see an increasingly affluent and well-educated population , proud of our Chinese heritage , confident in our destiny and global in outlook .

  2. 他们用中国的传统文化和价值观教育我和弟弟,但也不遗余力地把握所有让我们接受教育的机会,帮助我们适应美国社会,并在这个变幻无常的世界里获得成功。

    They raised my brother and I with a respect for the values and traditions of our Chinese heritage , yet also with an unwavering commitment to bring us up with all the opportunities for higher education and a desire to prepare us to adapt to American society and to succeed in this world of great change .

  3. 重阳节是中国的传统节日。

    The Chongyang Festival is a Chinese traditional festival .

  4. 事实上,中国的传统文化一直崇尚孝顺父母。

    In fact , Chinese traditional culture has always encouraged filial devotion to parents .

  5. 图片可见,里面有苹果,樱桃(Cherry),香蕉,配干杏脯,干葡萄和酸奶,和咱们中国的传统早餐很不一样呢。

    What we have in here are some apples , cherries , bananas , dried apricot , raisin and yoghurt , it is quite different then our traditional Chinese breakfast .

  6. 菊花(Chrysanthemum×morifoliumRamat.)是中国的传统名花,自古以来,以其奇特的姿态、绚丽的色彩深受人们的喜爱。

    Chrysanthemum ( Chrysanthemum × morifolium Ramat . ) is one of the traditional flowers in China since ancient times . With them peculiar morphology and brilliant colors , Chrysanthemum are very popular .

  7. 诚实守信是中国的传统美德。

    Being honest and believable is the traditional virtue in China .

  8. 中国的传统的文化土壤,培植了中国的传统的幽默。

    China 's traditional cultural soil has cultivated its traditional humor .

  9. 按照中国的传统,我告诉他我喜欢。

    In Chinese tradition , I told him that I enjoyed it .

  10. 中国的传统节日和农历搭配得很合适。

    Chinese traditional holiday and lunar calendar go very well .

  11. 这符合中国的传统教育和社会文化。

    It accords with the traditional Chinese education and culture .

  12. 我们以中国的传统和中华文化自豪。

    We are proud of our heritage and our culture .

  13. 中国的传统文化身份被西方书写、撕裂、扭曲。

    The traditional cultural identity of China is written , distorted and twisted .

  14. 他说他们的国家希望发展和中国的传统友谊。

    He says his country wants to develop its traditional friendship with China .

  15. 刺绣是中国的传统技艺。

    Embroidery is a form of traditional Chinese art .

  16. 也许你可以试试中国的传统中药。

    Maybe you should try Chinese Traditional Medicine .

  17. 中国的传统医术,不仅是一种技术,而且是一种哲学。

    The traditional medicine of China is not about technology , but also Philosophy .

  18. 它体现了中国的传统文化和历史。

    They embody traditional Chinese culture and history .

  19. 下面是一篇关于中国的传统节日&鬼节的雅思口语话题范文。

    The seventh lunar month in the traditional Chinese calendar is called Ghost Month .

  20. 你如何看待中国的传统节日?

    How do you like traditional Chinese Festivals ?

  21. 中国的传统文化应该用新的技术去呈现,不要丢掉内涵。

    Chinese traditional culture should update the presentation of techniques , not lose the essence .

  22. 中国的传统绘画观念有别于西方的绘画观念。

    The concept of traditional Chinese painting , the painting is different from Western concepts .

  23. 在中国的传统艺术中,竹子往往代表道德上的正直、刚正不阿。

    In traditional Chinese art , the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness .

  24. 也可能买一些中国的传统礼物。

    And maybe some traditional Chinese gifts .

  25. 从中国的传统意象图形符号入手,来研究包装设计对这些意象符号应用的象征意义。

    The symbolic meaning of Chinese traditional image graphical symbol for package design was studied .

  26. 中国的传统文化特别墨学是他接受社会主义的心理认同基础;

    His acceptance of socialism was based on the Chinese traditional culture especially the Mohist .

  27. 农业是一种文化,中国的传统文化就是农耕文化。

    Agriculture is one kind of the culture , Chinese traditional culture is the farming culture .

  28. 本文介绍了中国的传统节日重阳节的来历和庆祝方式。

    The traditional Double Ninth festival is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month .

  29. 农历八月十五日是中国的传统节日&中秋节。

    Mid-Autumn Festival , is celebrated on the15th day of the8th month of the lunar calendar .

  30. 按照中国的传统。我们喜欢在春节用窗花来装饰家。

    According to Chinese traditional custom , we like decorating home with paper-cuts on Spring Festival .