
  • 网络Point to multipoint communication;point-to-multipoint delivery
  1. ABR流量控制参数对点对多点通信系统性能影响的分析

    Analysis of ABR Flow Control Parameters ' Effects on Point-to-multipoints Communication System

  2. 浅谈点对多点通信系统在石油专网的应用

    The Application of the Point-to-multipoint Communication system to the Special Oil Internet

  3. 无线呼叫服务系统为点对多点通信,存在信道冲突问题。

    The wireless calling service system is a kind of one point to multipoint communication , which has the problem of channel collision .

  4. 本文针对5.8GHz点对多点通信系统,设计中心站和用户站使用的天线阵列,并设计针对智能天线和大规模相控阵天线的校正算法。

    In this dissertation , antenna arrays for base station and terminal have been designed , and the calibration method for smart antenna and large-scale phased array has been studied .

  5. 组播是Internet中一点对多点的通信方式。

    Multicast is a communication way of one point to many points on Internet .

  6. 同时采用基于H。332协议的IP组播技术来实现点对多点的通信。

    IP multicast technology based on H.332 protocol is used to realize communication of one point to multipoint .

  7. 在保证数据传输可靠性的前提下充分简化了通信协议并使PC与PLC通过串口实现了一点对多点的通信。

    Under the premise of ensuring the reliability of data transmission the communications protocol is fully simplified and achieve one point to multipoint communication between PC and PLC through their serial port .

  8. 还评述了点对多点微波通信的几项关键技术:CDMA点对多点通信体制、格状编码调制(TCM)技术、网络管理技术、网络的可塑性设计等。

    In addition , the paper still commentates some key technologies of PMP microwave communication , for example , CDMA system of PMP communication , TCM ( Trellis Coded Modulation ) technology , NMT ( Network Management Technology ) and plastic design of network etc.

  9. 本文详细的介绍了无线通信在各种通信系统中的应用,单片机MCU与无线收发模块的硬件接口设计,点对多点无线通信协议的编写,点对多点无线通信系统打包与解包的软件设计。

    This paper has explained in detail the application of wireless communication in various telecommunication systems , the design of hardware interfaces for singlechip MCU and wireless transceiver modules , compilation of point-to-multipoint wireless communication protocols and the design of point-to-multipoint wireless communication system compression and decompression software .

  10. 具有动态帧长的一点对多点数据通信协议

    A Frame Length Varying Protocol for Point to Multipoint Data Communication

  11. GB/T16650-1996tdm/FDMA点对多点微波通信系统通用规范

    General specification for microwave communication systems with TDM / FDMA point-to-multipoint

  12. 首先,理论分析了点对多点无线通信信道特性。

    Firstly , analyze the character of wireless communication channel .

  13. 一种具有交换功能的点对多点无线电通信系统

    A Point to Multipoint Radio Communication System with Switching Capability

  14. 迅速发展中的点对多点微波通信

    The Rapid Development of Point to Multipoint Microwave Communication

  15. 点对多点微波通信机助工程设计系统的若干技术问题

    Some Technical Problems on Design System of CAD Engineering of Point-Multipoint Microwave Communication

  16. 一点对多点微波通信系统市场需求分析

    Market Demands Analysis for Point-to-Multipoint Microwave Communication System

  17. 最后对点对多点无线通信系统研究和应用进行了总结和展望。

    Finally , give a summary account and expectation about research and implement of point-to-point wireless communication system .

  18. 根据系统的应用需求,本文完成全部采用无线通信方式的通信网络结构的设计和点对多点的通信控制协议的编制,保证数据传输的合理性和安全性;

    3 . For the need of the system , the communication structure and the dot to multi-dots communication protocol is designed .

  19. 落水人员报警系统主要包括一个基站,若干个中继和多个用户终端,并采用时分复用方式实现短距离内的点对多点无线通信。

    Man overboard system includes a base station , number of repeaters and multiple user terminals . It implements point to multipoint short-range wireless communication by time division multiple access .

  20. 本文简述了点对多点微波通信的特点和使用场合,介绍了系统的基本组成、技术体制、服务功能和发展大趋势。

    The paper briefly reviews the features and using situations of the PMP ( Point to Multipoint ) microwave communication . It introduces the basic composition , technological system , service function and development trend .

  21. 点对多点数字微波通信系统间的机助电磁兼容(EMC)分析模型

    The Model of Computer-Aided Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Among Point - to - Multipoint Digital Microwave Communication Systems

  22. 着重介绍了实时多任务的设计流程,设计实现了ISA总线方式的数据通信和单点对多点的网络通信模式。

    The software flow of the real time multiple tasks working and analyses how to use ISA and how to communicate from one point to multiple point also are provided .

  23. 本文重点对基于RS-485总线的多点对多点的分布式通信网络进行了研究,通过一种退避算法和通信协议成功解决了可能出现的通信冲突。

    Due to the measurement system is distributed and is made up of multiple host devices and multiple slave devices , how to successfully solve the possible communication conflict by introducing a retreat algorithm are expounded .

  24. 一点对多点农村无线通信的发展及展望

    Development and Prospect of Point-to-Multipoint Communication

  25. 实践表明,该系统控制简单、使用方便、工作稳定性很高,能够可靠地实现近距离点对多点的无线通信。

    The practice indicates that this system is easy to control and use , and it works very stably and can realize short range wireless communication from one to many reliably .

  26. 本文在对SR100型一点对多点模拟微波通信系统进行分析研究的基础上,提出了将其改造成为小容量数字化的一点对多点微波通信系统的方案。

    Based on the analysis and study of the SR 100 piont-to-multipoint analog radio communication system , this paper proposed a method to develop it into a piont - to - multipoint digital microwave communication system with small capacity .

  27. 从理论上研究了微微网的语音通信中点对点与一点对多点通信,分析了同步面向连接(SCO)链路的配置;

    In the Piconet voice communication , the two cases supported by the theory and SCO ( Synchronous Connection - Oriented ) configurations are discussed .

  28. 分组传输微波点对多点数据/话音通信系统

    Packet Transmission Microwave Point to Multipoints Data / Voice Communication System

  29. 点对多点多任务无线通信

    Point - to - Multi point Multitasking Wireless Communication

  30. 采用了一种适用于本系统的点对多点的无线数据通信协议。

    A wireless communication protocol , which is applicable for one point to multi-point system , is introduced .