
yán sù yīn yuè
  • Serious music;heavy music;classical music
严肃音乐[yán sù yīn yuè]
  1. 跟这种没有知识的人议论严肃音乐本来就没有意思。

    There 's no point discussing serious music with such ignorant people .

  2. 频道3播放严肃音乐,严肃话题等。

    Radio 3 broadcasts serious music , talks on serious subjects etc.

  3. 他是个严肃音乐的作曲家。

    He 's a composer of serious music .

  4. 我们必须注意别在严肃音乐和流行音乐之间作太多的类比。

    We must beware of drawing too many parallels between the serious music situation and the pop situation .

  5. 作为一位献身于歌唱艺术的教授,她持续不断地进行多项严肃音乐的学术研究,并致力演出苍海遗珠之作。

    As a dedicated teacher , she consistently devotes herself to serious scholarly research programs , unearthing and performing many scores that have previously been neglected .

  6. 古典音乐和当代音乐,严肃音乐和通俗音乐,德国音乐,俄罗斯音乐和世界各国的音乐,所有乐器的乐谱。

    Classical and contemporary music , serious and entertainment music , music frOm Germany , Russia and all over the world , sheet music for all instruments .

  7. 西方艺术音乐在发展过程中所形成的自律性地位,正是导致目前严肃音乐陷入困境的根源。

    The self-discipline status of the West music created in the process of evolution , and it is just the root to lead the serious music bog down at present .

  8. 初学者多数不知什么是严肃音乐,什么是交响曲等,甚至连民族乐器和西洋乐器部分不清。

    The raw recruit most doesn 't know what is serious music , what is a symphony etc. , even connect race musical instrument and western musical instrument department can not distinguish .

  9. 文章通过解读流行通俗音乐的文化内涵,揭示其与青少年音乐偏爱的关系,指出音乐教育工作者要引导青少年崇尚严肃音乐。

    By expatiating the cultural connation of popular music , this paper shows its relationship with teenagers ' music preference and points out that music educators should lead teenagers to advocate serious music .

  10. 作曲家会想,“一部新作品我可以得到20万元人民币。你觉得我能拒绝吗?”但他们认为他们可以一边做这些,一边业余做他们的严肃音乐。

    Composers say : " I can get 200000 renminbi for a new piece . Do you think I can refuse it ? " But they think that they can do that and do their serious music on the side .

  11. 一个小的音乐家组合演奏的一种比较严肃的音乐。

    Serious music performed by a small group of musicians .

  12. 但我想做更严肃的音乐

    But I want to do more serious music .

  13. 他是一位流行(严肃)音乐作曲家,我非常喜欢他创作的曲子。

    He 's composer of pop serious music . I like his music a lot .

  14. 他们都是严肃的音乐人伙计们抱歉能休息五分钟吗

    These guys are serious musicians.Guys , can we ... Sorry . Can we take five ?

  15. 在那一瞬间,他看上去很像热恋中的罗密欧,而不是大家熟悉的那个认真严肃的音乐人。

    For a moment , he looked more like an infatuated Romeo than the serious musician he is known to be .

  16. 当社会男孩罗杰格兰特决定追求流行,而不追求严肃的音乐时,一个对白令人逗笑的爵士音乐歌舞开始于1915年的旧金山。

    This send-up of ragtime song and dance begins in1915 San Francisco when society boy Roger Grant decides to pursue popular rather than serious music .

  17. 轻松的单薄是人们需要的一种休息,而严肃的音乐又是为寻求启示而进行的一种精神操练。

    In its lighter forms , music was a needed refreshment ; in its more demanding forms , an exercise of the spirit in search of illumination .