
  • 网络elite group
  1. 而即使在当时,吴宇森刚出头的时候,也只有“精英集团”欣赏他的才华。

    And even for then , you know , for John Woo when he first went out , you know there was only an elite group that appreciated what he his talent .

  2. 那时只有“精英集团”会看亚洲电影,例如昆汀·塔伦提诺,而他当时还是个出租录像带的家伙,对吗?

    There were only the elite group that watched Asian films , like the Quentin Tarantino , and at that time , you know , he was still a video guy , right ?

  3. 外籍人士成就了安哥拉的精英集团,后者的玩忽职守正在害死安哥拉的儿童。

    The expats enable an elite that is killing Angolan children by neglect .

  4. 党已经演变成一个服务于自身利益的精英集团,明显没有群众基础。

    It has evolved into a self-serving elite ; conspicuously , it has no base among the masses .

  5. 在20世纪20到30年代,苏联对于传统精英集团的压迫,以及强制推行的集体化导致了民众的饥饿和社会的不稳定。

    Soviet repression of the traditional elites , along with forced collectivization in late1920s-1930s , brought mass hunger and led to unrest .

  6. 本文论述了戊戌变法前后湖南维新运动中精英集团的分裂以及由此衍生的社会冲突状况。

    This paper describes the breakup of elites group and social conflict derived from this breakup during the Constitutional Reform and Modernization of 1848 in Hunan Province .

  7. 答案是,双方精英集团需要承担起真正的战略承诺,以保持牢固稳定的两国关系。双方必须理解其中的利害关系。

    The answer is you need a real strategic commitment from the elites of both countries to try to maintain a very strong relationship . ? Both sides must understand the stakes .

  8. 该算法中引入精英集团和粒子自适应变异策略以提高算法的寻优能力,精英集团由适应度较好的若干粒子组成;粒子自适应变异策略根据粒子浓度自适应确定变异概率。

    The elite group and adaptive mutation strategies are introduced to enhance the optimizing capability of the algorithm , the elite group is made up of several high-fitness particles ; mutation probabilities are adaptive and ensured by the particles ' concentration .

  9. 首先,美国的政治过程基本是少数精英利益集团控制,公共政策基本反映了他们的利益。

    Firstly , the political process of American was controlled by an elite few , and all the public policy reflected were their interests .

  10. 尤其是在外交政策领域,一种特殊舆论现象的背后,往往隐藏着怀有某种利益意愿的幕后操纵媒体的精英个体或集团。

    Public opinion concerning foreign policy in particular is likely stired by the media controlled by government or elites behind the scene .

  11. 这种体制导致了各课程权力主体间发生了较严重冲突。冲突既在草根阶层与精英阶层之间上演,同时也在精英集团内部展开。

    This system caused serious conflicts between the grassroots level and elites , simultaneously also in the elites interior .

  12. 农村社区精英的变动主要有精英循环理论和精英再生产理论,然而实地调查发现,社区精英的变动既有新精英对旧精英的替代,又有旧精英集团内部的差异和转换。

    There are theory of elite reproduction and theory of elite circulation . According to the research , there are replacement of old community elites with new ones and the inner difference and transition of old community elites group .