
  • 网络Point Cloud;pointcloud
  1. 小波分析在三维离散数据点云滤波中的应用

    Application of Wavelet Analysis to Decomposition of 3D Discrete Data in Point Cloud

  2. 本文的主要工作如下:1.活立木点云数据的采集和预处理。

    The collection and pre-processing of point cloud data .

  3. 3D人脸识别中的点云匹配与繁殖技术

    The Technology of Point Clouds Matching and Propagation in 3D Face Recognition

  4. 同时完成3D条纹点云模型预处理。

    Do 3D strip point clouds model preprocessing task .

  5. 3D重建中的摄像机标定与点云处理

    The Calibration and Point Cloud Processing in 3D Reconstruction

  6. 并且,利用matlab软件实现了点云数据的处理。

    And , use matlab software to realize point cloud data processing .

  7. 基于3D栅格的点云三角网格模型重构研究

    Point Triangulation Based on 3D-Grid Reduction

  8. 基于单目CCD摄像机的三维点云数据重建研究

    Research on Acquired Object 's 3-D Data Based on One CCD Camera

  9. 基于SVM和空间投影的点云空洞修补方法

    Point Cloud Hole Filling Method Based on SVM and Space Projection

  10. P2P技术在点云数据处理中的应用

    Application of P2P Technology in Point Cloud Processing

  11. 在真正的3D测量实施之前,Metric3D工具使用一个指定校准目标对3D点云的各个数据进行特定校正。

    The tool uses a specific calibration target for the individual calibration of3D point clouds before realizing real measurements in3D .

  12. 由此,本文提出采用基于P2P的分布式计算来实现海量点云的邻近点求取。

    So the idea of seeking neighbor points through P2P-based distributed computing is brought forward .

  13. 基于OpenGL实现三维重构点云处理

    Realization of Disposing Point Clouds in 3D Reconstruction Based on OpenGL

  14. 在分析现有的一些三角剖分方法的基础上,提出一种新的基于边界扩展的3D三角剖分方法,该方法首先采用一种空间栅格装点法来进行初始点云数据精简;

    Based on the analysis of current triangulation method , a new 3D triangulation method based on boundary extension is proposed .

  15. 基于OpenGL的点云数据显示与更新

    Display and Updating of Point Cloud Data Based on OpenGL

  16. 基于OpenGL的点云三维可视化表达

    3D visualization expression of the point cloud based on OpenGL

  17. 在UG中实现点云的交互区域分割

    Region Segmentation of Point Cloud by Man-computer Interaction in UG

  18. 一种基于平面拟合的LIDAR点云滤波方法

    A method for filtering LIDAR points cloud based on planar fitting

  19. 汽车逆向设计中用NURBS曲面拟合点云数据

    Point Cloud Fitting of NURBS Curved Surface in Reverse Design of Automobiles

  20. 粗配准采用主方向重合法来缩小三维测量点云数据与CAD数模的平移错位和旋转错位;

    Rough registration that adopts primary direction superposition algorithm can narrow3D point cloud data and CAD model for the translation and rotation dislocation ;

  21. ICP算法在点云配准中的应用

    The Application of ICP Algorithm in Point Cloud Alignment

  22. 基于机载LiDAR点云数据的复杂城市区域数字地面模型提取

    Digital Terrain Model Extraction in Metropolis Based on LiDAR Point Cloud Data

  23. 基于K-means聚类方法的三维点云模型分割

    D Point Cloud Model Segmentation Based on K-means Cluster Analysis

  24. 基于RBF的点云数据三维重建技术研究

    On Point-cloud Data Reconstruction Using RBF

  25. 两部分CT数据分别与X线图像进行了配准,利用三维点云进行精度验证。

    The two parts of CT data were registered to X-ray images separately , and the results were valuated with the method of point cloud registration .

  26. LiDAR点云数据的分布式组织及其并行获取方法

    An Approach for Distributed Organization and Paralleled Access of LiDAR Point Clouds Data

  27. 基于Delaunay三角化的三维散乱点云曲面重塑算法研究

    Research on Delaunay-based Surface Reconstruction Algorithms from 3D Unorganized Point Clouds

  28. Lidar点云数据中建筑物的快速提取

    Extract Buildings Quickly from Lidar Point Cloud Data

  29. 逆向工程多块三维离散数据点云数据点云的STL重构

    Reversing surface STL format file from many blocks of 3D discrete data cloud

  30. 实验证明,对于高密度的城区点云数据,该方法能有效剔除建筑物集,获取DEM数据。

    It proves in experiments that the algorithm can eliminate building measurements to obtain DEM data . 3 .