
  • 网络Contemporary Linguistics;contemporary linguistic;modern linguistics
  1. 话题(topic)是当代语言学中的一个重要概念,受到形式语法学与功能语法学的共同关注。

    Topic is an important concept in contemporary linguistics , obtaining mutual concerns from scholars of formal linguistics and functional linguistics .

  2. 先设是当代语言学中的重要研究领域。

    Presupposition is an important field of study in contemporary linguistics .

  3. 维特根斯坦后期哲学思想对当代语言学的影响

    On the Influence of Wittgenstein 's Later Philosophy upon Contemporary Linguistics

  4. 时间语义范畴是语言学的一个重要研究对象,近年来时间认知方面的研究引起了当代语言学界的广泛关注。

    Time semantic category is an important study field in linguistics .

  5. 摘要语言类型学是当代语言学的显学。

    Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics .

  6. 描写、解释和应用&关于当代语言学研究的一些思考

    Description , Explanation and Application & on the Methodology of Contemporary Linguistics

  7. 当代语言学研究已出现多元化、多学科交叉的特征。

    Multiplicity and interdisciplinariness are the characteristics of contemporary linguistics .

  8. 当代语言学研究的一个重要领域是自然语言的焦点结构。

    An important area in contemporary linguistic research is focus .

  9. 当代语言学的发展趋势

    Cognitive Approach as the Trend in Contemporary Linguistic Studies

  10. 语言形式与实体辨析的当代语言学意义

    Linguistic Significance of Differentiation Between Form and Substance

  11. 当代语言学研究的自然科学精神

    Spirit of natural scientific study into modern linguistics

  12. 语境研究受到当代语言学界越来越多的关注。

    The study of context has attracted many people in the contemporary linguistic field .

  13. 范仲淹和医学当代语言学

    MEDICAL SCIENCE Fan Zhongyan and Chinese Medicine

  14. 当代语言学研究涉及两个重要问题&普遍交际准则和具体语言规约。

    Modern linguistic research deals with two major matters & universal comunication norms and concrete language conventions .

  15. 他的描述被称“格里姆规律”,是当代语言学发展史上的一个里程碑。

    Known as Grimm 's Law , it was a landmark in the development of modern philology .

  16. 同时还认为,语言内外部研究相结合的学术思路将成为当代语言学一种新的研究趋势。

    A theoretical integration of both internal and external research is also discussed in this paper as a new academic trend .

  17. 语言中充斥着大量的隐喻。在当代语言学中,隐喻被认为是一种思维方式。

    Metaphor , which is regarded as a figure of thought in contemporary linguistics , is pervasive and universal in language .

  18. 幽默语篇结构的研究始于经典哲学时期,并且至今仍然代表着当代语言学的基本研究领域。

    Research on the structure of humorous discourse began in classical philosophy and still represents an essential research area for contemporary linguistics .

  19. 在本文的最后还对马克思主义哲学的实践转向对当代语言学研究的现实意义进行了充分论证。

    Finally , the paper demonstrates the practical significance of " practice turn " in Marxist philosophy to the study of contemporary linguistics .

  20. 跨文化交际语用失误的研究是当代语言学研究中的一个具有重要理论意义和实用价值的课题。

    The research of pragmatic failure in cross-cultural communication has become an issue of important theoretical significance and realistic value in the contemporary linguistic study .

  21. 当代语言学的主要流派是以生成语法为代表的形式学派以及以韩礼德和西蒙·狄克的三个平面的功能语法为代表的功能学派。

    Contemporary linguistics may be divided into two major camps : formal grammar , represented by Chomsky s generative grammar and functional grammar , represented by M.

  22. 随着当代语言学理论的不断丰富与发展,语误研究观念、研究角度及研究的现实意义等在语言学界发生了变化。要适应语言使用的发展现状,必须拓宽语误研究视角。

    With the development of the contemporary linguistics , there are some changes in ways of researching concept , researching perspective and researching significance of linguistic errors .

  23. 本文是在当代语言学理论背景下对现代汉语同义介词从和由做的一个个案分析。

    This thesis is a case analysis about the pair of Mandarin synonymous prepositions " cong " and " you " based on the theories of contemporary linguistics .

  24. 文章运用当代语言学管约理论,对现代维吾尔语中是否存在空语类现象进行了大胆尝试性探讨,发现空语类在维吾尔语中是存在的。

    Adopting the theory of government and binding in contemporary linguistic studies , this paper makes a bold experimental research to study whether empty categories exist in modern Uygur .

  25. 句法语义的界面研究是当代语言学研究的一个重要内容,语言的线性特征使人们首先注意到符号排列的前后顺序。

    The interface study of syntax-semantics is one of the important approaches in modern linguistics . The linearization of language has people notice the sequence order of linguistic signs first .

  26. 肇始于古希腊哲学,在语言学转向的指引下,历经分析哲学和语言学的洗礼,模糊性问题逐渐成为当代语言学哲学研究的一个重要课题。

    Beginning with Ancient Greek philosophy , under the lead of the linguistic turn , through the baptism of analytical philosophy and linguistics , vagueness has gradually become an important problem in modern linguistic philosophy .

  27. 与传统的语言学研究中只注重研究形式和意义之间对等、以内容为基础的稳定的语义关系相比,当代语言学和文学研究更注重作品中的人际的、变化的、和可协商的意义。

    Compared with the traditional linguistics research stressing on the equity between form and meaning and the semantic relation based on content , contemporary linguistics and literature pay great attention to the interpersonal , changeable and consultative significance .

  28. 本文尝试以当代语言学中心理形容词的相关理论,关照《论语》中的心理形容词,对其进行界定提取、分类整理、概括语义特征、总结语法功用。

    This article attempts to contemporary linguistic theories of psychological adjectives in , take care of the psychological adjectives in the Analects , its definition of extract , used to sort and summarize semantic features , syntax summary function .

  29. 近半个世纪以来,系统功能语言学理论在国内外获得了快速的发展和广泛的应用,成为了当代语言学中一支重要的力量。

    In recent half century , systemic-functional linguistics has obtained rapid development and been widely and extensively applied to various practices at home and abroad . In recent years , systemic-functional linguistics has become an important force in modern linguistics .

  30. 本文以当代语言学,心理学理论为指导,将任务型教学法应用在中等职业学校英语课堂词汇教学中以期对目前中等职业学校词汇教学中所存在的问题有一点启示。

    The thesis , on the base of the prior researches , following the theories of linguistics and psychology , explores the vocabulary teaching by Task-Based Instruction in Chinese vocational school , so as to solve the problems in vocabulary teaching .