
  • 网络satirical comedy;Black-Comedy;Comedy of Manners
  1. 艺术生态的失衡与讽刺喜剧的命运

    Imbalance of artistic ecology and destiny of Modern Satirical comedy in China

  2. 讽刺喜剧中究竟应该如何运用讽刺?

    How to use the Satire in the satirical comedy ?

  3. Wikicandidate网站上最初创建的条目是以美国讽刺喜剧演员斯蒂芬·科尔伯特为原型的一个虚拟候选人。

    Wikicandidate has kicked off proceedings with an imaginary candidate based on a real-life American satirical comedian , Stephen Colbert .

  4. 30年代中国现代讽刺喜剧论略

    On the modern Chinese satirical comedy of 1930s

  5. 比之《钦差大臣》,《升官图》更具有政治讽刺喜剧的典型性。

    Even though the orientation of its political satire has no longer been effective .

  6. 而讽刺喜剧的衰落,造成民族喜剧的艺术资源的大量流失。

    Moreover , the decline of Satirical Comedy leads to be wasteful of artistic resource in Comedy .

  7. 从总结中国现代讽刺喜剧经验和教训的角度看,陈白尘讽刺喜剧具有历史认识价值。

    From the standpoint of summarizing the experience of China 's modern satirical comedy , Chen Baichen 's satirical comedy is of historic significance .

  8. 中国的讽刺喜剧由此在现代戏剧创作中逐渐占据了重要的地位,发挥了不可替代的社会功能和艺术功能。

    Henceforth , Modern Chinese Satirical Comedy became important in all dramatic creation and came to have elementary function both in society and in art .

  9. 正是在这种历史情势下,现代讽刺喜剧突破了旧有的格局,一跃成为中国喜剧的主流。

    It is in this historical situation that the modern Chinese satirical comedy breaks through the old restrictions and becomes the mainstream of Chinese comedy .

  10. 中国现代喜剧的发展很大程度上受到了欧洲世态喜剧和俄罗斯讽刺喜剧的影响,与此相对应,中国现代喜剧也在幽默喜剧和讽刺喜剧上取得了巨大的成就。

    In the development of Chinese contemporary comedy , European humorous comedies and Russia ironic comedies have made great effects on it , accordingly , it made brilliant achievements in humorous comedies and ironic comedies .

  11. 在对中国现代讽刺喜剧历史命运的总体反思中,本文认为,现代讽刺喜剧的兴盛与衰落跟现代艺术生态有关。

    According to the overall study about historical desting of Modern Satirical Comedy in China , this paper puts forward that the rise and decline of Modern Satirical Comedy has something to do with artistic ecology .

  12. 在这部短篇小说中,作者以其幽默、讽刺的喜剧性创作手法揭示出丧失人性的荒诞社会给人民带来的精神痛苦这一悲剧性主题。

    In this short story , with his humorous , ironical and comedic writing style , O.Henry reveals the tragic theme that the absurd society without humanity brings people spiritual agony .

  13. 我来谈一下《云》,这是出讽刺苏格拉底的喜剧,因为那是苏格拉底指称,矛头指向他的最初控诉的一部份。

    Let me just say something about the Clouds this comic play this satire on Socrates because it is part of that initial accusation that Socrates says is leveled against him .

  14. 讽刺是怎样改变喜剧的典型模式和活力?

    How does satire change the typical patterns and energies of comedy ?

  15. 影片的叙述方式仍是标准的姜氏风格,讽刺、奇幻、喜剧元素一样也不少。

    The film unfolds in Jiang 's signature style , featuring elements of satire , fantasy and comedy .

  16. 很多观众都将这部电影形容成一部充满讽刺意味的黑色喜剧,因为其中不仅有难以置信的场景,还有歇斯底里的人物。

    Most audiences would likely describe the film as a mordant black comedy with hard-to-believe scenes and hysterical characters .

  17. 在讽刺对象、讽刺目的、讽刺效果及讽刺方法等方面,陈白尘讽刺喜剧都表现出了特殊的艺术追求。

    In terms of the object , purpose , effect and method of satire , Chen 's satirical comedy radiated a unique artistic pursuit .

  18. 第四章梳理夏志清关于小说讽刺的论述,概括其审美原则,指出他如何融会中西的讽刺、喜剧和悲剧意识。

    The fourth chapter summarized his judgment about satire , gathered up his aesthetic principle and pointed out how he combined the Chinese sense of comedy and tragedy with that of the Western .