
  1. 月朔,和安息日,并宣召的大会,也是我所憎恶的。作罪孽,又守严肃会,我也不能容忍。

    New Moons , Sabbaths and convocations-I cannot bear your evil assemblies .

  2. 太严肃会让自己生病。

    Too serious , you make you sick .

  3. 20耶户说,要为巴力宣告严肃会。于是宣告了。

    And Jehu said , Proclaim a solemn assembly for Baal . And they proclaimed it .

  4. 我厌恶你们的节期,也不喜悦你们的严肃会。

    I hate , I despise your feast days , and I will not smell in your solemn assemblies .

  5. 哈桑·鲁哈尼总统:(经过翻译)所以我们感觉到这种严肃会持续存在。

    PRESIDENT HASSAN ROUHANI : ( Through translator ) So we do feel that the serious will does exist .

  6. 你们要在锡安吹角,分定禁食的日子,宣告严肃会。

    Let a horn be sounded in zion , let a time be fixed for going without food , have a holy meeting .

  7. 第八日设立严肃会,行奉献坛的礼七日,守节七日。

    And on the eighth day they had a holy meeting ; the offerings for making the altar holy went on for seven days , and the feast for seven days .

  8. 你们要分定禁食的日子,宣告严肃会,招聚长老,和国中的一切居民,到耶和华你们神的殿,向耶和华哀求。

    Let a time be fixed for going without food , have a holy meeting , let the old men , even all the people of the land , come together to the house of the LORD your god , crying out to the lord .

  9. 我只是想避免严肃的会带来伤害的关系。

    I just got out of a very serious and traumatic relationship .

  10. 她们会非常严肃地会问你,

    and they 'll ask you , in all seriousness ,

  11. 脸这么严肃,会把好能量吓跑的。

    You make serious face like this , you scare away good energy .

  12. 今后几年里,越来越多的严肃小说会被立即辨认出来。

    More and more serious fiction will be immediately identifiable in the coming years .

  13. 不承认这一点,不会让你看上去更严肃,只会显得很愚蠢。

    Not to acknowledge this is not to look more serious , but simply silly .

  14. 毫无疑问,严肃的投资者会把自己视为更为理性的生物,完全在普通民众的水平之上。

    No doubt serious investors would consider themselves far more rational creatures , perfectly capable of rising above the level of the mob .

  15. 他会用昂贵的晚餐和奢华的礼物来让你拜倒,但一旦事情变得严肃,他会回去完全专注到他的事业中。

    He 'll sweep you off your feet with expensive dinners and lavish gifts , but as soon as things get serious , he 'll go back to focusing solely on his career .

  16. 他会用昂贵的晚餐和奢华的礼物来让你拜倒,但一旦事情变得严肃,他会回去完全专注到他的事业中。你真的想要一个重视他的股票比重视你还多的男人吗?

    He 'll sweep you off your feet with expensive dinners and lavish gifts , but as soon as things get serious , he 'll go back to focusing solely on his career.Do you really want a guy who pays more attention to his stocks than to you ?

  17. 请不要相信或者做出任何严肃承诺,这样会引起不现实的幻想。

    Just don 't buy into or make any big promises and raise unrealistic expectations .

  18. 严肃看待的事情会更少一些。

    I would take fewer things seriously .

  19. 与我们的直觉相反,当你从事的工作很严肃时,可能会更容易拿它开玩笑。

    Counter-intuitively , it can be easier to laugh about your job when it is no laughing matter .

  20. 你知道的,往往在一些严肃的消息之后会有一个不幸的消息。

    You know , we 've also had a heavy news cycle with a lot serious news , Kyra .

  21. 严肃的给予者会得到一种身心愉悦的激励“他们会感觉良好”每次他们给予时,这种良好的感觉会鼓励他们继续这样做。

    Serious givers get a euphoric boost - " they just feel good " - each time they give , and that encourages them to keep it up .

  22. 没有人喜欢和在机场休息厅偶遇到的人争论当地传统和宗教训谕之类的严肃话题,但是会有从你最好的判断力出发,却让你感觉不分胜负的讨论或争辩。

    NOBODY likes to argue or discuss serious subjects like local traditions and religious injunctions with the people one happens to meet in the departure lounge of an airport .

  23. 很明显,它们担心,针对这一问题的严肃讨论,可能会动摇外界对美元的信心,从而推低美元价值并引发欧元及其它货币大幅升值。

    They apparently fear that serious discussion of this issue could shake confidence in the dollar , driving down its value and prompting a sharp rise in the euro and other currencies .