
  1. 关于马克思主义史学遗产传承中的几个问题

    Several Considerations on the Succession of Legacy of the Marxism Historiography

  2. 塔西佗和班固都为后世留下了丰厚的史学遗产。

    The heritages of Historiography left behind by Tacitus and Bangu are rish and thick .

  3. 该书对研究方法、优良学风的提倡和身体力行以及对史学遗产的辩证认识等问题都提出了独到的见解。

    It has proposed unique understanding in terms of research method , promotion of good way of learning and dialectic knowledge of historical legacy .

  4. 当然,对这一时期史学遗产的研究要想得出正确的认识,还需要避免阶级斗争泛化的思维惯性。

    However , inertia thinking of the class-struggle generalization should still be avoided in order to arrive at a correct understanding of research on the17-Year historiographic heritage .

  5. 中国史学的遗产、传统和当前发展趋势

    The Legacy , Traditions and Current Developments of Chinese Historiography

  6. 它以中国传统史学的丰厚遗产为基础,带有鲜明的民族特色;

    And the other hand , based on the rich heritage of Chinese traditional historiography , it features distinctive nationalities .

  7. 摘要瞿林东教授的《中国史学的理论遗产》一书力求对中国史学的理论发展脉络与特征作系统的发掘与梳理,体现出作者鲜明的理论自觉和时代意识。

    Theoretical legacy of china 's historicology by Professor Qu Lindong is a Book aiming to excavate and sort out systematically the developmental trend and features of theories of china 's historicology , which reflects the author 's evident theoretical awareress and time awareness .

  8. 中国马克思主义史学关于历史理论的观点和著作已经成为宝贵的史学遗产,对于阐发马克思主义史学的基本理论,推动马克思主义史学的发展有着不可忽视的作用。

    As a valuable historiography heritage , the view and work on historical theories of Chinese Marxist historiography are playing an unexceptional part in the interpretation of the basic principles of Marxist historiography and the promotion of its development .

  9. 我国史学资治鉴戒的教化和求真求实的实证传统,作为优秀的史学遗产是当前史学发展的基础。

    As a kind of excellent historical heritage , the moralization of historical mirror for aid of government and the practical tradition of matter-of-fact attitude are the base for the development of Chinese historiography .

  10. 史学史表明,历史学的发展历程,在本质上就是一个一代一代的历史学者在传承既有史学文化遗产的基础上追求新史学的永无止境的过程。

    The history of historiography shows that the development of historiography is the process in which generations of historians seek innovation in interpreting historical facts while inheriting old historical tradition .