
  • 网络original edition;Urtext
  1. 随着Web不断地向原始版语义Web发展,应用程序之间的交互性变得更强。

    As the web moves more toward the original vision of the semantic web , applications become more interactive with one another .

  2. 2010年,帝国杂志的“100部世界最佳影片”把1931年的原始版列入到了此行列当中,并排在了第31位。

    The original 1931 version was ranked \# 33 in Empire magazine 's " The 100 Best Films Of World Cinema " in 2010 .

  3. 帕克的遗产至少在方法上和卡切斯类似,也是一款年度特别酒品,2014版是该公司的伯恩海姆原始版麦芽威士忌更古老的版本。

    Similar to Cairdeas , at least in methodology , Parker 's Heritage from Heaven Hill is an annual distiller 's special , and the 2014 release is an even older expression of the company 's Bernheim Original wheat whiskey .

  4. 由于取消了记忆卡插槽,新手柄很明显的要比原始美版大柄和S型日版小柄要更轻巧纤细。

    There 's no memory card slot , which immediately makes the new controller both smaller and lighter than the original or the S-type .

  5. 本文对荫罩母版进行了初步探讨,并对原始母版、工作母版和工作底版的设计与制作进行了具体的论述。

    This paper investigates the mask master initiatively and discusses the design and manufacture method of the primary master , working master and working plate in concrete terms .

  6. 你可以自由发布原始试用版程序的副本,用原始格式,只要你不进行名义上的收费来掩饰程序的价钱。

    You may freely distribute copies of the original ( Trial ) version of the Program , in its original format , so long as you do not charge more than a nominal fee to cover the cost of materials .

  7. 故事背景被设定在2035年,科技,尤其是人工智能将渗透并影响日常生活的各个方面,这部剧将按邪恶的,激动人心的和富有情感的原始英文版叙述展开,探索人类和科技之间的瞬息万变。

    Set in the fictional year 2035 , when technology , in particular artificial intelligence will infiltrate and influence every aspect of daily existence , the series will keep the sinister , thrilling and emotional narrative of the original English-language version , while exploring the rapidly evolving relationship between humanity and technology .

  8. 自1995年大陆新闻媒体开始拓展网上发展空间以来,不少新闻媒体网站已从原始的网络版或电子版形态,发展到组建联合舰队决心在网络空间扩展自己的影响力。

    Since landing the cyberspace in 1995 , the media websites in the mainland have taken a stride from their primitive " web stereotype " to " united fleet " with an intention of improving their common influence on internet .