
yán jiū ɡuǎn yuán
  • professor of library science;professor of archives science
  1. 高校图书馆副研究馆员职业高原问题探析

    Research of the Phenomenon of Career Plateau among Deputy Research Librarians

  2. 研究馆员心理构建和谐环境

    To study archivists ' psychology and construct harmonious environment

  3. 介绍并分析了李健康研究馆员等主编的《网络医学信息检索与发布》一书的内容和特点,进而作出客观的评价。

    The article introduces and analyzes the contents and characteristics of the book Internet Medical Information Retrieval and Publication edited by researching librarian Li Jian kang .

  4. 现任重庆市文史研究馆馆员。

    He is a member of culture and history research center of Chongqing City .

  5. 文章介绍了数字监管和数字保存的定义,以及研究图书馆及其馆员在新时代的新角色。

    We hereby introduce the definition of digital curation and preservation , as well as the new roles of research libraries and librarians for new times .

  6. 高职院校图书馆员工工作满意度研究图书馆的特殊馆员&试论清华大学图书馆勤工助学工作

    Study on the Job Satisfaction of College Librarians