
  • 网络Audience participation
  1. 我打算让观众参与互动

    by making this audience participation . All right .

  2. 《今日观察》的基本制作思路是:观众参与,平民言论,多元互动。

    Its basic making idea emphasizes audience participation , civilian speech and multiple interactions .

  3. 理论上讲,互动广告可以达到30秒插播广告无法企及的观众参与度。

    In theory , interactive advertising can engage viewers in a way that 30-second spots do not .

  4. 据TMZ娱乐新闻网报道,现场有观众参与录制重聚节目,由于受疫情影响粉丝无法参加,他们“大多数是雇来的临时演员并接受过新冠病毒检测”。

    TMZ reports that while a live audience participated in the reunion , they were " mostly union extras , Covid screened and hired for the gig , " after the pandemic prevented fans from attending .

  5. 我们请上了两位现场观众参与游戏你是

    So , we have two volunteers from the audience , you are -

  6. 实在的方体邀请观众参与那想像的生态系统。

    A set of tangible blocks allows user to participate in the ecosystem .

  7. 他很快就开始鼓励观众参与,接着便有几个女子走上台来。

    He was soon encouraging audience participation and several women came up on stage .

  8. 线上会议需要可视化元素来让观众参与进来,并全程保持兴趣。

    Online meetings need a visual element in order to engage the audience and stay interesting throughout .

  9. 该节目曾风靡一时,高峰时期曾吸引30%的观众参与。

    It was a huge hit , attracting a 30 per cent audience share at its peak .

  10. 为了使观众参与,演讲需要好的幽默感、足够手势、足以描述情境的辞汇及告诫。

    It took good humor , plenty of gestures , descriptive words and an exhortation for audience participation .

  11. 伏尔泰旅馆里的表演者会让观众参与进来,这非常罕见。

    The performers at the Cabaret Voltaire would also get the audience involved , which was extremely unusual .

  12. 本次比赛共分四个环节,其中辩论环节穿插有趣味横生的观众参与。

    The contest consists of four sections , including a debate portion that allows for comments from the audience .

  13. 恐怖片似乎是通过邀请观众参与制造恐怖场面而让他们去体验挑战与刺激。

    Horror films seem to work in part through their challenging and ting-a-ling invitation to the viewer to take part in the construction of terror .

  14. 相反,品特与布莱希特一样,试图透过戏剧的间离效果,刺激观众参与、思考、洞察。

    Quite on the contrary , Pinter , like Brecht , through alienation effect , urges his audience to participate , to ponder and to penetrate .

  15. 现在是让你的观众参与尝试的最佳时机,但是,当然相比念力,这个把戏还有更多。

    Now is the perfect time to let your spectators try , but of course , there is more to this trick than the power of thought .

  16. 在此基础上,介绍了已研制完成的基于多PC机联网具有沉浸与交互特征的多用户同时参与的含虚拟士兵的虚拟作战演示与观众参与系统。

    Based on this environment , it is introduced a developed multi-PC system for multi-user to participate which has characteristic of immersion and interaction and includes Virtual Soldiers .

  17. 批评家们不再是评判员,而是侦察兵,选出他们认为值得赞赏的影片并邀请制片人参加有观众参与的现场讨论会。

    The critics , acting as scouts instead of judges , offered films they deemed worthy of recognition and invited filmmakers and creators for on-stage discussion with the audience .

  18. 第四章是生活服务类电视栏目的运作策划,分析了栏目播出时机、播出时段、舆论宣传、观众参与以及新媒体的使用等方面的策划内容。

    Chapter IV states the operational planning of Life Service TV programs , including the broadcast time , broadcast time bands , public propaganda , audience participation and the planning of new media using .

  19. 现代科技馆是通过能引起感官情绪和理智兴趣的展览来解释科学的发展,并引导观众参与科学与工程技术活动(激发智力)的全新的学习场所。

    Modern science museum is a place that explains science and the development of science , inducts the audience to join science and engineering activities through exhibit that can inspire sense feeling and reasonable interest .

  20. 休息一下等会要做个游戏或许需要观众参与不确定马上回来

    We 're gonna take a break , we 're gonna play a little game involving maybe an audience member , I don 't know , cause , yeah . We 'll be right back .

  21. 除了引擎盖下的技术战,电动方程式也致力于开发观众参与环节,以吸引较年轻的、沉迷于智能手机的观众——因为他们可能很快就会对转圈行驶的赛车感到厌倦。

    In addition to technology wars under the hood , Formula E is deploying audience engagement gimmicks to appeal to a younger , smartphone-addicted audience that is quickly bored by cars driving around in circles .

  22. 他画的都是目光所及的日常物品和住所周边的景色,并且通过独特的图式特征使观众参与到一种积极的、非形象的秩序中,使观众体会到一种独特的真实的感受。

    He focuses on objects for everyday use and the scenery around where he lives ; and makes audience be a part of a positive and nonfigurative order through an unique graphic feature , in which they can experience a kind of special true feelings .

  23. 社会阶层与观众参与体育消费有显著相关性。处于上层、中上层的现场观众在排球运动相关的消费中,消费的比重较高;处于中间阶层及其以下阶层的现场观众消费比例较低。

    Fourthly , there is a significant correlation between the social classes and the audience . The upper class take up a higher proportion of the audience in the volleyball-related consumption ; the middle and lower classes is lower in the proportion of the audience .

  24. 有些魔术要求有观众的参与

    Some of the magic tricks called for audience participation .

  25. 如果你的presentation里有个悬念,你的观众就会参与进来解决它,所以不要在一开始就把所有事都说出来,尤其是当你在讲一个故事的时候。

    If there 's some mystery to your presentation , your audience will get involved solving it . So don 't reveal everything up front , especially when you 're telling a story .

  26. 卢森堡队的教练托米•丹尼尔松(TommyDanielsson)就说:“我觉得观众能参与进来是很好的。我们需要这样。人们可以看到,乒乓球并不仅仅是一种在家中的车库里玩玩的业余体育爱好。”

    As Tommy Danielsson , the Luxembourg coach , said : " I find it very nice when the audience gets involved . We need this . People can see that this is not just a hobby game you play in a garage at home . "

  27. 观众的参与是通俗文化的一个基本特征。

    Audience participation is an essential characteristic of pop culture .

  28. 让观众通过参与体验陀螺的基本特性-进动性。

    By participating , visitors can experience the basic traits of gyro-precession .

  29. 整场演出也希望观众能参与其中。

    The audience is also expected to participate .

  30. 观众热烈参与的演出。

    A show with lots of audience participation .