
  1. 礼器之中,玉礼器是最重要、最具代表性的。

    Jade article is the most important and typical of the ceremonial utensils .

  2. 史前玉礼器的起源与发展

    Origin and Development of Prehistoric Jade Sacrificial Wares

  3. 本文从玉礼器的起源入手,勾勒出了玉礼器早期发展线索,并对玉礼器与巫教、玉礼器与文明起源的关系作了进一步探讨。

    This articles outlines early developments of jade sacrificial wares from origin of jade sacrificial wares and further explores the relationship between jade sacrificial wares and sorcery as well as origin of civilization .

  4. 玉器的形制、纹饰和质地的演变表明玉器的功能也不再单纯作为实用器,而是越来越多地用于宗教乃至礼仪场合,逐步向玉礼器转变。

    The evolution of the shapes , veins and the quality of jade articles show that the function was not just confined to practical implements , but they were more and more being used in religious and ritual situations , and gradually changed to ceremonial jade articles .

  5. 我们完全可以玉器和玉文化为特别要素,来研究中华文明的起源及其形成;完全可以玉礼器的整体形成来判定礼制文明乃至中华文明的形成。

    We absolutely may study the origin and formation of Chinese civilization with the jade article and jade culture as the special continents , and judge the formation of ceremony civilization and even Chinese civilization based on the entire formation of ceremonial jade articles .