
yán shi
  • close;tight;hide safely
严实 [yán shí]
  • (1) [tight;close]∶不透水或气的;不松或不漏失的;结构坚固和牢固的

  • (2) [hide safely]∶不留空隙或出口的

  • 门关得很严实

严实[yán shi]
  1. 把门关严实。

    Shut the door tight .

  2. 他检查了他的装备,确保他的包裹包装严实了。

    He checked off his equipment and made sure his pack was tight .

  3. 这个农家院三面都有楼房,遮得很严实

    The farmyard was snugly sheltered with buildings on three sides .

  4. 这个盖子严实地盖在奶瓶上,保持奶嘴无菌。

    This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile .

  5. 这个旧的木匣子用皮革严实地包裹着。

    The old wooden box was richly encased in leather .

  6. 在伊朗的海滩上,所有的女孩都穿着把身子裹得严实的泳衣。

    On the Iranian beaches , all the girls were wearing burqinis .

  7. 从这一头到那一头,都是清一色、严实的整体。

    From one end to the other , it was homogeneous and compact .

  8. 身体生来就是给人看的,捂得那么严实作甚?

    The body is meant to be seen , not all covered up .

  9. 什么但是我穿的这么严实啊

    What ? But . I 'm like totally dressed

  10. 但是上次,蒙得不是很严实。

    And the last time , the blindfold wasn 't on so well .

  11. 我希望它们密封得很严实。

    I hope they 're sealed up tight .

  12. 北风吹得越凛冽,那个人把衣服裹得越严实。

    The harder the north wind blows , the tighter the man wraps himself .

  13. 门板间密封条美观,严实。

    Beautiful and tight seal between door leaf .

  14. 你把门窗关严实了吗?

    Have you closed the gate and windows ?

  15. 身上包得很严实,戴着手套,穿着大衣

    The body was covered , the hands had gloves , a big coat .

  16. 四肢也都包裹严实。

    Their arms and legs are also covered .

  17. 她总是穿得很‘严实’,但我认为这没有什么必要。

    She usually covers herself up , but I don 't think that 's necessary .

  18. 大雾把山水景色笼罩了个严实。

    A fog abolished the landscape .

  19. 像书本封面一样的盖子本意是保护阅读器,但盖上后很不严实,经常会掉下来。

    The book-like cover , intended to protect the device , attaches so weakly that it 's always falling off .

  20. 车牌遮挡得很严实,但是表看得很清楚

    See , the car 's plates are smartly covered up , But , see , there 's the watch .

  21. 可是,你不是闭眼了吗?况且双手不是严实地蒙住了吗?

    Yet your eyes are closed and your hands are blocking them completely & so where is the light coming from ?

  22. 他的父亲,拥有一点学前的德语能力,给他的儿子进行了翻译,那个信息条上还是用玻璃纸和一个医用绷带包裹,甚为严实。

    His father , who knows schoolboy German , translated the letter , carefully wrapped in cellophane and sealed with a medical bandage .

  23. 于是四个被抓住的人都绑在一起,虽然没往死里绑,却很严实,就这样押着向岸边走去。

    Then the four human prisoners were roped together , not cruelly but securely , and made to march down to the shore .

  24. 苹果树的旁边,是一口关不严实的鲜果箱,也许能从里面摸到个把苹果。

    Beside the apple-tree stood a sort of fruit-house , which was not securely fastened , and where one might contrive to get an apple .

  25. 现在你有一个很严实的朋友圈,许多熟人,但是周末的时候你更愿意和你妈妈待在一起。

    Now , you have a close circle of friends and many acquaintances , but you prefer to hang out with your mom on the weekend .

  26. 是啊,我在入睡前,还想着要把自己严实得装进睡袋里,但是

    Not anymore . Yeah , I thought about zipping myself up into a sleeping bag before I go to sleep , but it , heh ,

  27. 穷人家门关不严实,可又害怕传染病会上身,无法可施之下,他们只得携老扶幼,带着全家大小一起逃离了该村。

    The poor were not able to close the doors tightly and they were afraid of being infected by her , so they ran away with all of family members .

  28. 对生意人而言无非是摆弄他们微小的手机,防护得比奔驰车还要严实,而他们的日程只是局限于参加会议,做演说或博取潜在客户的欢心。

    For the businessman brandishing the tiniest mobile phone and shielded by the darker than black shade of Mercedes , schedule is restricted to attending meetings , presentations and entertaining new prospective clients .

  29. 和其他很多女生一样,我在学校里必须确保自己的裙子足够长。而我穿长裙时,却又会有人问我为什么要把自己包得这么严实。

    Like many women , I 've been subjected to confirm my skirt was long enough at school and been asked , while wearing a maxidress , why I was so covered up .

  30. 如果晚上临睡之前,蚊帐没有弄得严实,纱窗也没有关好,蚊子马上会飞进来,那么,这一夜我们一定不会睡的安稳。

    If we don 't keep the mosquito net sealed and don 't close the window screen well , then the mosquito will come in and we can 't sleep well that night .