
ɡuàn mén
  • gate of a Daoist temple
  1. 论苏轼“寓意而不留意”书画观的禅门精神

    The zenish spirits in Su shi 's view of " place interest on painting and calligraphy but not be indulged in "

  2. 观月是一门古老的艺术。

    Moon gazing is an ancient art .

  3. 表观遗传是一门新学科,主要研究染色质修饰和染色质重塑等对基因转录表达的调控机制。

    Epigenetic regulations mainly involve the mechanism of histone modification and chromatin remodeling regulating gene transcription .

  4. 交际教学法的教学观认为掌握一门语言就是要掌握一种“交际能力”,交际能力包括语法能力、社会语言能力、语篇能力、策略能力。

    Communicative approaches to language teaching centers language teaching on mastery of communicative competence / ability , which includes grammatical competence , socio-linguistic competence , discourse competence , strategic competence .

  5. 对于穷富学生,如何树立正确人生观与价值观是一门重要的大学课程。

    Learning how to form proper attitudes to life and money is an important lesson at universities for both poor and rich students .