
  • 网络Proper time;propertime
  1. 为了推算孪生子的衰老,引入原时概念是有用的。

    To calculate the aging of the twin , it is useful to introduce the concept of proper time .

  2. 光速不变原理对应坐标时定义,而相对性原理对应原时定义,Lorentz因子正是这两个时间定义之间的转换因子。

    The principle of constancy of the speed of light corresponds with the definition of coordinate time . The principle of relativity corresponds with the definition of proper time . The Lorentz factor is the transformation factor between the two definitions of time .

  3. 我们认为,TAI的建立应当与地心坐标系的选择有关,而把TDT看为是在去除地心引力的虚拟时空中的地心处的原时比较恰当。

    We think , the construction of TAI should depend on the choice of geocentric coordinate System and TDT should be considered as the proper time at geocentre in a fictitious spacetime when the gravitation of the earth were removed .

  4. 高速运动物体上的原时测量问题

    Measurement of original time on a rapidly moving object

  5. 别的两项首要的典礼革旧,迟正在1920年入隐正在比原时危特卫普奥运会下。

    Two other important ceremonial innovations had appeared earlier at the1920 Games in Antwerp , Belgium .

  6. 而后通过设计切换条件,利用模型与模型间的切换来达到对原时变模型进行控制的目的。

    In the end , took advantage of switching between models with models , we achieve the object that make the time-varying system controlled .

  7. 在特征压缩方法中,线性投影分析是一种常用的手段,通过线性组合的方式将原时频特征转化为由若干个新变量组成的低维特征。

    Linear Discriminate Analysis ( LDA ) is a common method in feature compression , which transforms the original feature samples into several variables by linear combinations in order to reduce the dimension of features .

  8. 对应坐标时定义的速度不能超过光速,但对应原时定义的运动真速度没有极限。

    The speed defined in correspondence with the definition of coordinate time cannot exceed the speed of light . The true speed of motion defined in correspondence with the definition of proper time is without limit .

  9. 通过在时程积分过程中补充一个能量方程,并借助原时程积分方法的过程数据,提出一种协调时间步长内结构计算位移、速度和加速度的方法。

    One method is presented , that coordinates structure 's calculating displacement , velocity and acceleration within time-step of difference-type step-by-step integral , and thus solves the dynamic equation by supplying an energy equation and using the calculating data of original method .

  10. 在没有有丝分裂原刺激时,EsA在5、10、20mg/kg剂量下对模型小鼠的淋巴细胞增殖的抑制率分别为26%,33%,42%(P<0.01)。

    Without the existence of mitogen , the inhibitory rate of EsA at the dose of 5 , 10 , and 20 mg / kg was 26 % , 33 % , and 42 % , respectively ( / > < 0.01 ) .

  11. 在预应力索结构中迭代求原长时,采用Ridders改进弦割法的迭代计算技术,收敛快速且稳定。

    The Ridders improved linear iteration method is applied for calculating the initial length of cables , which is needed for analyzing the structures .

  12. 合子二分裂为2细胞原胚时,细胞中淀粉粒有所减少。

    In 2-celled proembryo , the quantity of starch grains decreased .

  13. 在用户要离开原站点时应予以提醒。

    Users should be alerted when leaving the original site .

  14. 译者在译原诗时要使用象似形式体现象似性。

    When translating the source poem , the translator employs the iconic forms to render the iconicity of the source poem .

  15. 结果表明:大孔树脂层析法分离纯化沙棘果中的原花青素时使用50%的乙醇水溶液洗脱得到的洗脱液中原花青素的含量较高,达71.9%;

    The result showed that procyanidins yield in elution aqueous was 71.9 % while macroporous resin was eluted with 50 % ethanol aqueous .

  16. 纤维素结晶被破坏;而当底物没有被碱溶胀,或被碱溶胀而没有黄原酸化时,接枝聚合没有明显引起纤维素结晶的变化。

    It was found that the crystalline structure of cellulose could be destroyed by the synergetic effect of alkali swelling , xanthating and grafting ;

  17. 当顺序写操作超出文件原长度时,在文件末端另分配给该文件的空间量。

    The amount of space to be allocated at the end of a file each time a sequential write exceeds the allocated length of the file .

