
yán xí
  • study;research;examine and study
研习 [yán xí]
  • [study and learn] 研究学习

  1. 广识·通变·取鉴&论秦汉史研习的三个境界

    Knowledge , Change , Reference : & Talk about the Three Stages of Research and Studies for the History of the Qin and Han Dynasties

  2. 据侯孝贤表示,他的编剧团队为了这个剧本做了大量的调查工作,并且影片中的人物是在大量的研习唐代相关书籍后创作出来的

    According to Hou , his screenwriting team did plenty of field work to hone the script , and characters in the film are crafted based on meticulous research in books from the Tang Dynasty .

  3. 小号手马库斯·贝尔格雷夫为年轻艺术家办了一个爵士乐研习班。

    Trumpeter Marcus Belgrave ran a jazz workshop for young artists

  4. 牙买加节正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会。

    The Jamaica Festival is planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

  5. 该研习班会帮助格里姆斯比的失业青年。

    This workshop helps young unemployed people in Grimsby

  6. 厥后指在困难的条件下周旋耐劳研习。

    Later it came to refer to studying under very hard conditions .

  7. 这些团队主要源于东欧培养年轻人才的传统,教授在放学后或周末教授有前途的从幼儿园到12年级的学生研习高等数学。

    In these groups , which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent , professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends .

  8. 他们正在筹划一系列研习班和商务研讨会

    They are planning a series of workshops and business seminars .

  9. 备选过程C:学生决定不参加现有的研习班

    Alternate course C : The student decides not to enroll in an available seminar

  10. CARE工作人员以油麻地及柴湾作研习例子,引导参加者以社区规划角度进行地基分析,发掘社区特色和改善社区问题。

    Using Yaumatei and Chai Wan as cases , CARE staff shared the skills in site analysis and worked with participants in exploring community uniqueness and local problems .

  11. 当时,她正在东京女子大学(TokyoWoman’sChristianUniversity)就读,研习社会学,专注于性别研究。

    At the time , she was enrolled at Tokyo Woman 's Christian University , studying sociology , with a concentration on gender .

  12. 在北卡罗来纳州东部的杜普林大学先修高中(DuplinEarlyCollegeHighSchool),学生们上了一门应用数学课程,通过用电线、管道和遮蔽胶带做一个过山车,研习速率和绘图。

    The students at Duplin Early College High School in eastern North Carolina take an applied math class in which they learn about velocity and graphing by building roller coasters out of wire , piping and masking tape .

  13. 他目前正在教授有关灵活过程、方法和java技术的研习班、教程和课程,同时还在辅导和帮助实现一些有作为的项目。

    He is currently teaching seminars , tutorials , and classes in agile processes , methodology , and Java technology , as well as mentoring and helping to deliver aggressive projects .

  14. 所以,为了宽慰自己什么都没有出差错,我在研习法语之前,遵从一位心理学家朋友的建议,做了一种名叫计算机化神经认知评估(CNSVitalSigns)的测验。

    So to reassure myself that nothing was amiss , just before tackling French I took a cognitive assessment called CNS Vital Signs , recommended by a psychologist friend .

  15. 现年39岁的刘铁军是香港华富嘉洛证券(HongKongQuamSecurities)在中国大陆的首席代表,在亚洲金融业有着丰富的从业经验,但他还想更深入地研习商业理论。

    As the chief representative at Hong Kong Quam Securities , Liu has a wealth of experience in Asia 's financial industry , but he wanted a better understanding of business theory .

  16. 表示“UI32SeminarSelectionScreen”(“UI32研习班选择屏幕”)的主要UI元素的实例是名称为“:SeminarSelector”、原型为的匿名对象。

    The instance of the major UI element representing " UI32 Seminar Selection Screen " is an anonymous object with the name ": SeminarSelector " and the stereotype .

  17. 系统显示可供选择的研习班列表“UI32研习班选择屏幕”。

    The system displays " UI32 Seminar Selection Screen ," which indicates the list of available seminars .

  18. 最近我与SHBJJ很多经验丰富的学员一起研习逃脱术。

    Recently , I was working with the more experienced students at SHBJJ on the topic of escapes .

  19. 系统根据商业规则“BR100为学生开具研习班帐单”给该学生开出参加研习班费用的帐单。

    The system bills the student for the seminar , according to business rule'BR100 Bill Student for Seminar .

  20. 为了当一名律师,他独自研习了布莱克斯通的著作;

    He read Blackstone on his own to become a lawyer .

  21. 如不拟攻读学位则研习目的为何?

    What is you study purpose if academic degree not sought ?

  22. 大多数人有个人研习多于集体讨论。

    Most people have individual study more than group discussion .

  23. 你要研习语言,历史,艺术,政治科学。

    You will study languages , history , art , political science .

  24. 系统通知该生,他没有资格参加研习班。

    The system informs the student he is not eligible to enroll .

  25. 这个研习课程的结构围绕著三个互为相关的阶段。

    The workshop will be structured around three interrelated phases .

  26. 贵校希望办理研习的日期时间为?

    When would your school like to have a workshop ?

  27. 最佳方法是每天花些时间研习英文。

    The best approach is to spend time on English every day .

  28. 该学生指定他想参加的研习班。

    The student indicates the seminar in which he wants to enroll .

  29. 于是仙人给了他研习仙术的书籍。

    Then Wu Kang was given the books of immortality to study .

  30. 您不必研习令人反胃的单词列表。

    You don 't have to study awful vocabulary lists .