
  1. 观象授时与中国文明起源&从陶寺观象祭祀遗迹谈国家起源时期公共权力的形成

    The Origin of Civilization in China with the Observation of Celestial Phenomena and Calender Making & On the formation of political authority during the initial period of state from Tao Si relic of observing celestial phenomena and offering sacri

  2. 我国是最早从事稻粟农耕的国家之一,我国先民经历了一个漫长的观象授时年代,并且在岁时文献中有了丰富的物候记载。

    Our country is one of the earliest engaged country in rice farming and in corn , and our ancestors had gone through a long time as " to observe the time service " at the age , and has a rich literature of phenological records at the age .