
  • 网络The Big Bang
  1. 而大霹雳很「小」这个观念也是会引起误会的。

    Correspondingly , the idea that the big bang was small is misleading .

  2. 这个反转的时刻正是我们所谓的大霹雳。

    The moment of that reversal is what we call a big bang .

  3. 基本的架构是解释宇宙膨胀的标准大霹雳理论。

    The basic framework is the standard big bang theory for the expansion of the universe .

  4. 他们发现的是大霹雳冷却后的馀晖:宇宙微波背景辐射。

    They had found the cool afterglow of the big bang : the cosmic microwave background radiation .

  5. 在标准理论中,加速膨胀发生在大霹雳之后,来源是一个理论学家特设的暴胀场。

    In the standard theory , acceleration occurs after the big bang because of an ad hoc inflaton field .

  6. 因此,大霹雳不能说是一种空间中的爆炸;它比较像是空间本身的爆炸。

    Thus , the big bang was not an explosion in space ; it was more like an explosion of space .

  7. 一个因为大霹雳而膨胀的宇宙,例如我们这个宇宙,并没有性质如此好的边界。

    An expanding universe , like ours , that comes from a big bang does not have such a well-behaved boundary .

  8. 由于γ线爆发是宇宙继大霹雳之后最强烈的爆炸,天文学家可以在非常远的距离外测量到它们。

    Because gamma-ray bursts are the most powerful explosions in the universe since the big bang , astronomers can detect them at very great distances .

  9. 对大霹雳期间粒子合成的计算显示,这类粒子的数目少到不足以组成暗物质。

    According to calculations of particle synthesis during the big bang , such particles are simply too few in number to make up the dark matter .

  10. 到目前为止唯一侦测到的讯号是行星辐射爆发,和宇宙大霹雳之后的背景低声杂音。

    So far , the only signals detected are bursts of radiation from stars and a murmur of background noise left over from the big bang .

  11. 根据目前的理论,早在大霹雳时发生的一些过程,会把物质以相当程度的随机性加以散布,因此所有可能的排列组合都会有非零的或然率产生。

    According to current theories , processes early in the big bang spread matter around with a degree of randomness , generating all possible arrangements with nonzero probability .

  12. 大霹雳耗资上亿元经费在这部影片上,而且甚至大费周张地将此台语片做国语及英语配音。

    The company has poured over a hundred million dollars into this project and even went so far as to have the movie dubbed in Mandarin and English instead of just Taiwanese .

  13. 不管宇宙有多大,也不管宇宙的大小是有限还是无限,大霹雳的遍存性都不受影响。

    This ubiquity of the big bang holds no matter how big the universe is or even whether it is finite or infinite in size .