  18. 结果表明:①粒径及密度越小,加(减)速度越快,而到达原模时的速度则不同;

    The results show that : ( 1 ) The acceleration of particle increases with the decreasing of diameter and density , but its velocity arriving the prototype is different .

  19. 中国受到运输成本的双重挤压:一重是在进口大量原材料时,一重是在出口制成品的过程中。

    It is probably particularly bad news for China , which is squeezed twice by transportation costs : once while importing large quantities of raw materials , and again when exporting the finished goods .

  20. 石油储罐的淤渣油,主要含废油及高浓度的在生产原产品时使用的添加剂(例如,化学品);

    Sludge oils from the storage tanks of petroleum oils , mainly containing such oils and a high concentration of additives ( for example , chemicals ) used in the manufacture of the primary products ;

  21. 如鸟友到塱原观鸟时发现有泥头车出入附近地区,请即记下日期、时间及车牌号码,并与香港观鸟会职员联络以便跟进。

    If bird watchers found trucks with soil and waste entering Long Valley or Ho Sheung Heung , please mark down the date , time and vehicle number and contact HKBWS staff as soon as possible .

  22. 所以,置信对比检验能够以高概率确认两母体特征值之间的大小和比例关系,大大提高对比检验精度,克服了传统对比检验当接受原假设时仅仅意味着不拒绝原假设的缺点。

    The present methods can test the relationship between two population characteristics with high probability , thus it can overcome the disadvantage that to accept a null hypothesis may simply mean that it is not rejected by the traditional comparative tests .

  23. 在数据备份与恢复系统中,安全属性的丧失不但造成备份数据失去了安全保护,还可能导致备份数据在恢复到原系统时破坏原系统的安全策略,造成不可预料的混乱。

    This problem is particularly acute in data backup and restoration , because the loss of security attributes not only exposes data to the danger of unauthorized access , but also leads to security policy breach in the original system after a restoration . The result : unpredictability !

  24. 当政治气候倾向于原教旨主义时,他受到了威胁。

    When the political climate tilted towards fundamentalism he was threatened

  25. 建议在CT/MR未能找到原发灶时,应进行18F-FDGPET显像。

    It suggests that the patients should undergo 18F-FDG PET after failing to identify the primary focus with the conventional diagnostic work-up .

  26. 统计46例山羊胎儿分离培养原始生殖细胞情况,胎龄在25~38d的胎儿原代培养时都可获得大量的细胞集落,适合做EG细胞的分离培养,最高传至6代。

    The primordial germ cells were isolated from 46 goat fetuses embryonic age from 25 to 38 days , there were so many colonies in primary culture .

  27. 两种细胞原代培养时CFE值差异有非常显著意义(t=6.78,P<0.001)。

    The difference of the CFE value of the two kinds of primary culture cells was statistically significant ( t = 6.78 , P < 0.001 ) .

  28. 从理论上侧重分析了DFT对FT近似中的时域混叠现象,给出了当频域抽样点数小于原序列长度时,时域混叠的计算规律。

    The time folding phenomenon is analyzed , when using DFT approximating FT. Furthermore , the algorithm is provided to reader when ( sampling number in frequency domain ) < ( the length of the original sequence ) .

  29. 结果胎儿角膜缘干细胞原代培养时生长旺盛,8~10d达到生长高峰,CFE为(26.18±4.75)%,传代时保持高增殖速率;

    Results Fetal limbal stem cells grew swiftly and reached growth peak in 8 ~ 10 days in primary culture when their CFE was ( 26.18 ± 4.75 ) % . They could keep high proliferating rate in subculture .

  30. 成人角膜缘干细胞原代培养时生长不及胎儿细胞旺盛,6~8d达到生长高峰,CFE为(15.45±3.88)%,随着传代次数增加其增殖能力明显下降;

    Adult limbal stem cells grew less swiftly than fetal cells and reached growth peak in 6 ~ 8 days in primary culture when their CFE was ( 15.45 ± 3.88 ) % . Moreover , their proliferating ability declined distinctly along with the passage times increasing .