
  • 网络wireless setting;WINDOWS
  1. 使用无线设置,你可以将电池供电的传感器安置在家里的各个地方,保持对窗户,门以及所有活动的监视。

    With a wireless setup , you stick battery-powered sensors up around your home that keep an eye on windows , doors , motion , and more .

  2. 新增在无线网路设置画面中显示基本信号强度。

    Added basic signal strength to wifi configuration screen .

  3. 在无线链路两端设置多元素天线阵列就构成了MIMO信道。

    The MIMO channel is constructed with multiple element array antennas at both ends of the wireless link .

  4. 在用户终端设置无线适配器,设置为与路由器相同的SSID、频道和加密属性。

    Wireless adapters were set as the same properties as the routers at the terminal mobile equipments .

  5. 国际无线电设备认证管理现状及发展趋势无线电台站设置管理

    International Radio Equipment Certification Management management of radio station installation

  6. 无线电台站设置管理

    Management of radio station installation

  7. 谷歌还难以克服某些无线运营商设置的障碍,后者也在推广自己的钱包类产品。

    Google also struggled to overcome roadblocks put up by some wireless carriers , who were promoting the own rival wallet .

  8. TKR&720/820无线电台的频率设置方法

    A Method for Setting Frequency of TKR-720 / 820 Radio Station

  9. 即时无线网络不需要设置固定的路由设备,网络中的每一个移动终端都可以充当路由器。

    Ad Hoc wireless networks need not fixed routing equipment , and any mobile terminal in the network can act as a router .

  10. 如果没有已设置好的配置,请从“配置”弹出式菜单中选取“编辑配置”,然后输入无线服务提供商的设置。

    If there is not a configuration set up , choose Edit configuration from the configuration pop-up menu and enter the settings for your wireless service provider .

  11. 在这种情况下,您可以尝试将无线移动网络的设置,关闭和打开数据,似乎为我工作在个别情况下发生的。

    In this case , you can try going to the Mobile Network Settings , and turning data off and on ; seemed to work for me on the rare occasion it happened .

  12. 在屏幕的右下角任务栏处将会出现无线连接的图标,双击其后打开无线网卡的设置窗口。

    Find out a WL icon at the right down corner of the screen , then the WiFi LINK setting window will be open by double-click .