
diǎn biàn huàn
  • point transformation
点变换[diǎn biàn huàn]
  1. 广义点变换法用于研究非线性脉冲系统

    Modified method of point transformation for the study of nonlinear discrete systems

  2. 气动机械自激振动的研究与点变换法

    Self-excited Oscillation of Pneumatic Mechanism and Point Transformation

  3. 的计算。用N点变换计算实数4N点的FFT原理

    FFT principle used to compute 4N real numbers by N complex transform

  4. 用推移算子定义的两指标马氏过程及其停点变换

    Two-parameter Markov processes Defined by Translation Operator and Their Stopping Point Transformation

  5. 数字控制负载点变换器设计方法的比较分析

    Comparative analysis of methods for designing digital control point of load converters

  6. 通过二叉树相邻切分点变换机制,实现了对精馏分离序列的随机搜索;

    Random search for distillation separation sequence has been implemented ;

  7. 两指标马尔可夫过程的停点变换

    Index ; Stopping Point Transformation of Two-Parameter Markov Processes

  8. 与点变换相切及密切的一维射影变换

    One-Dimensional Projective Change Contacting and Osculating with Point Transformation

  9. 用点变换方法可以研究这种所谓混沌特性。

    Of the point mapping method the so-called chaotic behaviour can be studied .

  10. 多源图象数据由于其取值范围较大,如何快速进行点变换一直是专业图象系统的难点。

    A theoretical model for behavior of trace elements and stable isotopes in geochemical systems with multiple sources and multiple sinks ;

  11. 讨论了在这种定义下的两类马氏过程经停点变换后保持马氏性及强马氏性的条件。

    The conditions are given which the processes obtained from stopping points transformation remain the Markov property which are defined in this paper .

  12. 本文应用相空间和逐点变换法研究具有滞环和不灵敏区、无恢复力的二阶系统。

    In this paper , by means of phase space and point transformation method , the second order system with dead zone and hysteresis loop has been studied .

  13. 其次,推导了把任意摄像机图像点变换到主动视觉空间的算法。

    Secondly , we derive an algorithm , by which all the image points in the image space of a single active camera are translated into active visual coordinates .

  14. 本文提出了用寻找函数零点的位置来确定那些可以用点变换形式表示的非线性系统周期运动的方法。

    In this paper , useful and convenient methods based upon finding zeroes are suggested to get periodic motion of nonlinear dynamic systems which can be described by differnce equatiions .

  15. 用点变换理论分析气镐的动力过程,讨论气镐正常起动和稳定工作的条件。

    The dynamic process of pneumatic pick and the conditions under which the normal starting and stable working are available are discussed by way of the theory of point transformation .

  16. 等值线的提取就是对大量离散的、并有一定规律的几何量值,用数学方法插值并将具有相同量值的点变换成图的过程。

    Contour extraction is a process that inserts the value in mathematical methods and transforms the point having the same value into map for large numbers of discrete and regular geometric value .

  17. 采用像素点变换法,实现了根据三维物体的二维投影图像恢复物体表面的真实几何面积的设想,大大降低了缺陷面积计算的误差;

    To decrease the relative errors , the pixel transform method was adopted to recover the geometrical feature of sphere fruit surface from projected image while the area of defect was calculated .

  18. 利用描述周期性物理现象的点变换方法,给出了关于振子行程与冲击能的后继函数,并用相平面图分析了振子自激振动过程。

    The point-transformation method available to describe the periodic physical phenomena is used to derive and sole a successor function of the stroke of pneumatic vibrator in relation with impact energy . Furthermore , the self-excited vibrating process of pneumatic vibrator is discussed utilizing a phase plane diagram .

  19. 系统在基带内利用基于128点FFT变换的OFDM调制解调方案。

    In basic band , system adopts OFDM modulation / demodulation scheme based on 1128 pit FFT transform .

  20. 基于点Hough变换的圆形图像亚像素检测算法

    An algorithm for circle subpixel location detecting based on point Hough transform ation

  21. 用点Hough变换实现圆检测的方法

    Circle Recognition Through a Point Hough Transform ation

  22. 下变频后的全球定位系统信号覆盖了发生多普勒频移的全球定位系统载波频率的整个范围。根据本文的一些基本原理,对这一经过下变频的全球定位系统信号的采样进行N点傅立叶变换。

    According to the principles of the paper , an N-point fourier transform is performed on samples of a down converted GPS signal representing the entire range of Doppler-shifted GPS carrier frequencies .

  23. 给出了一种新的Hough变换圆检测方法&点Hough变换(PHT)。

    This paper introduces a new method , point hough transform ( PHT ), to detect a circle in image .

  24. 按路径积分方法,应用点正则变换,得到一维Morse势体系的波函数的精确解。

    By using the point canonical transformation in path integral method , we obtained the exact wave functions of one dimensional Morse oscillator .

  25. 26L中整数变换编码,并且将这种新的变换编码与H.263所使用的8×8点DCT变换编码进行比较分析,得出这种编码的优点,证实其能达到更高效的压缩能力。

    In this paper , we analyzed this new transform method comparing to the 8 × 8 DCT transform in H.263 and gave its advantages .

  26. 以机器视觉系统为基础,利用计算机图像处理技术,对预处理后的边缘图像,采用基于点Hough变换的圆形图像亚像素检测算法,实现了轴承内径的亚像素在线检测。

    Based on machine vision system , an algorithm for circle subpixel edge detecting based on point Hough transform is adopted for the pre-processed edge image , by virtue of computer image processing technology . And a subpixel detection technology for the bore diameter of bearings is realized successfully on-line .

  27. 重点介绍了点尺寸变换器和矩阵光开关模块。

    The spot size converter and matrix optical switch module are emphasized .

  28. 定义了网基结构矩阵、弧结构矩阵和负荷矩阵等数据结构以及基形变换、点弧变换和弧点变换等数学变换。

    Several data structures are defined to describe the distribution system such as net base matrix , arc matrix and load matrix , etc.

  29. 然后,着重讨论了用于轴承边界的圆度、尺寸和圆心度检测的两种计算方法点圆变换法和圆形曲线拟合法。

    Then , two methods are discussed which are point-circle transformation and circular curve fitting for inspecting the bearing 's circularity , dimension and concentricity .

  30. 当原始图像点乘以变换矩阵,得到新的图像位置点时,其位置可能不是整数值,该位置的灰度值需要通过灰度插值获得。

    When the original image point multiply the transformation matrix , a new image position , the position may not integer , this position gray value by gray interpolation gain needed .