
yán jiū shēnɡ dǎo shī
  • Graduate Tutor;graduate teacher
  1. 研究生导师LarsSoderlund说,非英语母语者通常会在英语语法上遇到麻烦。

    Graduate tutor Lars Soderlund says non-native English speakers generally English grammar . He says their sentences may be too long .

  2. 学科建设与研究生导师的素质与培养

    Professional Quality and Training of Middle-aged and Young Postgraduate Tutors

  3. 强化研究生导师队伍建设促进创新型人才培养

    Improving Construction of Graduate Student Tutors and Promote Cultivation of Creative Talents

  4. 新疆研究生导师队伍现状及发展的审思

    Study of the Situation and Development of the Post-graduate Supervisors in Xinjiang

  5. 关于加强民族院校研究生导师队伍建设的思考

    A Study of Strengthening the Construction of Postgraduate Tutorial Staff in Ethnic Universities

  6. 建立研究生导师培养能力的评估机制

    Establishment of a Mechanism for Evaluation of Graduate Supervisors ' Ability of Training

  7. 硕士研究生导师质量保障长效机制探究

    Exploration Long-term Mechanism of Quality Assurance of Master Instructor

  8. 与我的研究生导师经过多次讨论之后,我制定了一个计划。

    After much discussion with my graduate advisor , I formulated a plan .

  9. 医学院校研究生导师评估体系建立的若干问题探讨

    Discussion of establishing tutor assessment system in medical colleges

  10. 基于产学研合作的研究生导师队伍建设六题

    Construction of Postgraduate Supervision Teams Based on Production-Education-Research Collaboration

  11. 我们会通过研究生导师来监督相关学生的表现。

    We monitor the performance of postgraduates through tutors .

  12. 中青年研究生导师队伍的建设与优化

    The Construction and Optimization of Young Graduate Student Tutors

  13. 高等农业院校研究生导师聘期量化考核的实践与思考

    Practice and Reflection of Quantification of Checking about the Postgraduate Tutor in Agriculture University

  14. 研究生导师指导量研究

    The Research on the Tutor 's Guiding Amount

  15. 关于研究生导师指导行为的调查分析

    A Survey of the Tutoring of Graduate Teachers

  16. 苏州大学英语语言文学专业兼职博士研究生导师。

    Concurrently tutor of doctoral degree candidates in English Language and Literature of Suzhou University .

  17. 我想对培养我的研究生导师表示感谢。

    I should like to acknowledge my indebtedness and gratitude to my graduate study supervisors .

  18. 现为黑龙江大学艺术学院客座教授,硕士研究生导师。

    Now tutor in art department of Heilongjiang University as guest professor and master 's guide .

  19. 现任西安美术学院油画系教授、硕士研究生导师。

    Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts is currently Professor of Master Instructor .

  20. 研究生导师要将挫折教育作为自身工作的重要职责和内容;

    The mentors should have frustration education as an important responsibility and content of the job ;

  21. 上海:企业专家受聘研究生导师

    Enterprise Experts Engaged as Postgraduate Tutors

  22. 年被聘为西安交通大学低温工程学科博士点博士研究生导师。

    Was authorized by the University of Xi'an Jiaotong as a doctoral Supervisor ( 1994 ) .

  23. 现在北京体育大学武术教研室任武术研究生导师。

    Now Beijing Sports University martial arts faculty working office is appointed martial arts graduate student teacher .

  24. 研究生导师制是研究生培养过程中的一项基本制度,在研究生教育中发挥着重要作用。

    The tutorial system is basic to postgraduate education , and plays an important role in it .

  25. 我国护理硕士研究生导师队伍的现状分析及建设方案的探讨

    Analysis of the status quo and probe into constructing program of master degree nursing tutor team in China

  26. 研究生导师队伍建设的重要环节&学术论文量化评估

    An Important Link in Building up the Staff of Graduate Supervisors - Quantitative Assessment upon the Academic Papers

  27. 研究生导师的问题,事关学生创新教育的最终效果,必须予以重视。

    The issue of graduate tutor must be given great weight , which is related to the effect of innovation education .

  28. 中央音乐学院院长办公室副主任,译审,中央音乐学院音乐文献翻译专业硕士研究生导师。

    He is the assistant director of Dean 's Office and professor of Translation for Musical Literature in Central Conservatory of Music .

  29. 建设一流的研究生导师队伍是培养高素质、高层次人才的需要,也是确保研究生教育可持续发展的迫切要求。

    Constructing a first rank team of graduate tutors is a requisite for developing competent graduates with high quality and ensuring the continuous development of graduate education .

  30. 本文分析了当前研究生导师队伍的现状,提出改革导师选聘制度,打破导师终身制。

    This article analyses the present status of the tutor team , and introduces mechanism reformations of being elected and appointed tutor in order to break tutor lifetime .