
  • 网络Tate's Cairn Tunnel
  1. 大老山隧道在一九九一年通车,为九龙与新界东北部提供另一条直接连接通道。

    The Tate 's Cairn Tunnel was opened to traffic in 1991 , providing an additional direct road link between the north-eastern New Territories and Kowloon .

  2. 在九龙方面,高架道路把东区海底隧道与大老山隧道的九龙入口接驳起来。

    On the Kowloon side , the Eastern Harbour Crossing is connected by elevated roads to the Kowloon portal of the Tate 's Cairn Tunnel .

  3. 海底隧道、东区海底隧道、大老山隧道和西区海底隧道,均由私营公司按“建造、营运及移交”的专营权合约方式建造。

    Cairn Tunnel and the Western Harbour Crossing were built by the private sector under'Build , Operate and Transfer'franchises .