
  • 网络Observing China;china watch
  1. 观察中国人RhD基因。

    Objective : To observe RhD gene in Chinese .

  2. 目的观察中国远洋船员血浆超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA)含量的改变。

    Objective To study the changes of superoxide dismutase ( SOD ) activity and malonic dialdehyde content ( MDA ) in plasma of ocean sailors .

  3. 目的:观察中国人卵巢动脉(OVA)的血管造影解剖,包括OVA的起源、走行、分布、管径、与腰椎和邻近血管的相对位置关系,为选择性OVA插管治疗提供信息。

    Objective : To describe the angiographic appearance of the ovarian arteries ( OVA ) in Chinese .

  4. 目的观察中国汉族正常儿童体内CYP3A活性的分布。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the distribution of CYP3A activity in the healthy school children .

  5. 目的观察中国人弥漫性大B细胞淋巴瘤(DLBCL)中bcl6基因5′非编码区的突变情况,并探讨其作用。

    Objective To observe the mutation of 5 ′ noncoding region of bcl-6 gene in diffuse large B cell lymphoma ( DLBCL ) and its effect on lymphoma pathogenesis .

  6. 目的:观察中国人弥漫大B细胞性淋巴瘤(DLBCL)中bcl-6基因突变、基因重排及蛋白表达的特征,探讨其存DLBCL发生中的作用及其临床应用价值。

    Objective To investigate the characteristics of bcl-6 mutation , rearrangement and protein expression in Chinese diffuse large B cell lymphoma ( DLBCL ) populations , and to explore their clinical values .

  7. 目的分析体质指数(BMI)预测偏高血压者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积,观察中国儿童青少年超重、肥胖BMI分类标准超重、肥胖界值点预测偏高血压的灵敏度和特异度。

    Objective To identify the use of body mass index ( BMI ) to predict the relative high blood pressure in Beijing youth , and analyze the sensitivity and specificity according to the Chinese BMI criteria for children and adolescents .

  8. 目的:观察中国上海与荷兰阿姆斯特丹两地幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染性胃炎患者胃窦部粘膜萎缩与肠化的发生率及发生年龄的差异。

    Background / Aims : To investigate the discrepancies in the prevalence , the severity of atrophy and intestinal metaplasia ( IM ) in antral mucosa of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) - associated gastritis and difference in age onset among Chinese and Dutch patients .

  9. 目的观察中国人早发及多发糖尿病家系胰岛素启动因子1(IPF1)基因的变异情况。

    Objective To screen the insulin promoter factor 1 ( IPF1 ) gene mutation in Chinese pedigree with early-onset and / or multiplex diabetes .

  10. 我希望能观察中国人的生活。

    I hope I can have a look how Chinese life !

  11. 他们所秉持的观点成为观察中国未来发展的重要参考。

    Their attitude will be an important reference to China 's palpable future .

  12. 以全球化视野观察中国现代化进程中的文化意蕴

    Culture Connotation in the Development of China 's Modernization from the Globalized Point of View

  13. 观察中国劳动力迁移的区域选择在1990-2007年这个历史时间段上的变化过程。

    Observation time of the regional labor migration in China is historical period 1990 ‐ 2007 .

  14. 此行为你们提供了亲身观察中国的宝贵机会。

    This trip will offer you a valuable opportunity to see China with your own eyes .

  15. 目的:观察中国汉族人上前牙牙龈形态,归纳上前牙牙龈形态特征及类别。

    Objective To identify the gingival morphological types of maxillary anterior tooth segment in Han Chinese .

  16. 美方仅将此作为一个观察中国市场的小小窗口。

    The US side only took this as a small window for watching over Chinese markets .

  17. 因为上述两家公司拥有众多公司客户,我得以幸运地近距离观察中国与美国经济。

    Because we have them both as clients I have been lucky enough to see Chinese and U.

  18. 分析人士在观察中国这个正在崛起的电子阅读器市场时,还是非常乐观的,当然这绝非凭空夸大。

    Analysts watching China 's nascent e-reader market are almost as optimistic , if not quite as hyperbolic .

  19. 继续会以旁观者的身份观察中国的酒店行业。琐碎写以上文字,为我的瑞瑞。

    As an outsider in Hotel business , I Wrote above words , for my dream , to my Rui .

  20. 目的观察中国儿童骨发育的长期趋势,为合理应用我国不同时期的骨发育标准提供参考。

    We can know the development tendency of criminal cases in Shanxi by long-term tendency , season changing and tropical analysis .

  21. 他们对西方世界尤其是西方法律的直观感受,为我们提供了一个独特的观察中国传统法律向近代转型的视角。

    Their senses of the western world especially western laws provides a special view to watch the transformation of traditional Chinese laws .

  22. 她知道她的印度背景给了她一个有趣的视角来观察中国的崛起。

    She knows that her Indian background gives her a lens that'smore interesting than most through which to watch China 's rise .

  23. 中国频频亮相《时代》封面,给世人展示的不仅仅是中国的沧海桑田,也为我们提供了一面观察中国的镜子。

    These covers , while showcasing the phenomenal changes that China has gone through , also offered us an evolving perspective of China .

  24. 这无异是企图用美国秘密警察的幽灵来吓唬那些观察中国局势的人们。

    In other words , an attempt was being made to frighten observers of the China scene with the specter of an American gestapo .

  25. 这件事既提醒了我们自己,也提醒了朋友们,观察中国问题,一定要认识中国问题的复杂性。

    It has reminded not only ourselves but our friends as well that to understand China 's problems , one must recognize their complexity .

  26. 同时观察中国的政治现象,也可以使我们更深入地理解中国传统政治文化及其在现代的变迁。

    Meanwhile observing the political phenomenon in china can lead us a deeper understanding of traditional political culture and its modern transition in China .

  27. 总之,研究《南方周末》新闻标题的语言特色,这永远是一个观察中国社会变化和传媒发展的最直观方式。

    In short , studying linguistic features of headlines of Southern Weekly is a good way of observing social changes and media development in China .

  28. 本文通过对统计数据归类来观察中国广告市场的结构,及各类本土代理在其中的地位;

    Based on categorizing the relative statistical data , the article reveals the structure of Chinese advertising market , and the status of various indigenous advertising agencies .

  29. 我们以西方古代正义到现代正义的正常发展逻辑来观察中国传统的正义观,可以从另一个侧面理解西方正义发展逻辑的合理性。

    The more progress of many interest aggregative in west middle age developed the individual status and come into being modern justice which distribute rights to equal individual .

  30. 一位长期观察中国政治体系的人士表示:由于几乎每个有钱有权的人都有一些事情需要隐瞒,因此腐败调查在很大程度上是一种政治斗争的形式。

    Since almost every rich and powerful person has something to hide , corruption investigations are largely a form of political struggle , says one long-time observer of the Chinese political system .