
  • 网络Shade Net;SUNSHADE NET
  1. 在进行苗木培育时,对幼小的苗木应采取一定的防寒措施,如加盖遮阳网及稻草,这样能有效的为幼苗避寒加温,帮助其顺利过冬。

    During the seedling , the young seedlings of some proof measures should be taken , such as stamp shade net and straw , that can effective heating for seedling cold to help them smoothly through the winter .

  2. 不同遮阴模式对黄连质量和产量的影响:五味子棚遮阴模式栽连的黄连总生物产量最高,80%遮阳网棚模式次之,林下栽连和80%遮阳网棚模式差异不大。

    Effects of different shading on quality and yield of coptis chinensis Franch : the mode for highest yield is Fructus schisandrae shading systems , middle is Shade net 80 % mode , there is no significant difference between undergrowth mode and Shade net 80 % coverage mode .

  3. 不论何种夏季气候型,遮阳网覆盖均明显地提高了出苗率,但产品内涵品质如VC,蛋白质等含量均下降,硝酸盐积累也增多。

    Compared with non-shading culture , the product internal quality , such as content of vitamin C and protein decreased , but nitrate accumulation increased .

  4. 本试验是在有弥雾装置并加盖遮阳网的塑料大棚中,用不同的植物生长调节剂IAA、IBA、NAA处理叶子花的一年生木质化插条和当年生嫩枝,进行扦插试验。

    The experiment was done by dealing Bougainvillea glabra 's cutting with different kind of plant-growth regulator IAA . IBA .

  5. 龙胆草覆盖遮阳网,斑枯病发病时间较裸地栽培晚15d,发病率为23.4%;

    Under the treatments with sun-shading net , the occurrence time of septoria leaf spot was delayed 15 days , with the rate of 23.4 % .

  6. 试验在小拱棚内进行,遮荫材料为遮阳网及纱网,透光率为:30%、50%、70%与100%,分别设为A、B、C、CK。

    This experiment was done in the arch canopy with overshadow web and voile net as shading materials . And the light transmission ratio were 30 % , 50 % , 70 % and 100 % , with A , B , C , CK as their symbol , respectively .

  7. 以Navier-Stokes方程为模型基础,运用CFX软件对华东地区三连栋塑料温室在配置内遮阳网后室内自然通风气流场进行三维稳态模拟,外界风向取平行于温室的屋脊方向。

    Based on the equation of Navier-Stokes and with computational fluid dynamic software CFX , a 3-D steady simulation of natural ventilation was performed in the multi-span plastic greenhouse that was equipped with inner solar-shading screen .

  8. 利用遮阳网产生光照强度梯度,以研究攀援植物绞股蓝(Gynostemmapentaphyllum)幼苗对光梯度的形态和生长反应。

    Variation in morphology and growth of seedlings of the climbing plant , Gynostemma pentaphyllum was examined in response to a light intensity gradient artificially created using plastic shade web . This revealed that G.

  9. 遮阳网覆盖对夏白菜产量与品质的影响

    Effects of Shading-net Covering on Yield and Quality of Summer Pak-choi

  10. 遮阳网性能与夏白菜的覆盖栽培技术研究

    Studies on Shade-net Characters and Covered Cultivation of Summer Pak-choi

  11. 遮阳网的小气候效应及其对蔬菜生长的影响

    Micro-climate effect of sunshading-net and its influence on vegetable growth

  12. 塑料遮阳网大棚小气候观测与分析

    Observations and analysis of microclimatic shade-net greenhouse in Chengdu

  13. 无论何种天气条件,遮阳网覆盖均会显著削弱太阳辐射;

    Despite of what weather conditions , covering sunshading net could lower solar radiation ;

  14. 遮阳网覆盖对夏季小白菜品质的影响

    Effects of Sunshade Net on Quality of Loose Leaved Chinese Cabbage in the Summer

  15. 遮阳网覆盖对烤烟生长及产量的影响研究

    Influence of the adverse condition of shading - nets on yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco

  16. 遮阳网覆盖缓解夏季普通白菜高温伤害机理的研究

    Study on Mechanism of Heat Injury Relieving in Summer Pak Choi under Shading Net Covering Cultivation

  17. 内遮阳网对连栋温室内自然通风流场影响的稳态模拟

    Steady Simulation of the Effect of Inner Solar-shading Screen on Airflow Distribution inside Multi-span Plastic Greenhouse

  18. 目前遮阳网主要有室内遮荫和室外遮荫。

    Currently there are mainly 2 types of overshadow screen , indoor shading and outdoor shading .

  19. 光度过强,对喜阴开花植物生长不利,需用遮阳网来调节光照强度,达到最适状态。

    Through-the-Yam has negative growth of flowering plants , shade nets are needed to adjust light intensity , reaching the optimum state .

  20. 在遮阳网覆盖与露地条件下,进行不同蔬菜种类的分期播种对比试验。

    Under the conditions of sunshading net coverage and open field , the contrast experiments on various vegetable sowing by stages were conducted .

  21. 研究了烤烟漂浮育苗出苗期,每天不同的遮阳网覆盖时间处理对出苗过程的影响。

    During the budding time of floating system , the influence of different shading-nets covered time per day to tobacco budding is studied in this paper .

  22. 试验地点选择太原市城区,具体方法是在机动车道和非机动车道之间设置遮阳网。

    Generally , green road belts have been used to promote the spread of air pollutants outside of the road , while non-motorized vehicles roads have been disregarded .

  23. 采用室内遮阳网遮荫、室外遮阳网遮荫,在夏季高温季节的晴天,即使天窗、侧窗全部打开,其室内作物层温度仍会高于室外温度,所以也只能进行某些耐高温作物的栽培。

    Even if the roof ventilator and side window are all opened , in summer fair weather , under taking the inside or outside shading , the crop bed temperature will still higher than the outside .

  24. 单层绿纱网处理叶片的光合速率和蒸腾速率在遮光的条件下最高,而在自然光照下黑色遮阳网处理最高。

    The Pn and transpiration rat of one layer green gauze treatment was the highest among all the treatments under shading condition , while the Pn and transpiration rat of black gauze treatment was the highest in natural lighting .

  25. 夏秋季应用遮阳网技术对茶园进行适度遮荫,可使茶鲜叶中氨基酸含量增加、茶多酚含量及酚/氨比值降低。

    A suitable shading in tea garden by using the shading net technique in summer and autumn seasons increased the contents of amino acids in tea fresh leaves and decreased the contents of polyphenols and the polyphenol / amino acid ratio .

  26. 针对华北型连栋温室夏季降温系统存在的内遮阳网上部高温区通风不足的问题,提出了一种新的通风降温模式:上排风+湿垫+内遮阳网。

    An approach ( Up ventilation + wet pad + inside thermal net-cooling system ) was introduced to decrease heat air coming from sunshine in the greenhouse . A new model for ventilation in Huabei type greenhouse in summer was put forward .