
wú lì chǎng
  • force-free field
无力场[wú lì chǎng]
  1. 本文以线性无力场模式下边界元法(BEM)为基础,根据Carrington1733&1742周的光球磁场观测数据,计算出相应各Carrington周日冕高度(2.5R_⊙)全日面的太阳磁场。

    In this paper we calculated the global coronal ( at 2.5 R ⊙) magnetic field of Carrington rotations 1733-1742 using the boundary element method ( BEM ) under the linear force-free field model , based on photospheric magnetic field observations .

  2. 用Chiu公式外推得到的活动区磁场结构,能够较好地解释观测到的许多现象,表明常α无力场近似仍不失为一种可以接受的活动区磁场模型;

    The fact that many phenomena occurred in an active region could be explained naturally by the structure of magnetic field extrapolated from the Chiu 's formula suggests that the approximation of constant a force-free field is an acceptable model for the magnetic field of an active region ;

  3. 还对Kruger给出的一个充分判据作了进一步的探讨,对无力场稳定性的物理图象也作了讨论。

    In this paper , the sufficient criteria for the stability of nonlinear force-free fields given by Kruger is carefully studied and the physical explanation is discussed , too .

  4. 无力场的磁场分布

    The Distribution of Magnetic Field for the Force - Free Field

  5. 无力场磁环结构

    Structure of Magnetic Loop for the Force - Free Field

  6. 本文讨论了太阳活动区和黑子区的无力场的演化。

    In this paper the evolution of force-free magnetic field was discussed .

  7. 对某些关于线性无力场的工作做了评述。

    We also made comments on some works about linear force-free field .

  8. 无力场准静演化中的等离子体运动

    Plasma motion in quasi-static evolution of force free magnetic field

  9. 无力场的运动学特征流场特征研究;

    The Kinematical Features of a Force-Free Magnetic Field flowing area characteristics ;

  10. 日冕三重无力场电流片的磁场重联

    Magnetic Reconnection of Triple Force - Free Current Sheets in the Corona

  11. 无力场模型黑子上空的纵向磁场梯度

    The Vertical Gradient of Sunspot Magnetic Fields Based on a Force-Free Field Model

  12. 电流片的自发重联与无力场&磁岛的形成

    Spontaneous reconnection of current sheets and force-free field ── formation of magnetic islands

  13. 有关太阳磁场的无力场模型及计算方法研究

    The Research of Force-free Field Models and Computational Methods for the Solar Magnetic Field

  14. 具奇异电流密度面的一维无力场的稳定性

    The stability of one dimensional force free magnetic field with singular current density surface

  15. 无力场的运动学特征

    The Kinematical Features of Force-free Magnetic Field

  16. 磁拱的运动学无力场

    Kinematical Force-Free Fields of a Magnetic Arch

  17. 这就为挤压无力场耀斑模式提供了有力的证据。同时发现,在耀斑发生的区域,流场的方向是向下的。

    It provides an evidence for the flare model of squeezing force free magnetic field .

  18. 对于无力场情况,我们计算了系统的灾变能阈。

    Under the force-free field regime , we calculate the catastrophic energy threshold of the system .

  19. 上述无力场的触发释能过程可能是太阳耀斑的一种重要的释能机制。

    This triggered energy release process is probably an important mechanism for energy release associated with solar flares .

  20. 背景磁场为八极子无力场,它包含三个双极场,位于中心的双极场部分开放。

    The background magnetic field is an octapole force-free field containing three bipolar fields , and the central bipolar component is partly opened .

  21. 本文研究了邻近无力场位形的锐边界高β反场收缩位形的撕裂模不稳定性。

    The tearing mode instability is investigated for sharp boundary high - β reversed field pinch configurations which are close to the force-free field configuration .

  22. 磁重联首先在交界面处的非中性电流片区出现,然后向无力场区蔓延。

    Magnetic reconnection takes place in the non-neutral current sheet between the two fields at first , and then extends toward the for ce-free field region .

  23. 通过数值方法,研究了包含太阳表面过渡区在内的非线性无力场的动力学演化。

    By means of numerical method , dynamic evolution of nonlinear , force-free magnetic fields of the solar surface , including the transition region , was investigated .

  24. 对关于太阳线性无力场评注和快速傅氏分析法的应用的评论一文,提出一些看法和补充,以增进对无力场计算太阳磁场问题的进一步的认识。

    Some Perspective views and complements on the paper [ 3 ] are made , which may improve our understanding the computation problem of solar magnetic field .

  25. 太阳活动区无力场的数值计算&Ⅰ.太阳活动区常α无力场现有几种表达式的可用性的研究

    The Numerical Calculation of Force-free Magnetic Field for Solar Active Regions ⅰ . Availability of the Present Representations of Constant α Force-free Field for Solar Active Regions

  26. 首先对30年来用无力场计算太阳活动区磁场方法作了一些评注,特别研究了线性无力场解中的几个误区。

    Some comments are made on the computation of solar active region magnetic field in the last thirty years , especially on some errors in linear force-free field representations .

  27. 当磁场偏离势场或无力场时,将会产生场向电流,该电流与导管的强度和稳定维持密切相关。

    When the magnetic field deviates from potential or force-free field , the field-aligned current can be produced , and it relates closely with the intensity and lifetime of ducts .

  28. 初始时背景场为无力场,磁绳附着于光球表面,外部为双极场。

    The initial magnetic field is taken to be a force-free field , consisting of an isolated flux rope attached to the base and a bipolar background field surrounding it .

  29. 用时间缓变的非线性无力场模拟超级活动区(弧岛式大型δ黑子)的磁场位形。

    Within the framework of nonlinear force free fields , the authors try to model the magnetic field configurations of a super active region ( with large island sunspots ) .

  30. 通过车臣战争,也可以看出俄罗斯虚弱的军事力量已无力支撑一场象样的战争。

    By Chechen war , can also be seen in frailty of military forces in Russia were unable to sustain a decent war .