
  • 网络Sloan Great Wall
  1. 史隆长城包含了数以亿计的不同星系,其中大多数在整体结构中形成了超星系团。

    It contains hundreds of millions of distinct galaxies , most of which form superclusters within the overall structure .

  2. 与平常我们人类接触过的天体结构相比,史隆长城庞大到令人难以置信,看起来十分不真实。

    The Sloan Great Wall is mind-bogglingly large and seems absolutely unreal in lieu of the types of size comparisons we humans are accustomed to dealing with .

  3. 一些人认为史隆长城不应被当成一个单一的结构,因为事实证明并不是所有的星系都是有倾向性地连接在一起的。

    Some argue that the Sloan Great Wall should not be considered a single structure , due to the fact that not all of the galaxies are gravitationally bound to one another .