
  • 网络Observation diagnosis;inspections and examinations
  1. 对肝脏、臀肌等密实结构显示的清晰度影响较大,随着扫描剂量减低,图像颗粒增粗,组织结构分辨率下降,30mAs扫描时,影响观察诊断;

    And had big influence on the image structure definition of the liver and gluteus , with the scan dose lower , the image granule thicker , the structure differentiate lower , by 30 mAs scan , the image quality influenced doctor to view and made diagnosis ;

  2. 这一方法用于野外现场进行对虾病毒感染的观察诊断,方法简便迅速,诊断结果与经典的苏木精-伊红染色法基本一致。

    Furthermore , this method was rapid , easy and effective for on-site diagnosis of viral diseases .

  3. 结论结合大体及镜下观察诊断寄生胎并不难,但应注意寄生胎有恶变的可能,其与畸胎瘤的关系尚待进一步研究。

    Conclusions It is not difficult to diagnose fetus in fetus by macroscopy and microscopy , but should pay attention to exist possibility of malignancy . The relationship of fetus in fetus and teratoma deserves further study .

  4. 螺旋CT对良恶性肺结节生长变化的观察与诊断

    Spiral CT Diagnostic Value in Pulmonary Nodule to Assess Growth and Malignancy Status

  5. 本文观察了诊断超声辐照对人鼠胚胎脂质过氧化(LPO)的近期和远期影响。

    The short and long term effects of diagnostic ultrasound on lipid peroxidation ( LPO ) and antioxidation of rat embryos were studied in this article .

  6. 目的:探讨骨髓穿刺涂片与骨髓活检切片同步观察对诊断骨髓增生异常综合征(MDS)的临床意义。

    Objective : To investigate the clinical significance by simultaneously detection of bone marrow aspiration smear and bone marrow biopsy slice in the diagnosis of MDS .

  7. 目的观察新诊断2型糖尿病(T2DM)患者强化控制血糖、血脂和血压80周的尿白蛋白排泄率(UAER)变化。

    Objective To analyze the changes in UAER after intensively controlling blood glucose , blood pressure and lipid profiles index for 80 week in 165 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients .

  8. 唾液析晶形态观察在诊断干燥综合征中的应用

    The Evaluation of Saliva Ferning Test in Diagnosing Patients with Sjogren Syndrome

  9. 他的日常工作便是仔细的观察和诊断。

    The careful observation and inference was his daily work .

  10. 医生发现通过观察行为诊断自闭症的新方法。

    Doctors currently identify autism disorders by observing behavior .

  11. 雏鸡曲霉菌病的临床观察与诊断

    Clinical observation on and diagnosises for aspergillosis in chickens

  12. 医生利用X光透视观察、诊断体内的疾病或损伤,X光透视能够辨别体内的异物。

    Doctors use X-rays to study and diagnose diseases and injuries within the body .

  13. 经阴道超声动态观察早期诊断异位妊娠的临床应用研究

    Clinical application and research for dynamic observing early ectopic pregnancy diagnosis with transvaginal ultrasound

  14. 胸腹水染色体检查与间期细胞核观察鉴别诊断的临床意义

    Diagnosis of Malignant Pleural Effusion and Ascites by Combining Chromosome Analysis and Abnormal Nucleus Observation

  15. 是可以观察,诊断,开药或开刀的问题。辅导呢?

    It is when you can observe a problem , prescribe medicine or do surgery .

  16. 结论:超声是观察和诊断脐带囊肿最有价值的影像学方法。

    Conclusion : Ultrasound is the most valuable imaging methods for diagnosing umbilical cord cyst .

  17. 医生自己的临床观察和诊断应优先于实验室诊断结果。

    The physician 's own clinical findings and judgment take precedence in the interpretation of laboratory data .

  18. 结果:经认真观察及时诊断治疗,3例患者均痊愈。

    Results : Thanks to earnest observation , timely diagnosis and treatment , the three patients all recovered .

  19. 在二十世纪早期之前,医师们经常仅仅靠观察就诊断他们的病人。

    Before the early 20th century , physicians often diagnosed emotional distress in their patients just by observation .

  20. 方法:对210例腮腺肿瘤中的98例冰冻活检进行回顾性研究,观察其诊断符合率。

    Methods Ninety-eight frozen sections from 210 parotid tumors were retrospectively studied to observe the accordant rate of diagnosis .

  21. 结果显示:观察法诊断良、恶性肿块的灵敏度为90.3%,特异度为78.8%,正确指数0.70;

    The results showed that the sensitivity is 90.3 % , the specificity is 78.8 % by the method of eye observing .

  22. 目的:了解伊宁县农村的5岁以下维吾尔族儿童通过肉眼观察即可诊断的出生缺陷的分布情况,探索可能的影响因素。

    Objective : It is to learn the distribution and influential factors of birth defects of Uygur children under 5 years old in Yining County .

  23. 结论:在小肠的内镜研究中采用小肠镜系统使得观察和诊断全部小肠病变成为可能。

    CONCLUSIONS : Use of the SBE system in the endoscopic study of the small intestine makes it possible to observe the entire small intestine and to diagnose lesions ;

  24. 随着医学影像技术的日渐进步,各种不同模式的医学成像技术被广泛的应用在对病情的临床观察和诊断上。

    With the development of medical imaging technology , a variety of different modes of medical imaging technology are widely used in clinical observation of the disease and the diagnosis .

  25. 为了使医生可以对人体的解剖结构以及病变进行更有效的观察和诊断,提高前列腺疾病诊断的正确率,利用计算机图像技术准确分割前列腺体就成为一个紧迫的课题。

    In order to help doctor to check the tissue of prostate and diagnose illness exactly , it is increasingly demand that how to realize the automatic segmentation from ultrasonic image .

  26. 医用电子内窥镜是一种可插入人体体腔和脏器内腔进行直接观察,诊断治疗的医用电子光学仪器。

    The medical electronic endoscope is one kind of medical electronic optical instruments that may insert the human body cavity and the internal organs cavity to carry on the visual observation and the diagnosis treatment .

  27. 模型被剖切或开窗,可以方便看到内部的组织,便于观察和诊断。论文还探讨了由表面模型转化成B1ep表示的实体几何模型的方法。

    With these operations , inner tissues can be observed easily and it can aid doctors to diagnose . A method for building boundary representation solid model from surface model is presented in the dissertation .

  28. 结果观察组诊断符合情况与对照组相当,剖官产率、产褥感染率及新生儿窒息率均较低(P<0.05)。

    Results The diagnosis accord rate of two groups had no distinct difference ; the caesarean section rate , puerperal infection rate and neonate asphyxia rate of observed group were lower than those of comparison group ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  29. 方法97例膝关节训练损伤患者通过关节镜观察进行诊断,分析急性及慢性膝关节损伤的诊断及病理改变差异程度。

    Method Arthroscopy was done for 97 patients with acute and chronic injuries of knee which had been caused in the military or athletic training to analyze the differences between clinical diagnoses and arthroscopic ones , and to study the pathologic changes between acute injuries and chronic ones .

  30. 结论B超和CT联合检查和动态观察,对诊断IPN和PA有重要价值;

    Conclusions B ultrasound and CT examination and dynamic observation play an important role for the diagnosis of IPN and PA.