
  • 网络Cardiocrinum giganteum
  1. 四川大百合繁殖及遗传多样性研究

    Study on Reproduction Biology and Genetic Diversity of Cardiocrinum Giganteum

  2. 大百合与百合属间授粉后花粉管生长发育的观察

    Pollen Tube Behavior Following Pollination between Cardiocrinum giganteum and Lilium

  3. 利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分子标记技术对分布于四川的5个天然大百合居群的遗传多样性水平进行了分析,从DNA水平上阐明其居群的遗传学状况。

    The genetic diversity of 5 natural populations of Cardiocrinum giganteum were analyzed by using random amplified Polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ) markers . The genetics condition of populations were investigated from the DNA level .

  4. 云南大百合花器官的组织培养技术研究

    Studies on Tissue Culture Techniques of Floral Organs of Cardiocrinum giganteum

  5. 本文主要报道了大百合在北京露地条件下的引种栽培。

    It is reported that giant lily has been successfully introduced and cultivated in Beijing .

  6. 大百合中铜和锰的原子吸收光谱直接测定方法

    Direct Determination on Cu and Mn in Cardiocrinum giganteum ( Wall . ) Makino with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Method

  7. 聚类结果表明,每个居群均可被聚为两类,但仅有虹口居群聚类结果与样品地理分布对应。表明大百合在区域内的分布存在斑块分布和随机混杂分布两种情况。

    UPGMA cluster analysis showed that the distribution of Cardiocrinum giganteum has two kinds of situations , mottling distribution and stochastic combination .

  8. 本文主要从两个方面对大百合进行了研究::(1)研究大百合的繁殖技术,包括有性繁殖和种球繁殖;

    This research has studied two aspects of Cardiocrinum giganteum : ( 1 ) the reproduction biology of Cardiocrinum giganteum , including sexual reproduction and bulbs reproduction ;