
  • 网络Infinite straight line;line at infinity
  1. 以无穷远直线为基础讨论二阶曲线的中心、直径、渐近线等几个仿射概念,并联系解析几何中的有关性质,深入讨论它们之间的一致性。

    Based on the infinitely straight line , this thesis discusses the concepts of curve of second orders center , diameter , advance gradually in the line .

  2. 本文抛弃无穷远直线,充分运用矩阵、初等变换的知识,给出二次曲线的一种分类判别法。

    Without considering the infinite far straight line , the essay is mainly about one kind of classifying judgement ways with the knowledge of matrix and primary alternation , then instruct how to use it with some examples .