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yán dōng
  • severe winter
严冬 [yán dōng]
  • [severe winter] 极冷的冬天

严冬[yán dōng]
  1. 我们能够采取措施预防严冬。

    We can take steps to provide against a severe winter .

  2. 在1947年的严冬甚至连海都上了冻。

    During the severe winter of 1947 even the sea froze over .

  3. 这些植物经受不住严冬的考验。

    The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter .

  4. 这棵小树经受了好几个严冬。

    The little tree has weathered several bitter winters .

  5. 漫长的严冬终于结束,代之而来的是温暖的春天。

    The long cruel winter came to an end at last , yielding to a gentle warm spring .

  6. 严冬之苦让每个人都渴望春天。

    The asperity of the winter had everybody yearning for spring .

  7. 曼施坦因在最恶劣的严冬条件下,出色地施展了灵活机动的战术,终于完成了任务

    This Manstein did , with some brilliant maneuvering under the worse winter conditions .

  8. 它们在南极地区凶险的严冬时节繁殖,但它们需要九个月稳固的海冰来养育幼鸟,这意味着帝企鹅的前途未卜。

    They breed right in the middle of the ferocious2 Antarctic winter , but their need for nine months of stable sea-ice on which to bring up their young means they face an uncertain future .

  9. 一个大事件就是酷寒的严冬。极地气流使得收视率低下,他们决定重命名为MSNBC。

    The polar vortex caused so many record lows , they renamed it MSNBC .

  10. 我们的教科书是如此描述的:1620年英国清教徒搭乘“五月花”号船抵达“普利茅斯圣岩”(PlymouthRock),由于没有为严冬做好足够的准备,友好的当地人对他们施以援手,为他们提供食物并教授他们如何种植玉米。

    Here 's the lie : Pilgrims on the Mayflower arrived at Plymouth Rock in 1620 . Unprepared for the harsh winter , they were saved by the friendly natives , who gave them food and taught them how to plant corn .

  11. 例如,大部分现在英国人会跟你说,这是一个“hahdwintuh(严冬)”。

    For example , most modern Brits would tell you it 's been a " hahd wintuh . "

  12. 在严冬逼近时我们非常发愁。

    We got quite worried as winter closed in on us .

  13. 他到阳光明媚的温暖地带去避寒,把严冬留在身后。

    He retreats to sunny climes , leaving the winter behind .

  14. 另一半则被严冬冻死。

    The rest 'll freeze to death from nuclear winter .

  15. 严冬把树木一棵一棵地都冻死了。

    The trees were killed off by the severe winter .

  16. 即使是严冬,也停水停电

    Shuts them down even in the dead of winter .

  17. 我80岁的爷爷无法忍受北方的严冬。

    My80-year-old grandfather can not bear the severe winter in the North .

  18. 整个地区仍然处在严冬之中。

    The whole region was still in the iron grip of winter .

  19. 这条结冰的河流在严冬时当作道路使用。

    The frozen river serves as a road throughout the bitter winters .

  20. 过去,这些松树甲虫会被严冬冻死。

    Those pine beetles used to be killed by the cold winters .

  21. 什么力量可以让你阻止这个严冬?

    What power do you have to stop this winter ?

  22. 我知道怎样终结这个严冬

    Look , I know how to stop this winter .

  23. 你家树篱上的浆果预示严冬将早早来临。

    The berries on your hedge portend an early and severe winter .

  24. 因为在南极的严冬是无法寻求救援的。

    In the Antarctic winter there 's no way of being rescued .

  25. 与哈萨克人不同仓鼠不靠迁徙来躲避严冬

    Unlike the Kazakhs hamsters cut migrate to avoid the severity of winter

  26. 因此,于我还是严冬,而你不在,

    Yet seem 'd it winter still , and , you away ,

  27. 这些鸟能在北极的严冬中生存。

    These birds is able to survive the peril of the arctic winter .

  28. 他们被那年严冬的饥荒与瘟疫逼疯了。

    They were crazed by the famine and pestilence of that bitter winter .

  29. 翻译乐啊,乐在料峭的严冬。

    The happiness also comes from our doing translation in the freezing winter .

  30. 女士们,先生们!严冬终将过去,春天就要来临。

    The harsh winter will be gone and spring is around the corner .