
fěnɡ jiàn
  • remonstrate against a sovereign by euphemism
讽谏 [fěng jiàn]
  • [give advance to one's superior;remonstrate with ruler by clever analogy] 指下对上,不直指其事,而用委婉曲折的言语规劝,使其改正错误

  • 衡乃拟 班固《两都》作《二京赋》,因以讽谏。--《后汉书.张衡传》

  1. 近代谴责小说与美刺、讽谏的文学传统

    Neoteric Rebuking Novel and the Satire Tradition of Chinese Classical Literature

  2. 论扬雄辞赋的讽谏意识表现与形成原因

    Discussion on the Satiric Consciousness of Yang Xiong 's Ci Fu

  3. 古代讽谏的语用策略和修辞认知

    Pragmatic Tactics of Satire and Remonstrance in Ancient China and Rhetoric Recognition

  4. 主文讽刺匪直匪愚&浅谈司马相如辞赋的讽谏艺术

    On the Allegorical Art in SIMA Xiang-ru 's Prose Poems

  5. 更古老的策略包括,规定一个讽谏者或者喜欢唱反调的人。

    Older tactics include the court jester and the devil 's advocate .

  6. “讽谏”论遮蔽下的汉赋存在

    The existence of Han Fu under the cover of " suggestive irony "

  7. 汉代的文人诗歌创作,也有一些讽谏的作品。

    There are also some expostulation poems among works written by literati of Han dynasty .

  8. 《新序》是西汉著名学者刘向编撰的一部以讽谏为政治目的的历史故事类编,是现存刘向所编撰的最早的一部作品。

    As a compilation of historical stories , the extant work Xin Xu is the first of Liu Xiang 's works .

  9. 第一节,着重探讨天命观在西周中后期政治中的讽谏功能。

    The first part focuses on the persuasion in the politics of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the late political function .

  10. 奏疏中用《易》体现了黄道周浓厚的史官意识,其中蕴含着《易》-智-讽谏的传统范式。

    It reflected Huang Daozhou 's strong sense of historiographer , and implied the traditional paradigm in Book of Changes-intelligent satirical expostulation .

  11. 刘知几认为文学作品应该反映现实、补察时政并有所讽谏,反对片面追求辞藻雕饰而忽视实际内容的做法。

    Liu zhi-ji maintains literary works should reflect and satirize reality , and oppose the way of pursuing form unilaterally and ignoring content .

  12. 汉大赋中的理性思考既表现为对儒家政治、道德的追求,又表现为讽谏意识的增强、讽谏内容的增多。

    The rational thinking in Han Fu reflects the aspiration for Confucian politics and morality as well as the expression of allegorical ideas .

  13. 在创作上,仿照《诗经》作者大谏的传统,在诗歌中寄寓讽谏之义。孔子强调诗歌讽谏功能的诗教、诗学观,对汉代产生了重要影响。

    Confucius emphasizes poetry instruction and poetic viewpoints of satire , and Mei and Ci , which has great influence upon the Han Dynasty .

  14. 他们力避庸俗浅薄的调笑,在逗笑中杂以讽谏,显现出伟大的喜剧精神。

    They make fun of force to avoid vulgar shallow , mixed with the laugh in the allegorical , revealing the spirit of the great comedy .

  15. 汉代戏剧理论主要体现在戏剧与现实的关系、戏剧的讽谏与惩戒功能以及戏剧的娱乐功能之上。

    Drama theory reflect in drama and realistic relation , drama is it remonstrate with with discipline function and amusement function of the drama to mocking mainly Han Dynasty .

  16. 作为言语形式,策士讽谏语有时代的特殊性,也有其存在的必然性,更有对其进行研究的必要性。

    First , as a form of speech , the allegorical language has the particularity of the times , the inevitability of the existence and the necessity of study .

  17. 从显语言和潜语言看劳伦斯《蛇》中的自我形象浅析先秦隐语的讽谏功能

    On the Self-image of Lawrence in Snake from the Layer of Explicit and Implicit Language An Analysis of the Allegorical and Admonitory Function of Implicit Language During the Pre-Qin Period

  18. 《晏子春秋》中晏子利用替国君释梦的机会,将自己关于“礼治”的政治主张融入释梦活动是其讽谏艺术中最有光彩的部分。

    In Yanzi Chunqiu , Yanzi made use of the chance to analyze the dreams for the emperor , melted his political opinion " Lizhi ( Ruling by Way of Rites )" into the analysis .

  19. 本文运用语用学领域的言语行为理论、关联理论、语用顺应理论、语用距离理论、面子威胁行为理论、会话含意理论等理论工具对策士讽谏语语用策略进行分析和归纳。

    The research analyses and induces the pragmatic strategies making use of speech act theory , relevance theory , adaption theory , distance theory , face - menace theory and conversational implicative theory of the field of pragmatics .

  20. 这一时期,建言献策政论文的内容,主要包括三个方面:一是主张抗金,讽谏人主北伐;二是综合论述抗金对策;三是专门论述对付金朝的具体策略。

    The content of the thesis , mainly includes three aspects : Firstly , advocate against the Jin , advised emperor launched the Northern Expedition ; Secondly is a comprehensive treatise about against the Jin ; Lastly is devoted the specific strategy to dealing with Jin .

  21. 战国时代是中国历史上政治形式最复杂、战争最频繁、价值观最多元的时代,相应地,也是策士谋臣们最活跃的时代,讽谏语也因此成为这个时代最引人注目的语言现象。

    The Period of Warring States is the time that has the most complicated political situation , the most frequent war , and the most pluralistic values in Chinese history . The plotters were active and the allegorical language became the striking linguistic feature in the time .