
yán míng
  • Yan Ming;strict and impartial;be strict and impartial
严明 [yán míng]
  • (1) [be strict and impartial]

  • (2) 严肃而公正

  • 纪律严明

  • (3) --多指法纪

  • (4) 使严明

  • 严明厂纪

严明[yán míng]
  1. 略论党建中严明党的纪律的必要性

    On Necessity of the strict and impartial party discipline in the Party Building

  2. 他倡导礼治建设,呼吁严明朝藩秩序和强化社会伦理控制。

    He initiates the ritual construction and appeals for being strict and impartial in the courtier 's order and strengthening the social ethical control .

  3. 部队纪律严明,从不惊扰百姓。

    The troops were well-disciplined and never disturbed local residents .

  4. 广大群众坚决要求严明法纪。

    The broad masses stuck out for the vigour of the law .

  5. 他们纪律严明地一齐射击。

    They fired in disciplined volleys .

  6. 从擅于利用互联网和品牌价值,到纪律严明、组织严密,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)的2008年总统竞选活动,对于营销人员来说,不啻一堂实物教学课。

    From its mastery of the Internet and brand values to its relentless discipline and organisation , the 2008 presidential campaign of Barack Obama was an object lesson to marketers .

  7. 作为狗狗训练者、狗语者西泽·米兰(CesarMillan)的粉丝,我们认为应该给予她一个充满关爱但纪律严明的环境。

    As fans of the dog trainer Cesar Millan , the Dog Whisperer , we believed in giving her a loving but disciplined environment .

  8. 它是我们“大眼睛糊涂狗”。作为狗狗训练者、“狗语者”西泽·米兰(CesarMillan)的粉丝,我们认为应该给予她一个充满关爱但纪律严明的环境。

    She was our " googly , mixed-up puppy . " As fans of the dog trainer Cesar Millan , the " Dog Whisperer , " we believed in giving her a loving but disciplined environment .

  9. 在任何一个纪律严明的社会中,社会的道德不容被轻视。

    Social virtues not to be disregarded in any well-regulated community .

  10. 它的军官纪律严明,却没有军衔。

    Its officers enforced strict discipline , yet had no rank .

  11. 严明的纪律和精确的动作始终让他们享有宝座的位置

    Discipline and precision keep them on top of their cheer tier .

  12. 所以说,人类的成功发展离不开严明的纪律。

    So , human 's success depends on strict discipline .

  13. 士卒不混乱,纪律就严明了。

    When the soldiers are not disordered , discipline will be well maintained .

  14. 标志就象一把托盘天平,象征公平,公证,严明。

    Like a salver steelyard , stand of fair , notarization and bright .

  15. 制定严明的纪律和一系列的规章条例防止腐败;

    Lay down discipline and a serious of rules to prevent the corruption ;

  16. 记住这句话:严明的纪律,学习成功的保证!

    So we must strictly observe the school discipline .

  17. 裁判是篮球比赛的法官。最重要的是公正严明。

    Official is the judge in basketball game . Fairness is most important .

  18. 建立严明的内部管理制度:质量控制制度和财务管理制度。

    Third , establishing a strict internal management system and the financial management .

  19. 这些工具能帮助新的期货交易员成为纪律严明、稳定赢利的期货交易员。

    These tools assist recruits into becoming a consistent , profitable and disciplined trader .

  20. 哪一方的士兵训练更有素,更有战斗力?哪一方的赏罚更公正严明?

    In which army is there the greater constancy both in reward and punishment ?

  21. 日本教育制度以前曾以纪律严明、标准高而著称。

    The Japanese education system was once known for its discipline and high standards ;

  22. “一支管理严密的民兵”当然是既训练有素,又纪律严明。

    " A well-regulated militia " surely implies both long training and long discipline .

  23. 他们纪律严明,深受爱戴。

    They had been admired for their discipline .

  24. 但中国市场情况复杂,需要纪律严明与深思熟虑。

    But it 's a complicated market that requires significant discipline and thoughtfulness . '

  25. 他给自己的队员们强加了一些严明的纪律。

    He imposes strict discipline on team members .

  26. 这支特种部队的纪律非常严明,行动绝对服从命令。

    The special army unit was so well disciplined that it obeyed orders without question .

  27. 我们的战士纪律严明。

    Our soldiers are strict in discipline .

  28. 严明责任,严肃纪律;

    To be highly responsible and disciplined ;

  29. 这支军队经过很好的训练,纪律严明,装备精良,士气旺盛。

    Well trained , well disciplined and well equipped , it had a high morale .

  30. 苹果从一个开放、疯癫的公司转变成一个纪律严明的公司

    Apple went from being a wide-open and wacky company To be a very disciplined company