
yán kù
  • harsh;severe;grim;cruel;bitter;rigour;pitiless;pitiless merciless;rushless
严酷 [yán kù]
  • (1) [harsh;pitiless merciless;pitiless]∶残酷;残忍

  • 严酷的战争年代

  • (2) [rushless;cruel]∶冷酷;无情

  • 严酷的剥削

  • (3) [bitter]∶严厉;严格

  • 严酷的教训

严酷[yán kù]
  1. 随着尺寸的进一步微型化和载荷严酷化,集成电路(IC)封装焊点必将遭遇原子迁移这一可靠性瓶颈。

    With further miniaturization and harsh service loading , solder joint of integrated circuit ( IC ) will suffer the atomic migration .

  2. 人们不再抱任何幻想,以为欧洲经济与货币联盟(Emu)的成员国身份,就能让希腊避免严酷的现实。

    No longer is there any illusion that membership of Europe 's economic and monetary union ( Emu ) provides protection from harsh realities .

  3. 他现在要面对狱中生活的严酷现实了。

    He now faces the stark reality of life in prison .

  4. 被拘留者的关押环境常常恶劣严酷、很不人道。

    The detainees are often held in cruel and inhuman conditions

  5. 监狱条件变得更加严酷。

    Prison conditions have become more brutal

  6. 他找到了懂得用狂欢来冲淡战争的严酷的志趣相投的军官。

    He found congenial officers who knew how to leaven war 's rigours with riotous enjoyment .

  7. 首都爆发了暴力事件,这给了人们一个严酷的提醒——宗教紧张局势还在持续。

    Violence has broken out in the capital , a stark reminder that the religious tensions are refusing to go away .

  8. 逃避现实是不行的;我们必须应付我们的严酷处境。

    There was no escape from the facts ; we were brought to grips with the hard reality of our position .

  9. 你太相信别人了,严酷的现实并不是每个人都像你那样诚实。

    You are too trusting ; it 's one of the hard facts of life that not everybody is as honest as you are .

  10. 之前曾效力于imf、并拥有与严酷的新兴市场危机现实打交道的经历,是不是一个必要条件?

    And is prior service in the IMF , and dealing with the gritty realities of emerging markets crises a necessity ?

  11. 我国已经在WTO框架下,与世界经济融为一体。经济的全球化同时也意味着竞争的激烈化,企业要在严酷的市场竞争中求得生存和发展,关键在于企业发展的战略。

    The Chinese economy has combined with the global economics under the frame of WTO , which means the competition for market in economical field is more fierce than never before .

  12. 经过了近两年的时间,WindowsVista仍面对消费者的冷淡反映以及来自苹果公司的严酷销售壁垒。

    After almost two years , Windows Vista is still getting a lackluster reception from consumers and facing a relentless marketing barrage from Apple .

  13. 用ACM技术评估低合金钢大气腐蚀及环境腐蚀严酷性

    Investigation of Atmospheric Corrosion of Low Alloy Steels and Evaluation of Atmospheric Corrosivity by ACM Technology

  14. 另一个精彩内容还包括到FBI学院的一段短暂旅程,在那里贝克见证了壮志满怀的FBI特工必须承受的严酷训练。

    Another highlight included a trip to the FBI Academy where he witnessed the extreme training aspiring FBI agents must endure .

  15. 电视厨师JamieOliver两年前曾曝光了英国学校午餐令人震惊的卫生标准,现在试想他接受这种严酷的考验会如何吧。

    Imagine Jamie Oliver , who exposed the shocking standards of British school lunches a couple of years ago , being put through such an ordeal .

  16. 由于严酷的市场环境导致交易佣金枯竭,并购活动和首次公开发行(ipo)市场冻结,全球投行业今年第二季度的利润预计将大幅下滑。

    Global investment banking earnings are expected to drop sharply for the second quarter after brutally tough market conditions saw trading commissions dry up and the market for takeovers and initial public offerings freeze .

  17. 劳伦斯·怀特(LawrenceWright)著,克诺普夫出版社,27.95美元。1978年,严酷的外交斗争中的马拉松谈判塑造了以色列与埃及的和平框架。

    By Lawrence Wright . ( Knopf , $ 27.95 . ) How marathon sessions of bare-knuckle diplomacy forged a framework for peace between Israel and Egypt in 1978 .

  18. 花旗集团(citigroup)首席财务官加里克里腾登(garycrittenden)表示,该集团打算利用金融市场的严酷环境寻求收购机遇。

    Citigroup intends to use the harsh climate in the financial markets to seek out opportunistic acquisitions , according to Gary Crittenden , chief financial officer .

  19. 伦敦证交所(LSE)报告称,其第一季度的收入增长了8%,并称该业绩证明其商业模式在严酷交易环境下的弹性。这一报告对怀疑论者进行了有力的回击。

    The London Stock Exchange confounded sceptics as it reported an 8 per cent rise in revenues for its first quarter , saying the result proved the resilience of its business model amid torrid trading conditions .

  20. 这是来自全球气象学家的严酷警告。他们认为,正在全球推广的5G网络将干扰用于监测大气变化的精密卫星设备。

    That is the stark warning of meteorologists around the world , who say the next-generation wireless system now being rolled out across the globe is likely to disrupt the delicate satellite instruments they use to monitor changes in the atmosphere .

  21. 这些士兵适应严酷气候。

    These soldiers are seasoned to the rigors of the climate .

  22. 市场将制定严酷(即便是暂时的)的纪律。

    Markets will impose a brutal , if temporary , discipline .

  23. 两者各有优缺点,严酷的市场竞争促使它们的技术都必须不断创新和改进。

    The heavy competition forces them keeping on innovations and improvements .

  24. 译:无论怎样严酷的冬天,狼也不会互相蚕食。

    It is a hard winter that one wolf eats another .

  25. 在这场严酷的竞争中,我们的国有商业银行是否已经做好了充分的准备?

    In the rigorous competition , is our commercial bank ready ?

  26. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它

    It be a fact of life and you must face it

  27. 我们大多数人恐怕都不能承受这样的严酷训练。

    Most of us could not keep up with that routine .

  28. 严酷的卡夫卡,我们都这么叫她父亲。

    Grim kafka , that 's what we called her father .

  29. 我想要摆脱一切严酷的事实。

    I want to get away from all this harsh reality .

  30. 那是爱的课程还是关于现实的严酷的课程?

    Will you teach love or a harsh lesson of reality ?