- atomic lattice

As a microscopic model , study of solitons in the nonlinear atomic lattice model has proven to be a hot topic in this field till now .
He exact solutions of interface state eigenvalue problems of lattice vibrations in a monoatomic chain of symmetry A-B-A structure are investigated by use of the interface rescaling approach . The necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of such interface states is obtained exactly and analytically .
Since the electrical properties of solids depend on their crystal structures , his group is experimenting with new atomic lattices .
The kink soliton solutions of nonlinear vibration in two-dimensional isotropy monoatomic lattice
A Metering Technique Based on Crystal Lattice as Reference Standard
The nonlocal body moment causes the stress asymmetric and itself is caused by the covalent bond formed by the reaction between atoms .
Based on the model of atom lattice , the variation of atom vibration frequency and radiation against the distance between atoms is studied in this paper .
If you have a crystal lattice with N atoms in it .
The Dispersion Relation of One-Dimensional Non linear Diatomic Chain
The lattice vibrations of one-dimensional coupled monatomic chain and the dispersion relations are studied .
The dispersion law of a one-dimensional diatomic lattice with on-site potential is analyzed under the harmonic approximation .
The equation of lattice vibration of one-dimensional monatomic lattice and the equation of longitudinal vibration of a uniform bar are discussed .
They consist of concentric shells of graphite , with each shell rolled into a cylinder so the lattice of carbon atoms remains continuous .
Finally , potential applications of atomic optical lattices , atomic magnetic lattices and magneto-optical lattices in the preparation of photonic crystals and so on are briefly introduced .
With the changing of mass distribution from discretization to continuum , the dispersion law of the lattice vibration changes to that of the longitudinal vibration of a uniform bar .
Optical lattice clock based on neutral atoms with high accuracy is regarded as one of the candidate of next generation frequency standard , and is widely studied in recent years .
However , the optical lattice clocks of neutral atoms can simultaneously interrogate a great number of cold atoms in the optical lattice and therefore outperform the single ion clocks for higher stability .
In combination with KMC simulation of the island diffusion of atomic superlattice , we show that the atomic diffusion process determines the scaling exponential of the island diffusion constant to the number of atoms .
We investigate the spatial dependent spectra of atomic superlattice and atomic string . The spectra at the center of atoms in the atomic superlattice fist reveal the existence of the occupied electron band of surface state below Fermi level .
In order to supplying the laser source for the 3D optical lattice in our Yb atomic clock experiments , we design an injection-locked Ti : sapphire laser at 759 nm by taking the advantages of the injection locking technique and the Ti : sapphire laser .
Excitation Spectra of Mott-insulator Phases of ~ 7Li Atoms in an Optical Lattice
During mechanical alloying of the powder , the supersaturated solid solution of Al , Ti , B in Fe , Fe ( Al , Ti , B ), is formed by the diffusion of the Al , Ti , B atoms into the Fe lattice .
The analysis of XRD and related accurate calculations have showed that when V % < 4.0 % , the major factor is the vanadium atom radius which lead the transformation of a and c of crystal parameters after the vanadium entered the crystal lattice of titanium ;
By using a multiple scales method , we study the lattice vibration of a monoatomic chain taking into account the nearest neighbour and the second next nearest neighbour harmonic and anharmonic interactions . It is shown that nonpropagating solitons exist in any position of the Brillouin zone .
The lattice vibration of one-dimensional diatomic chain under different boundary conditions
Quantum Phases of Atoms with an Attractive Two-body Interaction in Optical Lattices
Theoretical Study on Property of Lattice Vibration of One Dimensional Monatomic Nanoparticles
The Measurement of Nuclear Spin-lattice Relaxation Time T_1 Using Driven Recovery Method
The experimental study on the excess heat for deuteron absorbed in the lattice of titanium
Lattice Vibration of One-Dimensional Coupled Monatomic Chain