
  • 网络conceptual photography;conception photography;conceptual photograph
  1. 所以中国观念摄影的观念仍处于探索阶段,并不能真正意义上的称为观念摄影。

    Therefore , the concept of conceptual photography in China is still at the exploratory stage , and can not be truly called the concept of photography .

  2. 今天,随着数字技术的普及和人文思想的进一步发展,观念摄影有了前所未有的发展契机,作为观念艺术的一种重要形式,表现出了独特的艺术魅力。

    Along with the popularization of the digital technique and the development of the humanistic ideas , Conceptual Photography has met an unprecedented opportunity , as one of the Conceptual Art , shown unique artistic charm .

  3. 参加“罗兰巴特的生日宴会”观念摄影展,并设计宣传招贴及请柬。

    " Roland Barthes birthday party " - concept photography exhibition , design posters and invitations .

  4. 这样条件下所形成的观念摄影,可想而知会有多大的阻碍。

    This concept formed under the conditions of photography , we can imagine there will be much hindered .

  5. 尝试性的整理分析女摄影家观念摄影年表,以此为依据划分其摄影作品的类型。

    After analyzing the tentative idea photographer photographytimeline , on the basis of the work of photography into type .

  6. 进一步指出纪实摄影和观念摄影在结合中国本土经验和叙事过程中的主要特征及存在的问题。

    It also points out their main characters and problems in revealing the themes when they are introduced into China .

  7. 随着后现代主义在全球大行其道而出现的观念摄影,更是将画面的视觉形式表现得更为主观和随意化。

    Conceptual was born along with the realism become very popular within the photography , the visual of the frames is becoming more and more subjective .

  8. 对此,如果我们依然用传统摄影理论去对待观念摄影,显然是不合适的,我们需要寻找一套更适合于它的理论方法。

    To these problems , it has not been suitable if we still use Traditional Photography theory , we need to find a new set of theoretical approaches .

  9. 历经八十年代艺术摄影的复苏,到九十年代观念摄影的萌芽发展,最近的十年中国艺术摄影开始了真正的繁荣。

    After the timid exploring in the eighties , and with the popular of concept photography in the nineties , the Chinese art photography has flourished in recent years .

  10. 在一张优秀的唱片封面设计里我们既能看到优美的古典主义绘画,也能看到蕴含深刻意义的观念摄影,还能看到具有视觉冲击力的涂鸦作品等等。

    There are beautiful painting in classicalism , idealistic photograph with deep significance , and graffiti piece with strong visual impact in an excellent cover design of the CD disc .

  11. 因此,我认为,中国现有所谓观念摄影的产生和发展,一味地强调思想与形式上的所谓新奇,忽略了形式与内容、情感之间的关联。

    So I think that China now has the so-called concept of emergence and development of photography , blindly thinking and form to emphasize the so-called novel , ignoring the form and content , the relationship between emotion .

  12. 观念摄影的主体是表达某种观念,其作为观念艺术在媒介上的一种延伸与演变,是从观念艺术中抽离出的一种独立的创作手段与形式。

    The main idea of conceptual photography is to express a certain idea . As an extension and evolution of conceptual art in the media , is the creation of an independent means and forms which is pulled out from the conceptual art .

  13. 这部分分别从绘画、观念摄影、行为艺术、装置艺术、新媒体艺术来展开论述。随着观念的变革,媒材也发生了变革。

    Chinese contemporary art has been an important branch of international contemporary art , analyze this part mostly from painting , concept photography , performance art , installation art and new media art . Followed with the experiment of the concept , art media has also undergone a transformation .

  14. 广告摄影并不是简单的广告加摄影,而是在整体的市场营销框架内,用广告的观念借助摄影的手段来表现商品或服务的内容。

    Advertising Photography is not a simple increase advertising photography , but in the context of the overall marketing , advertising concepts with the help of photography means to show the contents of the goods or services .

  15. 邱震的作品无疑是观念性的行为摄影作品,行为与观念的合谋在某种意义上曾拯救了摄影。

    Qiu Zhen 's work is the conceptual behavior photography work without doubt , the cooperation of behavior and idea has once saved the photography in a manner .

  16. 在50年代,作为纽约的商业艺术家,沃霍尔看到了手工图像观念的转变,摄影扮演了更为重要的角色。

    In the1950s , as a commercial artist in New York , Warhol saw the transition from handmade graphic concepts to ones where photography played the main role .

  17. 进入数字时代后,摄影创作表现的突破主要体现在对摄影文化和观念的研究,摄影影像创作不再是对现实的描摹,而是运用数字技术对影像进行再创作。

    After entering the digital age , photography is mainly reflected in the performance of the contents of the culture and ideas in photography research , photography , filmmaking is no longer describe reality , but the use of digital technology re-creation of images .

  18. 同时,我们应清醒地认识到,由于观念、认知及摄影创作者自身素质等诸多原因,数字技术与摄影创作的演进将是一个长期的渐进过程,因此要做好长期发展准备。

    At the same time , we should realize soberly , due to the concept , cognitive and the quality of their own the photographer many reasons , digital technology and photography creation of evolution will be a long-term gradual process , so to do well the long-term development preparation .