
dānɡ dài yīnɡ xiónɡ
  • hero of our time;great hero of a generation
  1. 从叙述者看《当代英雄》的叙事艺术

    On the Narrative Technique of A Hero of Our Time from the Perspective of Narrators

  2. 是俄罗斯的当代英雄。

    Petersburg are the modern heroes of Russia .

  3. 《当代英雄》叙事角度解读

    On the Narration Interpretation of Modern Hero

  4. 和平时期的日常生活中,英雄表现为一种无私奉献和模范行为,这种模范堪为当代英雄,反之,当代英雄亦即模范。

    The peaceful period , the hero performance is a kind of behavior of consecration which we called exemplar .

  5. 他们既是平凡的小人物,又是为社会建功立业的当代英雄。

    They are not only the unimportant ordinary people , but also the contemporary hero who perform meritorious deeds for the society .

  6. 成功的企业家被视为当代英雄,书店里充斥着工商界人士的成功经历和快速致富指南之类的书籍。

    Successful entrepreneurs were treated as modern-day heroes and bookshops in China were lined with volumes about successful businessmen and guides on how to get rich quick .

  7. 现代存在主义哲学的思想内涵与《当代英雄》在追问存在的价值及意义方面具有某种内在的对话关系。

    The philosophical connotation of modern existentialism bears some intrinsic relationship of dialogue with A Hero of Our Own Times in pursuing the value and significance of existence .

  8. 现代存在主义哲学产生的历史背景与莱蒙托夫的《当代英雄》创作的时代语境有相当的共同性。

    The historical background against which modern existentialism came into being shares much common ground with the context of age under which Lermontov created A Hero of Our Own Times .

  9. 圣彼得堡人民坚强不屈、充满自豪、团结一致,他们是俄罗斯当代的英雄。

    Strong , proud , and united , the people of St Petersburg are the modern heroes of russia .

  10. 本文在梳理当代文学英雄观念嬗变轨迹的同时,运用叙事学理论解析英雄观念与叙事策略的互动关系。

    In the meantime of doing up the changeable tracks of hero ideas in contemporary literature , the essay also analyzes interaction between hero ideas and narrative strategy by using the theory of narration .

  11. 在同代人中是杰出的当代杰出的英雄人物

    Be eminent among one 's contemporaries illustrious heroes of our era

  12. 当代人对英雄般的首席执行官的狂热崇拜是问题的根源。

    The modern cult of the heroic chief executive is at the root of the problem .

  13. 影片讲述了一名当代军人从战斗英雄到时代先锋的成长历程。

    The film about a contemporary soldier to combat heroes from the era of pioneers landmarks .

  14. 当代意识下的英雄乐章

    Hero Movement of Contemporary Consciousness