
wú zhǐ huà
  • paperless
  • dematerialization
  1. 耶鲁大学和斯坦福大学医学院目前都开设了以iPad为基础的无纸化课程。

    Medical schools at Yale and Stanford now have paperless , iPad-based curriculums .

  2. 英语A、B级无纸化考试系统简析

    Analysis on the Paperless English A , B Level Test System

  3. Office无纸化考试自动化评分研究

    Research and Development of Office Examination System that has no Paper Turn

  4. 基于XML的无纸化工艺应用关键技术

    The Key Technology for Application of Paperless Process Based on XML

  5. 基于ASP与Web数据库的无纸化考试系统

    The Non-Paper Test System Base on ASP and Web Database

  6. Windows环境无纸化考试系统中对文件和文件夹操作的有效评分

    A Method to Mark Windows Operation in No_paper Testing System

  7. 基于XML的无纸化考试系统方案设计

    Design of paperless examination system based on XML

  8. Windows环境下无纸化考试系统

    Windows No - paper Testing System

  9. 基于VB的ACCESS无纸化考试系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of The Test System Without Paper About Access Based On Visual Basic

  10. 基于WINDOWSnt的计算机知识与应用无纸化考试网络系统

    Distributed test network system for computer knowledge and applications based on Windows NT

  11. 基于VB实现无纸化记录的设计

    VB Software Based Implementation of Paperless Recording Design

  12. 基于VB的会计电算化无纸化考试系统

    Computerized Accounting Net Examination System Base on VB

  13. 通过Internet对学生进行无纸化的电子文档管理既可以减轻手工管理的难度和复杂度,对教务工作也更具有现实意义。

    Through internet to operate no-paper electronic document management can reduce difficult and complexity of handwork . It also has Important realistic meaning for educational work .

  14. Delphi开发无纸化考试系统

    Development of Non-paper Examination System with Delphi

  15. 用Authorware开发大学英语无纸化考试系统

    Developing the paperless College English test system by Using Authorware

  16. 阐述了计算机无纸化考试中对Foxproforwindows数据库操作考试进行有效评分的方法。

    The approach of computer paperless test system 's effective scoring on FoxPro for Windows database operation test is expounded .

  17. 网络办公系统是为适应现代无纸化及网络化办公的趋势,更好地服务于现代办公操作,基于InternetWeb开发的一套广泛应用于各行业企事业单位的办公自动化系统。

    Network Office System is an office automatization system extensively applied to various industries , enterprises and institutions that is developed for better modern office work , which is developed on Internet Web .

  18. 早期的EDI系统极大地简化了企业之间数据传递的任务,推动了全球无纸化贸易。

    In the early stage , EDI system simplified the task of data transmission between companies .

  19. 为提高考试考务的自动化管理水平,降低考试考务管理成本,通过对高校进行实际调研,实现了一种基于Web的无纸化考试考务管理系统。

    In order to improve production and sales of paperless examination of automation , reduced the examination management costs , the paperless examination management system scheme by Web is designed through the investigation of one universities .

  20. 然后,本文描绘了统一信息系统的设计方案,明确了办公无纸化、系统集中化、界面WEB化、接入多元化的系统建设目标。

    Then this paper showed the design scheme of unified information system , and it made it clear about the system construction goals that are the paperless office , system centralized , Web-based Interface , Multiple access .

  21. IATA官员谈中国民航的电子客票和货运无纸化

    IATA Officials Talk about E-Ticket and Paperless Air Cargo in China

  22. 计算机无纸化考试系统中如何实现对应用软件WPS自动评分

    A Method How to Mark WPS Test Questions Automatically in No paper Testing System

  23. 两层结构也就是我们通常所说的客户机服务器(C/S)结构,网速较快,容易管理,是较为适合于进行无纸化考试的。

    Two layers of structure are the structure of client servers ( C / S ) which we usually talk about , the network speed is very fast , manageable , comparatively suited to carrying on paperless examination .

  24. 本系统的设计填补了基于PDF文档格式的电子印章系统的空白,实现了真正意义上的无纸化办公。

    The design of this system fills the blank of electronic seal system based on PDF and realizes the real automation office without paper .

  25. 强调无纸化考试的必要性,研究采用VB和Access数据库相连接的方法开发在线考试系统的设计过程和实现方法。

    In this paper , the necessity of examination without paper is emphasized , the process of designing and method of implementing of the examination system which designed with VB and Access is introduced .

  26. 为积极应对经济全球化趋势,利用计算机技术、网络通信技术和Internet,实现商务活动的国际化、网络化、信息化和无纸化,已成为各国商务发展的一大趋势。

    In order to cope with economic globalization actively , it has become a national trend for business development to use computer technology , network communication technology and Internet business activities to achieve internationalization , networking , information technology and paperless .

  27. 另外,它实现了Internet和Intranet的无缝连接,真正满足了办公自动化用户在无纸化高效办公、工作流定制和信息共享等方面的要求。

    In addition , it implements the seamless links of Internet and Intranet , and really meets the actual needs of office automation users such as no paper , efficiency , workflow customization and information share .

  28. 本系统的实现综合了网络技术与数据库技术,利用校园网资源,可实现全新疆的计算机等级考试的无纸化,是网络时代计算机在CAI中的一个重要应用。

    This system is an important application of computer in this age of Information Technology in that it can realize paperless examinations on all courses , using the resource of campus network .

  29. 该文研究在不影响综合教务的其他功能的前提下,应用XML数字签名取代成绩管理中的手工签名,探讨实现成绩管理无纸化的方法。

    The paper describes the process of XML signature substituting handwriting signature in the grade management without disturbing the usage of the comprehensive educational administration system of colleges and universities and discusses a method of the grade management without papers .

  30. 在应用程序的设计和开发上,我利用具有灵活和效率高特点的ASP,针对现有考试模式的不足,开发数字化考试系统实现无纸化考试。

    As for the design and development of application , I take advantage of ASP to realize a digitalized examination without papers , as an offset of those test modes being used now .