
  1. 在无储液罐热管系统可启动的充液率条件下,换热量随着充液率的增大而减小。

    On condition that the two-phase flow separate heat pipe without liquid storage pot is started , heat transfer quantity falls as filling ratio increases .

  2. 6个月内患者排便次数4~17次,4例患者需要服用止泻剂,无储袋炎和排便困难。

    During postoperative 6 months , the average defecation frequences were 9 ( range from 4 to 17 ) , four cases needed antidiarrhea agent to decrease the frequencies and none of them had pouchitis and difficult defecation .

  3. 运用大型有限元程序ANSYS中的单元建立考虑液体晃动和罐底提离的储液罐模型,分析了地震作用下无锚固储液罐的动力响应。

    In this paper , several finite-element models have been built by the elements of the general finite-element procedure ANSYS . The analysis of the seismic response of storage liquid tank , which includes the anchored tank and unanchored tank , has been conducted .

  4. 建立了SSSC的数学模型,分析了直流母线电容电压的暂态过程,提出了一种无外部储能装置的SSSC自启动方案。

    By the analysis of mathematical model , DC bus voltage , this paper proposes ans describes the self-startup technique of SSSC without energy storage .

  5. 无锚固储液罐流体速度势及简化模型

    Fluid velocity potential and simplified model for unanchored liquid storage tank

  6. 无锚固储液罐提离的流-固多种非线性耦合的三维移动边界问题统一分析格式

    Unitive Analysis Schemes Problems of Multiple Moving Boundaries with 3-D Liquid-Solid Multiple Nonlinear Coupling for Uplift of Anchored Liquid Storage Tanks

  7. 内通传热流体的圆管外相变材料的无量纲储传热准则的研究

    Dimensionless formulae for thermal storage and heat transfer in phase change material around a circular tube with heat transfer fluid flowing inside

  8. 天然气水合物是一种能源矿藏,具有清洁无污染储能密度高储量大的优点,能够有效缓解全球范围内的能源短缺危机和环境污染问题。

    Natural Gas Hydrate is a kind of energy deposits , which has many advantages , such as no pollution , high energy storage density , high storage on the earth .

  9. 无额外直流储能元件的串联型电能质量控制器新型控制策略

    Novel Control for Series Power Quality Controller Without External DC Energy Source

  10. 无井地震储层预测及烃类检测&以北黄海中部坳陷A构造为例

    Seismic Reservoir Prediction and Hydrocarbon Detection without Well for Structure A in the North Yellow Sea Basin

  11. 整个发电系统无需考虑储能,在电网的支持下完全达到电能的最大利用率。

    With the power grid , the whole system does not need to store energy so as to achieve the maximum utilization rate of power energy .

  12. 普光地区的应用实例表明,调谐频率与分频处理的高分辨率反演方法无需对储层空间变化规律进行假设,适用于强非均质碳酸盐岩储层的高分辨率成像。

    The example of Pu-Guang shows this high resolution inversion can adapt well to high inhomogeneous carbonate reservoir and improve the resolution of image regardless the transversely variation of the reservoir .

  13. 地震储层横向预测就是在单井储层特征研究的基础上,将地震信息转化为地质信息,从而得到井间及无井区储层的横向变化特征及分布。

    Seismic reservoir lateral forecasting , based on the reservoir properties is to converse seismic data into geological information , and to study the lateral variety and distribution of a reservoir among the wells .

  14. 与原方法相比,新拓扑结构简单,电感无需预先储能,在不增加原边电流应力的同时,还降低了变换器成本。

    This kind of new topology is very simple . The inductor does not need store energy at first . As a result , it will not add the stress of primary current , meanwhile , the cost of the converter has been cut down .

  15. 针对电能质量中电压暂变问题,本文在介绍了其控制技术的发展现状的基础上,研究了一种无变压器无储能电容的串联型电压暂变补偿电路新拓扑。

    Aiming at transient variations of voltage magnitude , which is one of the power quality issues , the background and actuality in the area are introduced . Then in this paper , a transformer-less series voltage transient variation compensator topology without energy storage capacitors is analyzed .

  16. 作为一种绿色无污染的新型储能装置,超级电容器以其高的能量密度和功率密度,优异的循环性能引起了众多研究者的关注。

    As a new type of green energy storage device , supercapacitors have drawn intense attention due to its extremely long cycling life and high power capability .

  17. 在通过井旁道与模型道的波形比较后,分析各道之间的相关性,来建立一种计算模式,用于井间和无井区的储层预测。

    By comparing the waveform of uphole trace to the model trace , analyzing the correlation of each trace , a computing mode for the reservoir prediction of cross-well and no-well area is established .

  18. 矩阵变换器作为交-交功率变换器,具有输入输出波形为正弦、输入功率因数可控、能量再生、无需大容量储能元件等众多理想特性,受到了国内外电力电子行业的广泛关注。

    As an AC-AC power converter , Matrix converter has been more and more attractive to power electronics industry due to its numerous merits , such as sinusoidal input / output waveforms , controllable input power factor , power regeneration and lack of bulky energy storage components .