
Yù huánɡ
  • Jade Emperor
玉皇 [yù huáng]
  • [Yu Huang,Jade Emperor] 中国道教崇奉的天帝,即昊天金阙至尊玉皇大帝,简称玉皇大帝或玉帝。原是光严妙乐国王子,后舍弃王位到普明秀岩山中修道功成,辅国救民,济度众生。又经历亿万劫才修成玉皇大帝。住在天上玉清境三元宫,是总管天上、人间一切祸福的尊神

  1. 日常生活、权力与真相&玉皇阁庙产之争的历史记忆

    Daily Life , Power and Truth TRICKS IN DAILY LIFE

  2. 调查了玉皇山景区的基本条件。

    The condition of tourism of development in Yuhuang mountain was surveyed .

  3. 人们祈雨,可是,玉皇大帝却不管。

    The people pray and Jade Emperor ignores their prayers .

  4. 第九天,会给玉皇大帝奉上祭品。

    The ninth day is to make offerings to the Jade Emperor .

  5. 年初九:玉皇大帝登场

    Day 9 : Prayers are offered to Jade Emperor .

  6. 经过时代洗礼,开封的玉皇阁展现给人们的却是一片荒芜,满是狼藉。

    Yuhuangge in Kaifeng was desolate and full of broken bricks and timber .

  7. 玉皇大帝就是这么排列中国的生肖的。

    And that is how the Emperor chose the animals for Chinese Zodiac .

  8. “把他们压成肉酱!”玉皇大帝下了旨。

    " Crush them !" jade emperor demanded .

  9. 论玉皇文化的起源、结构与功能

    An Analysis of the Origin , Structure and Function of the Jade Emperor Culture

  10. 于是,神水域注册投诉玉皇大帝。

    Thereupon , the god of waters registered a complaint with the Jade Emperor .

  11. 玉皇文化是中国文化体系中一个富有民族特色的文化丛。

    The culture of " Jade Emperor " is one of Chinese traditional national cultures .

  12. 佛教对道教典籍的影响浅论&以《高上玉皇本行集经》为例

    A study on Buddhism influence on Taoism

  13. 尽管受到严重破坏,但玉皇阁的整体结构却保持良好。

    In spite of severe damage , the overall structure of Yuhuangge is in good shape .

  14. 通过这种方式,人们成功骗过了玉皇大帝,人类也因此逃过灭绝的危险。

    By successfully tricking the Jade Emperor in this way , humanity was saved from extermination .

  15. 天界最高的神玉皇大帝因此发誓为这只天鹅报仇。

    The Jade Emperor , the highest god in Heaven , vowed to avenge the swan .

  16. 一些人说玉皇大帝不再理会他们,人们心灰意冷。

    Some people said Jade Emperor would never listen , and they gave up and lost hope .

  17. 其巅峰玉皇顶为峡谷和险峰所环绕。

    Yuhuangding , Mount Tai 's highest peak , stands over deep valleys and above other perilous peaks .

  18. 它由玉皇、其各部大臣和不同的臣工组成。

    It was ruled by the Jade Emperor ( Yudi ), his ministers , and his various consorts .

  19. 玉皇文化在中国文化体系中的功能,主要是寄托宗教情感、整合信仰体系和积淀文化成果。

    Its function is to integrate the belief systems , to express religious senses and to accumulate cultural achievement .

  20. 所以该案可以被看作是上帝与玉皇之间的一场正面冲突。

    So this Jiao-an can be seen as a positive conflict between " God " and " the Jade Emperor " .

  21. 正当玉皇大帝要宣布比赛结束时,一只小猪发出了呼噜声。

    Just as the emperor was about to call it a day , an oink was heard from a little pig .

  22. 玉皇大帝的10个爱搞怪的儿子化作10个太阳,炙烤着大地和人类。

    The Jade Emperor had 10 mischievous sons who transformed themselves into 10 suns , scorching the earth and its people .

  23. 两寺均为独立的四合院,玉皇殿为城楼式,蔚式壮观。

    Two temples are independent quadrangle , jade emperor hall is the type of gate tower , Wei type grand sight .

  24. 你的孝心感动了玉皇大帝,所以他命我下凡来帮你还债。

    The Emperor of Heaven ordered me to help you pay your debt because he was moved by your filial piety .

  25. 有一种版本中称,嫦娥原是玉皇大帝天宫中同其他仙女天神一起工作的女子。

    One tells that Chang'e was a heavenly girl who worked among fairies and immortals in the palace of the Jade Emperor .

  26. 牛郎到了河边看到玉皇大帝的七个美丽的女儿下凡,到此洗澡。

    The cowherd went to the brook and saw all7 pretty daughters of Emperor came down from Heaven and took a bath in there .

  27. 传说是玉皇大帝为辅佐巴王子成就伟业而特设的人间、天堂和地狱。

    It is said that the Emperor of Heaven specially set up the world , heaven and hell in order to help prince Ba get success .

  28. 叫做《大闹天宫》,它讲述了一个猴子领导一群猴子违反天庭中玉皇大帝的规定。

    Havoc in Heaven , it tells the story of a monkey who leads a group of monkeys against the rule of the Emperor in heaven .

  29. 此外,她愤怒郈衣击落玉皇大帝的九个儿子,夫妇成为不满和疏远。

    Also , she was angry at Hou Yi for shooting down the Jade Emperor 's nine sons , and the couple became unhappy and estranged .

  30. 灶王爷就是玉皇大帝手下的一位大官儿,他掌管人间的灶火。灶就是古代人们做饭的地方。

    The Kitchen God is a senior officer of the Jade Emperor of Heaven . He is in charge of the stove of the human world .