
  • 网络accuracy;Precision Rate;precision ratio
  1. 将Matlab和ADAMS的后处理联合来处理数据,提高了数据分析的效率和精确率。

    The data was handled by joining Matlab and post-processing of ADAMS , with data analysis efficiency and precision improved .

  2. 实验表明,中文命名实体识别总的精确率、召回率和F值分别达到了86.93%,83.69%,85.28%。

    The precision , recall and F-score of the Chinese named entity recognition are 86.93 % , 83.69 % , 85.28 % , respectively .

  3. 聚类作为Web挖掘的预处理阶段可以通过分类数据来提高挖掘的效率和精确率。

    As a preprocess stage , clustering can improve the efficiency and accuracy of data mining through classifying the data sets .

  4. 采用精确率、召回率和F度量值等指标分析实验数据。

    The experimental data were evaluated by the indicators of recall , precision and F measure value .

  5. 结论HPVDNA检测作为宫颈癌细胞学筛查的辅助手段,最清楚的作用是提高诊断精确率,减少细胞学检查结果为交界或轻度异常患者不必要的阴道镜检查。

    Conclusion HPV DNA testing is very important to improve the diagnostic accuracy and limit the unnecessary colposcopy examination in the patients with borderline and mildly abnormal cytologic test results .

  6. HCT作为判定胰腺癌可切除性的总的精确率为75%(21/28)。

    The accuracy of evaluating pancreatic cancer resectability using HCT was 75 % ( 21 / 28 ) .

  7. 结果表明,自动获取的SCF句式转换对的精确率为68.37%,召回率达到81.71%。

    Post hoc analysis shows that the acquired SCF alternatives reach a precision of 68.37 % and a recall of 81.71 % .

  8. GuzmandeRojas认为词典的容量仍需扩充以达到约90%的精确率

    Guzman de rojas say the dictionary capacity still must be expanded to arrive at a passable accuracy rate of 90 percent

  9. 结果定位、导向精确率<0.5mm。

    Result A precision of localization and guiding were obtained within 0.5 mm .

  10. 实验表明,SVM和最大熵相结合的中文机构名自动识别方法是有效的:系统开式召回率和精确率分别达91.05%,93.59%,F值为92.84%。

    The results show that SVM and Maximum Entropy combined Chinese organization name recognition is effective : in open test , the recall and precision rate and F-measure are 91.05 % , 93.59 % , and 92.84 % respectively .

  11. 通过与基于N-gram的统计方法比较,结果是令人满意的.精确率达82%,召回率达75%。

    Compared with N-gram method , the results are satisfying : The performance of precision 82 % and recall 75 % are reached by proposed approach .

  12. 在人工数据与UCI数据上的实验表明,我们提出的方案较原始算法在精确率上有较大提高,是有效的非线性降维工具。

    The experiment on artificial data and UCI data show that the proposed algorithms have greatly improved in accuracy comparing to the original ones , and is an effective tool for nonlinear dimensionality reduction .

  13. 对真实语料进行封闭和开放测试,封闭测试结果为召回率93.55%,精确率94.14%,F-1值93.85%;

    Close and open tests were conducted on real corpus : the close test results are the recall-back rate 93.55 % , accurate rate 94.14 % , F-1 value 93.85 % ;

  14. 结果表明,组合型切分歧义消解的精确率比ICTCLAS系统有了进一步提高,封闭测试精确率在99%以上,开放测试的精确率为87.84%。

    The results show that the rate of correctly disambiguating covering word segmentation ambiguity is over 99 % in the closed test and 87.84 % in the open test .

  15. 根据语法制约关系优化消歧过程后,开放测试针对搭配有规律性的词语精确率可达到97.9%,比ICTCLAS系统高26.6%。

    The new procedure lead to a accurate rate nearly 97.9 % when dealing with examples that have disciplinary word collocation . This result is 26.6 % higher than that of ICTCLAS system .

  16. 交集型切分真歧义的消解不但精确率普遍在94%以上,而且平均错误率也比ICTCLAS系统低25%以上。

    In test of crossing word segmentation disambiguation , correct rate is over 94 % , average wrong rate is 25 % lower than that of ICTCLAS system developed by the Institute of Computation in China Academy of Science .

  17. 改进相似度度量方法,是提高推荐精确率。

    Improved similarity measurement method is recommended to improve precision .

  18. 实验结果表明,新算法分割精确率较高。

    The experimental results demonstrate the high accuracy rate of the improved algorithm .

  19. 在召回率为70%时,精确率为57%。

    When the recall is 70 % , the precision is 57 % .

  20. 词义排歧的精确率依赖于排歧知识的完备性。

    The precision rate of word sense disambiguation depends on the completeness of disambiguation knowledge .

  21. 其创新之处在于评价中不仅考虑了文摘的精确率、召回率,还考虑了文摘压缩率。

    The method not only takes account of precision and recall but also the ratio of summarization .

  22. 实验结果表明,本系统的召回率和精确率分别达到了92.3%、95.2%。

    The experimental result shows that the recall is 92.3 % and the precision is 95.2 % .

  23. 该方法对于新闻文本的召回率一般,但有较高的精确率。

    This method has high precise rate on the news document although its recall rate is ordinary .

  24. 实验表明,它不仅具有较高的训练效率,同时能得到很高的分类精确率。

    And experiment shows that it not only improves training efficiency , but also has high precision .

  25. 开放测试结果表明,召回率为92.23%,精确率为83.88%。

    Evaluation on the open test corpus shows that the recall is 92.23 % and the precision is 83.88 % .

  26. 实验结果表明,预分类算法的引入不仅提高了精确率和召回率,而且分类时间也有较大缩短。

    The experimental results show that this algorithm can not only improve precision and recall but also reduce time greatly .

  27. 利用翻译模板可以有效的解决翻译实例的数据稀疏问题、简化实例库的规模并提高实例匹配的精确率。

    Translation template can solve the problem of data sparsity , large storage space and low matching precision of examples .

  28. 最后,将该算法应用到关联规则挖掘中,取得了较高的查全率和精确率。

    Finally , the proposed algorithm is applied to the association rule mining , and has got high recall and precision .

  29. 异物位于球内壁、球外壁的判断的空间精确率(18/18)100%;

    The accurate rate in judgment that foreign bodies was located in inner eye wall or in outer eyeball was 100 % .

  30. 与基于规则的方法相比,本方法可以在召回率没有明显下降的情况下大幅度提高基本名词短语识别的精确率。

    Compare to the rule method , our method may rapidly improve the precision in the precondition of lower descendent of recall .