
  • 网络Big Three Links;Three Direct Links
  1. 大三通下厦门港口物流的机遇与挑战

    Opportunities and Challenges of Xiamen Port Logistics when Three Direct Links are Realized

  2. 大三通2008年的今天,大三通,海峡两岸通邮、通航、通商。

    Three Direct Links 2008 - Three Direct Links , the direct flights , shipping and postal services across the Taiwan Straits .

  3. 亚利桑那高尔夫度假:大三通有时间!

    Arizona Golf Vacations : Have A Great Tee Time !

  4. 张三:李四,想请教您什么是“大三通”?

    Jackson : Lisa , may you enlighten me on The " three links "?

  5. 广州北斗大三通导航科技有限公司营销模式研究

    A Study of Marketing Mode of Guangzhou Big Dipper Da San Tong Navigation Technology Company

  6. 大三通背景下厦门港口竞争战略研究

    Research on Competitive Strategy of Xiamen Port Under the Background of " Three Grand Channels "

  7. “大三通”指海峡两岸“通邮、通航、通商”。

    A term used to describe the direct flights , shipping and postal services across the Taiwan Straits .

  8. 亚利桑那州的首府和最大城市。亚利桑那高尔夫度假:大三通有时间!

    The state capital and largest city of Arizona . Arizona Golf Vacations : Have A Great Tee Time !

  9. 海峡两岸大三通,福建港口物流发展的新契机

    The ' Big-Three-Links ' between Two Sides across the Taiwan Strait , a New Opportunity of Port Logistics Development in Fujian

  10. 2008年两岸直航与全面大三通并开放大陆人士来台观光旅游,让两岸的关系气氛达到前所未有的和谐。

    Cross-strait direct flights , comprehensive three direct links and the opening of mainland Chinese to visit Taiwan for sightseeing in 2008 made the relationship between Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan reach an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony .

  11. 两岸大三通与闽台产业互补探析大三通下厦门港口物流的机遇与挑战

    Analysis on Three Direct Links of Trade , Mail , and Air and Shipping Services across the Taiwan Straits and Industrial Complementation between Fujian and Taiwan Opportunities and Challenges of Xiamen Port Logistics when Three Direct Links are Realized

  12. 海峡两岸于2008年12月15日开启的“大三通”标志着横亘在大陆和台湾同胞间常达几十年的有碍正常交往的坚冰已被破除,自1949年新中国成立,国民党退守台湾后,两岸直接联系实际上就停止了。

    Inaugurated on December 15 last year , their reopening between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan signals the breaking of a decades-long ban on regular links with Chinese compatriots across the Taiwan Straits . Direct communication across the Straits virtually stopped after the new China was founded in 1949 and the Kuomintang government retreated to Taiwan .