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zhē xiū
  • hush up a scandal;cover up one's embarrassment;conceal one's disgrace;hide one's shame
遮羞 [zhē xiū]
  • [cover up ones embarrassment; hide one's shame] 掩盖感到羞耻的东西

  • 无以遮羞

遮羞[zhē xiū]
  1. 这项协议不过是块遮羞布而已,用来掩盖对自然景观的持续破坏。

    This deal is little more than a fig leaf for the continued destruction of the landscape .

  2. 他没有足够的衣服遮羞。

    He didn 't have enough clothing to hide his nakedness .

  3. 如果我们失去了树叶,我们该如何遮羞?

    If we leave the leaves , how can we cover up ourselves ?

  4. 你想用找工作来遮羞吗?

    Trying to cover the shame with a job ?

  5. 不过,如果说目的仅仅是为政府遮羞,是不是已经足够了呢?

    Maybe , though , just enough to save the government 's blushes ?

  6. 内衣还与遮羞礼仪有着紧密的联系。

    Also underwear closely relates to shame-covering etiquette .

  7. 数学是经济学的“遮羞布”吗?

    Is mathematics the fig leaf of economics ?

  8. 或许现代女性需要一块遮羞布来提醒我们,浪漫并未死亡。

    Maybe modern women need a cheat-sheet to remind us romance isn 't dead .

  9. 现在,连这层遮羞布也揭掉了。

    Now even the disguises have dropped .

  10. 他们只穿遮羞布。

    All they wear is g-strings .

  11. 发盲人说信息大战只是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖历史上最退步的税收制度。

    The spokesperson said the nformation campaign was a fig leaf to hide the most regressive tax in history .

  12. 他真的说大多数西方人相信为了灵性他们应该像拉马那那样只穿一件遮羞布生活。

    He literally said that most Westeners believe they have to live like Ramana in a loincloth to be spiritual .

  13. 生活的主要物品,是水、食粮、和遮羞的衣服房屋。

    The chief thing for man 's life is water and bread , and clothing , and a house to cover shame .

  14. 绩效工资正是为解决这个问题而设计的,但它最终只是一块遮羞布而已。

    Pay for performance was supposed to solve this problem , but it ended up being nothing more than a fig leaf .

  15. 那个人们相信为了灵性不得不放弃所有只留一块遮羞布的说法已经是老黄历了。

    That people believe they have to renounce everything to the loincloth level to be spriritual is largely an old clich é .

  16. 在遮羞、保暖、美观的基础上,人们对服装的性能又提出了更新更高的需求:健康、安全、使人身心愉快。

    On the base of covering , beautiful and warm , they have put forward higher requirements : healthy , safety , pleasant .

  17. 中国的教师和学生被作业压得喘不过气,但教与学的效果却不容乐观,如此一来苦劳恐将成为一块遮羞布。

    Chinese teachers and students are overwhelmed by homework , but the effect is not optimistic , so they could become a fig leaf .

  18. 在一份只需点击就能确认、犹如遮羞布的网上协议中,这些网络存储服务公司要求用户同意不可上传侵权材料。

    In a click-through agreement that appears to serve as a fig leaf , cyberlockers require their users to agree not to upload infringing materials .

  19. 当你沾沾自喜喝着搅匀的马蒂,或是冰咖啡时,候殊不知你的遮羞布已经被掀掉啦。

    Unfortunately , while you smugly sip a shaken martini - uh , iced coffee - you may not realize that your cover was blown .

  20. 首先是实用功能,能在日常生活中保暖、遮羞;其后才产生了象征意义和文化内涵。

    First is the practical function , to keep warm and cover the body . Second is the function of symbolic meaning and cultural significance .

  21. 利夫尼说,内塔尼亚胡的政府将使和平进程停顿不前,她不愿意成为内塔尼亚胡强硬政策的遮羞布。

    Livni said a Netanyahu government would bring a stalemate to the peace process and that she would not be fig leaf for his hard-line policies .

  22. 昨日的节目通过对斯蒂芬·赫斯特的采访做出了一点提示,银行业的遮羞布快用完了。

    There was just a hint in Stephen Hester 's interview on this programme yesterday that the banking sector has finally run out of fig leaves .

  23. 遵照传统,“圣女”全部来自贱民家庭,她们刚刚进入青春期,就被迫卖身于寺院。人前,有个光鲜的名字遮羞&圣女;

    In accordance with tradition ," Saint " all from Dalit families , they have just entered puberty , they forced to prostitute herself at the temple .

  24. 但他们甚至缺少作为借口的遮羞布,他们没有说米塔尔收购阿塞洛,可能会导致国家战略利益被外国势力支配。

    But they lack even the figleaf of an excuse that a Mittal takeover of Arcelor could lead to domination of strategic national interests by a foreign power .

  25. 你本无辜,却落了个轻薄的声名,世人猎奇涉艳,逐腥追臭,却拿桃花来做遮羞布。

    You are the innocent , but ended in failure light of fame , world adventures , involving brilliant , by-catch fishy smell , but do take a fig leaf peach .

  26. 随着社会的发展,织物在人们的日常生活中扮演的角色越来越重要,织物的作用也不只是局限在遮羞保暖,许多功能奇特的织物随之出现。

    With the development of the society , the fabric plays a more and more important role in our everyday life . And the function of the fabric is not just for warming .

  27. 贵州茅台一向被认为是基金集体护盘的最后一块遮羞布,如今基金们已不再抱团取暖,而是自相残杀。

    Guizhou Maotai has always been seen as a collective fund to support the final piece of fig leaf , the funds are now no longer Baotuan heating , but to fight against each other .

  28. “女人是你的衣服,你是她们的衣服。”这个比喻的类同之处在于,衣服的特性之一就是蔽体遮羞。

    Another point of resemblance in the simile " Women are clothes for you and you are clothing unto them ," which comes to mind is that one of the characteristics of clothing is that it conceals .

  29. 又对撒拉说,我给你哥哥一千银子,作为你在合家人面前遮羞的,你就在众人面前没有不是了。

    And he said to sarah , see , I have given to your brother a thousand bits of silver so that your wrong may be put right ; now your honour is clear in the eyes of all .

  30. 然而进入21世纪,在大规模城市化浪潮中,我国的建筑更新面临困境,成了建筑物换妆比赛的借口,更沦为了赤裸裸的商业开发的遮羞布。

    However , when entering 21st century , building renewal of our country is encountering predicament in the extensive urbanization tide . It becomes the excuse to changing buildings ' facade , even the cover of the pure commercial development .