
  • 网络psychoanalysis;psychoanalytic psychology;psychoanalysis psychology
  1. 存在主义哲学、精神分析心理学以及现代性研究者有大量的关于焦虑缓解对策的研究,它们可以为缓解道德焦虑提供十分有益的借鉴。

    Existentialist Philosophy , psychoanalysis , and modernity researchers have found a lot of measures to alleviating anxiety , which can provide a very useful reference to ease moral anxiety .

  2. 人性的复苏、回归与超越&从精神分析心理学到超个人心理学

    Resuscitation , regression and surpass of humanity & from psychoanalysis psychology to transpersonal psychology ; scientific psychology 's life energy lies in transcendence and accommodation

  3. 从性别批评的视角出发来研究这一理论具有超越精神分析心理学的性别内涵和意义。

    From the perspective of gender criticism to research this theory has gender values , which exceed the psychology of psychoanalysis connotation and meaning .

  4. 从弗洛伊德精神分析心理学角度来看,作者认为这是一种对于人的心理能量的移置,是一种侧面的转化释放。

    From the perspective of mental analysis psychology , this kind of method would be an energy shift , an indirect way of mental energy release .

  5. 根据现代心理学的研究,罪刑法定原则的心理学依据主要有古典行为主义心理学的刺激反应原理、新行为主义心理学关于辨别性线索的理论、精神分析心理学的人格理论和人本主义心理学的需要层次论。

    According to the research of modern psychology , the principle of legality is based on the S-R relation of classical behavioristic psychology , the distinguishing clue theory of neo-behaviorism , the personality theory of depth psychology and the theory of hierarchical needs of humanistic psychology .

  6. 因此,本论文旨在从弗洛伊德精神分析心理学的角度来讨论小说中的人际关系,揭示弗洛伊德理论本身的不足给小说带来的负面影响,并指出小说对于现代中国的现实意义。

    Therefore , this thesis discusses the interpersonal relationships in the novel from the Freudian psychoanalytic perspective , and reveals the negative influence caused by the inadequacy of Freudian theories , and points out the practical significance of the novel in our society in China nowadays .

  7. 基于神经网络的液压脉振注射过程能耗分析精神分析发展心理学:发展脉络与思想内涵

    Energy Consumption Analysis of Hydraulic Vibration Injection Process Based on Neural Network Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology : Its Development and Theoretical Implications

  8. 从构造主义、行为主义到精神分析,主流心理学在理解人的高级心理现象时,显得贫乏和无力,面对现代人道德迷失、生命失重,主流心理学难以回答。

    From structuralism 、 behaviorism to psychoanalysis , main-stream psychology appears so powerless and inadequate in understanding higher psychiatry phenomena .

  9. 精神分析理论是西方心理学的一个著名派别。

    The theory on psychoanalysis is an important branch of western psychology .

  10. 弗洛依德精神分析学说与中医心理学比较浅析

    Compared Analysis on Psychology in TCM and Freudian Psychoanalysis Theory

  11. 摘要本文首先从历史的角度探讨精神分析对法国临床心理学发展的影响。

    This paper first discusses how psychoanalysis influenced the development of French clinical psychology from a historical perspective .

  12. 精神分析美学是以精神分析心理学为理论先导发展起来的。

    Psychoanalytic aesthetics was developed take the psychoanalytic psychology as the theory forerunner .

  13. 拜昂是20世纪后半期最具影响力的精神分析思想家和实践者之一,他在个体精神分析和精神分析团体心理学两个领域都有独到的见解。

    As one of the most influential psychoanalytic theorists and practitioners in the late twentieth century , Bion generated unique ideas both in the field of individual psychoanalysis and group field .

  14. 精神分析从研究心理冲突,特别是从研究与俄狄浦斯情结有关的心理冲突,逐渐转向研究自身的发展,从而导致精神分析自身心理学的诞生。

    Therefore , Psychoanalysis gradually shifted its focus of study from the mental conflict , especially that connected with Oedipus complex , to the self disorder , which led to the birth of the psychoanalytic self psychology .