
zhèn zāi
  • Disaster relief;relieve the people in stricken areas
赈灾 [zhèn zāi]
  • [relieve the people in stricken areas] 赈济灾荒

  • 赈灾义演

赈灾[zhèn zāi]
  1. 日本标志性猫,HelloKitty,在施华洛世奇水晶得到重生后,在东京闪闪发光,它的这次重生有一个美好的原因&筹钱赈灾。

    Hello Kitty , Japan 's iconic cat character , glitters and gleams in Tokyo after being reborn in Swarovski crystals for a good cause & raising money for disaster relief .

  2. 它名叫Hydra,科学家们称它将改变赈灾救援的状况。

    It 's called the Hydra and the team of scientists behind it say it will change the face of disaster relief .

  3. 据天府早报报道,中国著名导演陈凯歌将于星期二赶往美国与NBA巨星姚明联合拍制赈灾短片。

    Famous Chinese director Chen Kaige is heading for the United States on Tuesday to team up with NBA star Yao Ming on a short film for earthquake relief , Tianfu Morning Post reports .

  4. 数值算例表明了算法的有效性和实用性。七是提出了基于CBR的赈灾物资投送预测方法和基于MFR的赈灾物资投送分级管理方法。

    The numerical examples indicates the effectiveness and practicability of the algorithm ; Seventhly , CBR-based forecasting method and MFR-based hierarchical management approach on relief supplies delivery are proposed .

  5. 所有的这些元素使得Hydra成为救援赈灾中的得力工具,比如地震后的海地,几百万的民众没有引用水,也没有电。

    All of these elements combined to make hydra a powerful tool in disaster zones like Haiti after a massive earthquake that millions of people without clean water and electricity .

  6. 据NPR新闻的柯克·西格尔报道,这项计划允许美国林务局动用赈灾基金援助灾难性火灾,比如由飓风或龙卷风引发的火灾。

    NPR 's Kirk Siegler reports , the plan would allow the US forest service to tap the disaster fund , to pay for so-called catastrophic wildfires much like flame already done with hurricanes and tornadoes .

  7. 她与乔治·克鲁尼在“为了海地的希望”中密切合作,这是一次关爱海地赈灾行动,通过开展CFDA的T恤义卖为海地筹得善款。

    She has worked closely with George Clooney in his Hope For Haiti Now : A Global Benefit For Earthquake Relief and on the CFDA t shirt to raise funds for Haiti .

  8. 在GMC的困境中,公司领导不知是否应该取消与三家不履行赈灾捐款承诺的商业合作伙伴的合约。(三)承诺期限届满,受要约人未作出承诺;

    In the dilemma of GMC , the boss does not know whether to cancel the contracts of three business partners who broke promises to donate funds to flood victims . ( iii ) The offeree fails to dispatch its acceptance at the end of the period for acceptance ;

  9. 你(向赈灾基金)捐了多少钱?

    How much did you subscribe ( to the disaster fund )?

  10. 西方新教传教士与晚清山东赈灾述论

    Western Missionaries and Shandong Disaster Relief in the Late Qing Dynasty

  11. 格雷森国际也需要一些“赈灾救助”

    that Grayson Global needs its own kind of disaster relief .

  12. 最近几天都忙于赈灾的各项活动中。

    In recent days I am busy with the disaster relief activities .

  13. 我们可以让退役军人改善赈灾行动

    And we can use veterans to improve disaster response .

  14. 音乐赈灾组织还在海地地震后设立了慈善基金。

    Music for Relief also established a fund after the Haiti earthquake .

  15. 现在,我们将重点放在了赈灾努力上。

    Now , we 're focusing on the relief effort .

  16. 美国提供首批五十万美元赈灾援助。

    America offered an initial $ 500,000 in relief aid .

  17. 我们正在为赈灾募捐。

    We are asking for contributions to disaster relief .

  18. 华洋义赈会的农村赈灾思想及其实践

    The Famine - relieving Thoughts and Practice of China International Famine Relief Commission

  19. 灾难过后,他们在成都举行了很多赈灾义演。

    After the disaster , they gave several earthquake benefit shows in Chengdu .

  20. 外国传教士也积极投身到赈灾中去。

    Foreign missionary also played actively in it .

  21. 直隶赈抚局是清末直隶地区专门办理赈灾救济机关。

    Zhili relief bureau is the special agence of handling reliving in Zhili region .

  22. 随着赈灾救助的纷至沓来,救援团队都在争分夺秒地抵达偏远地区。

    With relief aid pouring in , rescue teams battled to reach remote areas .

  23. 让我们汇聚点滴爱心,支持赈灾义举。

    Let 's gather many a little love heart to support disaster relief kindness .

  24. 救济金、赈灾计画、救济品。

    Relief funds , projects , supplies .

  25. 积极发动和开展赈灾济困工作;接收分配和调拨境内外捐赠的救助灾害款物;

    Actively help the disastrous areas , allocate alms received from within and without China .

  26. 英国传教士李提摩太积极参与丁戊奇荒赈灾。

    British missionary Timothy Richard took an active part in the relief during Ding-wu Disaster .

  27. 要是这些能源真有正当用途的话,那就非此次赈灾莫属了!

    If ever an occasion for their use was justified , it was this catastrophe .

  28. 它甚至也可在赈灾区被用来建造应急住所和住房置换。

    It could even be used in disaster relief areas to build emergency and replacement housing .

  29. 赈灾基金咨询委员会

    Disaster Relief Fund Advisory Committee

  30. 在他看来,赈灾是手段,传教才是最终目的。

    In his view , the relief was the means , while preaching was the ultimate goal .
