
  • 网络precision-guided bomb;precision- guided bomb
  1. 雷达寻的技术在远程精确制导导弹中的应用

    The Application of Radar Homing Technology in Long-Range Accurate Guidance Missile Miss Distance Analysis in APN Guided Radar Homing Missiles

  2. 新型精确制导导弹为了获得更大的机动性、敏捷性和更高的命中精度,大多采用了推力矢量控制或反作用推力控制。

    Advanced agile missiles possess maneuverability , agility and accurate guidance performance by adopting thruster vector control or reaction control system thruster .

  3. 这就使得大部分任务落在了法国和英国身上据称,这两国正面临精确制导导弹匮乏的局面。

    That leaves most of the burden on the French and British , who are said to be running short of precision bombs .

  4. 图像融合技术始于军事应用,无论在精确制导导弹、具有自主能力的机器人,还是在无人侦察机、无人攻击机中等要求具有智能的机器中,图像融合技术都是必不可缺的。

    Image fusion technology is generated from military area , such as missile guide , autonomous robot , unmanned scout flight and so on .

  5. 在现代战争中如何及早发现威胁,防止和减小精确制导导弹的攻击,已经成为导弹告警技术面临的新课题。

    In modern warfare , how to detect threats , prevent and reduce the precision-guided missile attacks , missile warning technology has become the face of the new topics .

  6. 导引头是精确制导导弹武器系统的中枢和大脑,其工作状态正常与否直接决定着武器系统的命中率。

    The seeker is the center and cerebrum of the precision guided missile . The hit probability of weapon system directly depends on whether the operation status of the seeker is normal or not .

  7. 分析比较了反航母战斗群主战装备的两种方案,对巡航/飞航导弹和精确制导弹道导弹的反航母作战能力进行了分析。

    Two viewpoints of attacking battle group of aircraft carrier are analyzed and compared .

  8. 海射精确制导弹道导弹引发未来海战的深刻变革

    Marine Launched Accurately Guided Ballistic Missile Will Lead to Far-reaching Transform of Future Sea Battle

  9. 精确制导小型导弹的俯仰、偏航和倾斜运动的操纵采用了方波耦合驱动信号。

    The pitch , yaw and roll movement of a small precision guided missile are controlled by bang-bang law .

  10. 精确制导反舰导弹是现代海战中的主要武器,雷达导引头是反舰导弹最常用的末制导方式之一。

    Precision-guided anti-ship missile has become the main weapon in modern naval warfare . Radar seeker is one of the most common approaches to the terminal guidance for anti-ship missile .