
  • 网络Current Anthropology;Anthropology Today
  1. 当代人类学和社会学则努力寻找物品(商品)的社会意义。

    Contemporary anthropology and sociology try the best to find the social significance of the goods .

  2. 当代人类学的研究一方面要继续立足对未被现代文明改造过的原始文化的研究;另一方面更要积极转向对现代社会和现代文明的研究。

    Contemporary anthropological research on the one hand continue to be based on the transformation of modern civilization have not been the original culture of research ; the other hand , want to actively turn against modern society and modern civilization .

  3. 该理论总结了当代人类学的积极成果,基本上反映了人类社会从原始组织向国家演进的阶段性特征,近年来还得到了我国考古学成果的有力支持。

    This theory summarizes the positive achievements of the contemporary anthropology and reflects the traits of the evolutionary stages of the human society from primitive organization to the state . In recent years the theory also achieved strong support from archeological findings in China .

  4. 《当代人类学》杂志上发表的这项研究测量了1400多个古代和现代人头骨,论证了当人类睾丸素水平下降,变得越来越友善的同时,人类社会也获得了进步。

    The study in the journal Current Anthropology , which is based on measurements of more than 1 , 400 ancient and modern skulls , makes the argument that human society advanced when people started being nicer to each other , which entails having a little less testosterone in action .

  5. 在当代文化人类学研究领域,格尔兹是颇具影响力的一位人物。

    Geertz is famous in the fields of contemporary culture of anthropology .

  6. 第三章以当代文学人类学的眼光探讨司各特历史小说的民族志书写特征与文化记录价值。

    Chapter three examines the historical novels of Scott with the theory of modern Literary Anthropology for their characteristic as Poetics of Ethnography .

  7. 对电视仪式的研究既可以展示古代仪式的现代表征,亦可以揭示当代电视人类学的深刻意义与广阔前景。

    Studies on the TV ritual can show not only the modern representation of ancient ritual , but also can reveal the profound significance of contemporary TV anthropology .

  8. 然而,当代文化人类学相关的经典理论与主流理论表明,酋长拥有的是非强制性的权威,而非合法武力支撑的强制性的权力或暴力;

    However , the classic theory and the mainstream theory of contemporary cultural anthropology suggest that the chieftain enjoyed non-compulsory authority instead of compulsory authority supported by legal force or violence .

  9. 新兴的艺术人类学、都市人类学、环境人类学、文学人类学、审美人类学等人类学分支学科都与现代社会生活和现代人的思想情感相联系,对当代的人类学和美学研究具有重要的启迪作用。

    New Art Anthropology , Urban Anthropology , Environmental Anthropology , Anthropology of Literature , Aesthetics and Anthropology all branches of anthropology and modern social life and thoughts , and feelings associated with the modern , anthropological and aesthetic of contemporary research has important Inspiration .

  10. 当代欧美教育人类学研究的核心主题与趋势

    On the Core Subject and Trends in the Research of Anthropology of Education in Modern Europe and America

  11. 纠纷:从原始部落到现代都市&当代西方法律人类学视野下的纠纷研究

    Disputes : From Primitive Tribes to Modern Cities & A Study on Disputes from the Perspective of Contemporary Western Legal Anthropology

  12. 在秉承中国人类学者研究传统的同时,当代中国政治人类学扩大了研究范围和学科关怀对象,并取得了一定的研究成果。

    Contemporary Chinese political anthropology inherited the study traditions of the previous anthropologists , at the same time , expanded the scopes and the objects of study , and made some achievements .